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Unit 5,In the Park,XiangE Primary School Zhang Hongchi,Lesson 1,The ball is on the box.,Where is the ball?,The ball is in the box.,The ball is under the box.,.,Where is Bill going,Lidui Park,.,Park,Whats in the,?,Whats in the park?,.,lake,The,is in the park.,cake,lake,.,boat,The,is on the lake.,.,tree,.,grass,The grass is under the tree.,.,flower,The flower is in the grass.,.,tree,grass,flower,.,.,hill,The,is in the park.,The tree is on the hill.,.,Lets chant.,The boat is on the lake. The flower is in the grass. The grass in under the tree. The tree is on the hill. The hill is in the park. They are all in the park.,.,Fast Reaction. (比一比,看谁说得又快又准!),Game,.,lake,boat,tree,flower,grass,hill,.,They are all in the park .,.,Whats in the park?,There is a boat on the lake.,There are trees in the park.,.,Homework,Read the words of Lesson 1-Part A on P.38 three times(三遍). Listen to the chant and repeat. Draw a picture of your imaginary (想象中的)park.,.,Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves. 保护环境就是保护我们自己。,.,Thank you !,XiangE Primary School Zhang Hongchi 2015.11.10,
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