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最新 料推荐教案周次第周,第 次课授课时间年 月日授课章节Unit 1Passage AA Mother s Letter to the World本(章)节课堂讲授()实践课()教学时数学时 8授课方式本 Students are expected to( 1. distinguish confusing pronunciations章 2. make short conversations referred to the functional language)3. introduce themselves节4. have a better understanding of the passage教5. use the words, phrases and patterns to make sentences学目 6. master the possessives标 7. use correct punctuation in writing授课要点教学 1 confusing pronunciations重 2 the competence of role-playing conversation点 3 important language points 和 4 possessives难 5 using correct punctuation点思考题或作业1. Oral work: Learn to make a self-introduce according to patterns on page 5.3. Do some further reading and finish the exercise.1最新 料推荐教学内容与组织安排Passage AA Mother s Letter to the WorldPeriod One &TwoI. Listening and SpeakingPart 1. Word tipsOverseas adj. 来自海外的 development/markets/trade/students/visitors adv. (= abroad) to live/work/go e.g. The product is sold bothat home and overseas.Part 2. Oral work1. Functional language Greetings & ResponsesMaking introductions & Responses Making self-introducePeriod Three & Four . Warm-up ActivitiesDiscussion: On “First Day at School”1) Was it hard for you to leave home for the first time in your life?2) Who saw you off at the railway station?3) Who came to school with you?4) What did he/she say to you on the way?5) What do you think is the business of university?6) What do you expect to learn here? And what are your parentsexpectations of you?7) Did you find the university just as you had imagined? In what way was it as you imagined, and in what way wasntit?8) Were you disappointed when you found it wasntas good as you had expected?II. Detailed analysis of the passageLanguage and Details1. start school 开始上学start sth.开始,着手,动手做某事start on + 时间点 start on the third of next monthstart to do sth./ doing sth 开始做某事e.g. It started to rain.She starts laughing.2. It s going to be strange and new to him for a while, so I wish you would sort of treat him gently. 这段时间将对他来说陌生又新鲜,所以我希望你能对他温柔一些。1) “be going to +动词原形 ” :2最新 料推荐有迹象暗示某事即将,很快发生Look at those black clouds. Its going to rain soon.The car is going to turn over.There is going to be a snowstorm.I feel terrible. I think I m going to be sick.Things are going to be different.表示决定或打算要做某事I m going to buy a new coat this winter(.还有一个多月就到双十一了)Are you going to play ping-pong after class?(当花痴迷妹碰见张继科)He is going to be a doctor when he grows up.他长大后要当医生。2) wish: v. to want sth. to happen although it is unlikely 但愿;希望 wish 后面的宾语从句需用虚拟语气,表示不太可能发生的事。 e.g. I wish I could fly.I wish it would not rain tomorrow. I wish I were a boy.I wish I knew the answer.(考试时候)I wish she had taken my advice.I wish that I had seen her yesterday.I wish you would stay stay an hour longer.I wish it could stop raining.3) a while: a period of time 一段时间,一会儿 e.g. They chatted for a while.Ill be back in a little time. (= a short time)I haventseen him for quite a while. (=a fairly long time)They walked back together, talking all the while. (=all the time)4) sort of: to some extent but in a way that you cannot easily describe有几分,有那么一点e.g. She sort of pretends that she doesntreally care. 她摆出一副并不真正在乎的样子。“Do you understand?”“Sort of.”3. tend1) v. To care for sb/sth 照料,照管 (to) sb/sthDoctors and nurses tended (to) the injured.2) tend to do sth 往往会,常常会Women tend to live longer than men.It tend to be very cold here in the winter.People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.4. You see, up to now, hesbeen king of the roost and boss of the backyard.你知道,到目前为止,他一直是家里的宠儿。1) 在 up to now 为状语的句子里, 谓语动词一般用现在完成时, 表示从过去某时到现在这一段时间里已发生的事。e.g. Up to now, the work has been easy.Up to now, everything has been OK.3最新 料推荐2) king of the roost 和 boss of the backyard. 在 里是比 用法。 似的: the apple of ones eye5. wound1) n. (身体上的) , 口;(武器造成的) ;心灵上的 a leg/head, etc. wound 腿 , 等a bullet/knife/gunshot/stab wound ,刀 , ,刺 2) v. sb./sth. 使(身体);用(武器) 害;使(心灵)受 e.g. He had been wounded in the arm.She felt deeply wounded by his cruel remarks.wounded 受 的wounding 人的, 感情的6. comfortn. 1)舒服,安逸,舒适E.g. These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance. 些网球鞋的
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