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When are you going to finish your job? I have been waiting so long! 你到底要在什麼時間才能做完,我要等到什麼時候?,My cycle time is too quick for me! 我來不及做了!,Operation Training-線平衡改善,Line Balancing,Cycle Time = 6 second Line Balance = (4+5+3+3+4+6+5+4+4+3+3+6+2) / (6X13) = 66.66%,Line Balance Concept,Cycle Time = 6 second Line Balance = (4+5+6+4+6+5+4+4+3+3+6+2) / (6X12) = 72.20%,Line Balance Concept,Cycle Time = 6 second Line Balance = (4+5+6+4+6+5+4+4+6+6+2) / (6X11) = 78.80%,Line Balance Concept,Cycle Time = 5 second Line Balance = (5+5+5+5+5+5+4+5+5+5+3) / (5X11) = 94.50%,Line Balance Concept,Cycle Time = 4 second Line Balance = (4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4) / (4X13) = 100%,Line Balance Concept,Possible?,Conveyor speed is too much faster than operators ability. 如果傳送帶的速度遠遠快於作業員的作業能力 1. Too much WIP at the bottle neck station. 在瓶頸站將堆積過多的WIP 2. Operators lack concentration Waste time to wait for the coming product or pull the product from the line instead of completing the product in hand. 作業員無法專心作業。等待材料及從正在作業的產品中分心以拿取線上流過的材料。,Unbalance Lines Problems 線上不平衡造成的主要問題,3. Quality Problem 品質問題 3.1 Incomplete Process 制程不完善 - Insufficient parts 作業不全 - Parts not properly inserted 材料未適當裝插 - Wrong part being inserted 插件錯件 - Wrong side is being inserted 插件反向 - Not all required points are inspected 檢查不完備 - Did not correctly choose the Select Switch 按錯測試鍵 - Did not put all Labels or wrongly placed. 未全面貼放標籤或錯貼 - etc.,Unbalance Lines Problems 線上不平衡造成的主要問題,3.2 Defects 不良 - Damage and dirty 破損及污漬 - Scratches 刮傷 - Label scratches 標籤不良等 etc. 4. Inspectors need to repair the defects, thus causing additional time. 作業員修復不良品將花費多餘工時,Unbalance Lines Problems 線上不平衡造成的主要問題,5. Line leaders and other supporting people have to waste their time in assisting and solving the WIP problem at the bottle neck station. 組長及其他線外支援人員不得不耗費時間以解決瓶頸站的WIP 6. The space available in the line are already very limited, it will become even smaller. 線上空間本來有限,還需佔據空間 7. Un-forecastable and uncontrollable output 造成無法預計和控制的產出 8. Decreased Productivity 生產力降低,Unbalance Lines Problems 線上不平衡造成的主要問題,When the conveyor speed is slower than the operators ability. 當傳送帶之速度遠慢於作業員的操作能力 1. Lost time without output 無產出的異常工時 2. Lower output than expected 低於計劃的產能 3. Operators are not active enough, becomes dull 作業員無法積極作業,變得懶散,Unbalance Lines Problems 線上不平衡造成的主要問題,4. Must take more time to recover the lost output 需要安排額外的工作時間以彌補未達成的產能 5. Unit cost becomes higher 單位產品的成本增加 6. Decreased Productivity 生產力降低 7. Cannot control or forecast the output systematically 無法系統的控制和預估產能,Unbalance Lines Problems 線上不平衡造成的主要問題,Step of line balancing線平衡步驟,LINE BALANCE is the method used to set up working time of operators in one line as the same as possible. 線平衡是盡可能把線上作業員的作業時間安排一致的方法。,Line Balancing,線上觀察,分 析,討 論,設定標準,標準工時及O/I檢討,起草作業指導書並檢討,執 行,跟蹤情況,正式發行O/I,跟蹤及不斷的改善,動 作 制 程 布 局 治 具,方便 快捷 安全 價廉 保障,合併 去除 改善 (重排、調適) 簡化,Line Balance Concept,Production Design (R&D),Process Design,Flow Chart,Lay Out,Operation Instruction,Motion & Time Study,Seriously continuous follow up,產品設計 (工程),制程規劃,流程圖,布局安排,作業指導書,功效研究,認真持續的跟蹤情況,Line Balance Concept,Observation 觀察,Analyze 分析,Set Norm 設定標準,Man load 安排人力,Implement 執行,Follow up 跟蹤,(Before&After),(Max,Min,Avg. 最大值,最小值,平均數),(Observation sheet 時間觀測表),-Combine 合併 -Eliminate 去除 -Improve 改進 -Simple 簡化,(Productivity Performance 生產力狀況),(Std. Time 標準工時),Step of line balance,Step 1. Observation: Observe and timing from the start to end of each process as sample. 第一步. 觀察: 如下所示,按制程從第一站到最後一站觀查並測量時間.,Step of line balance,Step 2. Analyze: Analyze time from observation to define minimum, Maximum and Average. 第二步. 分析: 從觀察得出的數據中分析得到最小值,最大值及平均值.,Step of line balance,Step 3. Set norm (standard time): Select the time to be used as the standard time at each step. Normally will be the average time. 第三步. 設定標準(標準時間): 定訂每一站的標準時間. 通常使用平均值.,Step of line balance,Step 4. Manload: Calculate manpower to be used to produce. These number will be the most effective and balance the production line as much as possible. (Compare before & After) 第四步. 人力安排: 計算生產所需的人力. 這個數據最有效並能最好的達到線平衡. (比較 before & After),Step of line balance,Step of line balance,Step 5. Implement: Use all data to compare as the Before and After Report. Set up line balance by using the following concept. 第五步. 執行: 用所有的數據比較before & after, 用以下的觀念平衡生產線. - Combine 合併 - Eliminate 去除 - Improve,Re-arrange改進,重排 - Simplify 簡化,Step 6. Follow Up: Follow up all the implementation continuingly at least 2 weeks. 第六步. 跟蹤: 持續
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