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lesson3 Marco Polo,A story about a great traveller:,Name: Born (when/where): Came to China (when): Purpose: Languages (how many): Returned to Italy (when): Age of his death: The name of his book:,Marco Polo,do trade with the Chinese,1271 /17,4,1291,70,1254, Italy,The Description of the World,Find out the information about Marco Polo and fill out the form.,4,Learn more specific information .,Why was the emperor impressed by Marco? Why was Marco surprised to see people using paper money? What were the black stones Marco saw people burning for fuel ? How long did Marco spend in China? Why was he put into prison when he went back to Italy?,Read the text again and answer the following questions.,Careful reading,anything that can be burned to make heat or power,Questions and answers:,put into prison,fuel,6,1) Why was the emperor impressed by Marco? Marco was very clever and could already speak four languages. 2) Why was Marco surprised to see people using paper money? Because in Europe people paid for goods with gold or silver.,7,3) What were the black stones Marco saw people burning for fuel? 4) How long did Marco spend in China? For 17 years. 5) Why was he put into prison when he went back to Italy? Because a local war broke out. During the war he was caught by the enemy.,Coal.,8,6. What did Marco do when many westerners thought that his story were too fantastic to be true? He always stood by his tales.,Just before he died, aged 70, Marco was asked the question,” Was it all true?” to which he replied, “ I have only told a half of what I saw!”,Keep saying that something is true,Main ideas,Paragraphs,4,1,5,6,3,2,inventions and developments in China,peoples reactions to Marcos book,Marco Polos early life,Marco Polos return to Italy,Marcos arrival in China,Marcos amazement at China,Time Clue,What is the clue of the story about Marco Polos travels?,Before he got to China After he got to China After he left China,Structure of the passage,Basic information of Marco Polo,Part One (Para. 1),Part Two (Para. 2-4):,According to the time clue, how many parts can we divide the text into?,Part Three (Para. 5-6):,Three parts,Marco Polo and His Travels (Part One),Name: Marco Polo Nationality before he arrived in China Students 2 &3 - After he arrived in China Student 4 - After he left China,Post-reading Activity,Work in groups. Tell the story about Marco Polo together. Each student speaks at least two sentences.,Story telling: Marco Polo and His Travels,was born inin traveled across was amazed by was impressed by was surprised to see was confused by served in returned to and became caught and put into prison told all his stories to,Language Support,Post-reading Activity,Discussion,1) As a great traveller, what qualities do you think Marco Polo had? 2) What were the contributions he made for human beings?,“I believe that we should come back, so that men might know the things that are in the world, since no other man has explored so much of the world as Marco Polo, son of Niccolo Polo, great and noble citizen of the city of Venice.”,Marco Polos best contribution is best said with his own words in his own book:,Summary,Marco Polo was born in Italy. He later _(travel) to China and was _(welcome) by the Emperor Kublai Khan. He _(serve) in China for 17 years and experienced many _(amaze) things. Soon after he _(return) to Italy, he was _(put) into prison, _ he told his stories to a _(prison). The prisoner then _(write) his stories in a book _(call) The Description of the World,amazing,returned,put,prisoner,welcomed,wrote,travelled,served,where,called,20,HOMEWORK,1. Give a short introduction to Marco polo. 2. Review the new words and expressions.,Thank you !,
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