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Warm-up & Lesson 1The Spirit of Explorers课后篇巩固探究一、根据句意及首字母提示补全句子,使句子完整正确1.Im f of walking home alone in the dark.答案:frightened2.I must a for not being able to meet you.答案:apologise3.I have a that one of my staff will meet you at the airport.答案:arranged4.My mother felt pleased with herself because she had p my father to give up smoking.答案:persuaded5.The basic causes are u,although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been discovered.答案:unknown6.Everyone in the class is expected to p in the discussion.答案:participate7.The school has only been open for six months,so its too early to e its success.答案:evaluate8.Follow the footpath and youll e hit the road.答案:eventually二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.She decided (leave) on Sunday instead of Monday.答案:to leave2.They had been forced (find) cheap tickets for the show.答案:to find3.Im trying to persuade him (cheer) up.答案:to cheer4.He hopes (have)the problem settled as soon as possible.答案:to have5.They were (eventual)persuaded by the police to give themselves up.答案:eventually6.A series of lucky accidents led the (explore) to his discovery.答案:explorer7.It is now well-known that distant galaxies are probably about 10 times (far) than Hubble can see.答案:farther/further8.Going into hospital can be very (frighten) for a child.答案:frightening9.One way to study different butterflies is to look at a butterfly (collect).答案:collection10.Dick stuck to his dream and became a famous (act) in the end.答案:actor三、用关系代词或关系副词把各题的两个句子合成一句1.The room was very dusty.We took photos in it.答案:The room where/in which we took photos was very dusty.2.The pilot told us stories about his travels.We had dinner with him.答案:The pilot with whom we had dinner told us stories about his travels.3.This is a pen.I wrote the letter with this pen.答案:This is the pen(that/which)I wrote the letter with.4.He lived in a big house.A tall tree stood in front of the house.答案:He lived in a big house,in front of which stood a tall tree.5.I will never forget the day.I first met him on that day.答案:I will never forget the day (when/on which) I first met him.6.They felt proud of two things.They were Jims gold watch and Dellas hair.答案:The two things of which they felt proud were Jims gold watch and Dellas hair.7.The clever boy made a hole in the wall.He could see what was happening inside the house through the hole.答案:The clever boy made a hole in the wall,through which he could see what was happening inside the house.8.The man is a relative of mine.You spoke to him just now.答案:The man to whom you spoke just now is a relative of mine.四、选词填空whichwhowith whomwhereof whichthatMy name is Han Hailin.I live on an island,1. is in the south of China.Its called Hainan Island.There are many animals 2. live on and around the island.We have monkeys,deer,many kinds of birds,and fisha lot of fish.Hainan Island is a place 3. you can learn a lot about fish.I learned quite a lot about fish from my father 4. I have been on many fishing trips.My father is a person 5. makes his living by fishing.He is a fisherman.He taught me about many kinds of fish here,several 6. only live in the sea around Hainan.答案:1.which2.that3.where4.with whom5.who6.of which五、仿照例句写出与a句意义相同的句子例:a.Tahiti is the place which the word “tattoo” comes from.b.Tahiti is the place from which the word “tattoo” comes.1.a.She is a person whom I am very afraid of.b.答案:She is a person of whom I am very afraid.2.a.Go and find the book which you get the information from.b.答案:Go and find the book from which you get the information.3.a.The policeman is the person whom I talked about just now.b.答案:The policeman is the person about whom I talked just now.4.a.Mary is the person whom I shall travel with.b.答案:Mary is the person with whom I shall travel.5.a.Look at the e-dictionary which I paid 1,000 yuan for.b.答案:Look at the e-dictionary for which I paid 1,000 yuan.六、阅读理解导学号06944000Our world is getting smaller and smaller.Miss Yamada,whose plane could cover 800 kilometers an hour,flew around the world in less than fifty hours.The newest planes could go 600 miles (one mile is about 1.609 kilometers) an hour,and we are now developing planes that are even faster.But it used to take a lot longer to go around the world.Magellans men were the first to make the trip.It took them more than two years to do so by ship.Magellan was from Portugal,but he sailed for the king of Spain.On September 20,1519,he left Spain with five ships and 240 men.After passing the south tip of South America,they reached the Pacific Ocean,on which they sailed more than one year.Very often they could not see a piece of land for m
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