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Module 4Which English?哪种英语?,.重点单词聚焦 1It is believed the first appearance m_a lot in making friends. 答案:matters 2The museum has managed to a_an important work by Dali. 答案:acquire 3There are so much coal that we have to use a truck to_(运送) it. 答案:convey,4In a library,books and magazines are usually _(将分类) by subjects. 答案:classified 5Finally the Red Army finished the worldfamous Long March by _(克服) countless difficulties. 答案:overcoming 6The invention of the printing press caused a_(革命) in learning. 答案:revolution,7There have been many_(冲突) though the world is in peace generally. 答案:conflicts 8All children should be encouraged to realize their full_(潜能) 答案:potential 9They are determined to_(抵挡) pressure to change the law. 答案:resist 10Im going to_(抱怨) to the manager about this. 答案:complain,.重点短语扫描 1区分开 2 同意,达成一致 3 只要 4 在于 5 总之 6 大量的 7 开始做某事 8 使某人失望 9 从一地到另一地 10 万一,要是,如果,tell.apart,agree_on,as_long_as,lie_in,in_conclusion,a_large_number_of,get_down_to_sth.,let_sb.down,from_place_to_place,in_case,.课文原句突破 1_ _idioms have been common for many years. 并非所有的习语多年都常见。 答案:Not all 2Perhaps correctness doesnt matter_ _ _speakers can understand each otherits communication that counts.也许正确与否不要紧只要说话的人互相明白就行重要的是交流本身。 答案:as long as,3For example,When in Rome,do as the Romans do suggests you should_ _local conditions.例如,“When in Rome,do as the Romans do” 就是建议你入乡随俗。 答案:adapt to 4English has a huge number of colourful and splendid expressions which_ _ _ _ _. 英语中有大量丰富的、极好地、也可能难懂的短语。 答案:may be difficult to understand,debate n& vt.& vi.争论,讨论,辩论 (教材原句P45)Today there is a debate in Singapore about which variety of English is the best. 至今在新加坡有一种关于哪种英语最好的争论,(1)debate on/about.就辩论 debate with sb.about sth.和某人就某事辩论 (2)have a debate with sb.about sth.与某人就某事争论 beyond debate无可争辩 under debate正在辩论中,The two sides debated whether to raise the price of school meals.双方就是否应提高学校用餐价格而进行了辩论。 I debated with Mary about this question. 我和玛丽辩论过这个问题。 After a long debate,we finally reached an agreement. 经过激烈的讨论,我们最终达成了协议。,1.The two sides debated_each other_who was the better for a whole day. Ato;toBwith;about Cabout;with Dbetween;in 解析:此题考查debate with sb.about sth.和某人就某事辩论。 答案:B,acquire vt.获得;取得;学会 (教材原句P51)New dialects acquire their own complex features until they become real languages in their own right.新的方言会形成自身的复杂特性直到自身成为一门真正的语言。 Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.只有当你问了许多问题的情况下,你才能够得到你需要的所有信息。 She acquired a knowledge of English by careful study. 她通过认真学习而懂得了英语。,I will take her a long time to acquire the skills she needs to become a famous player. 要获得成为著名选手的技能需要花费她很长时间。 I managed to acquire two tickets for the football match. 我设法弄到了两张足球比赛的票。,辨析:acquire,achieve与obtain,She has acquired some very unpleasant habits recently. 她最近养成了一些不良的习惯。 After so many years of hard work,he finally achieved success. 经过这么多年的努力,他终于获得了成功。 In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result. 在第二次试验中,他们得到了一个非常清楚的结果。,2.Lucy has_all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. Aacquired Bfinished Cconcluded Dachieved 解析:句意为:露西完成了她为自己设定的高中阶段的所有目标,并且已经为迎接大学新的挑战做好了准备。achieve ones goal意为“达到某人的目标”。 答案:D,convey vt.传达,表达,运送;传导,传播 (教材原句P53)Idioms are picturesque or absurd expressions conveying a concept which is different from the literal meaning and have been common in English for many years. 习语是一些生动或奇特的表达,传达一种与字面意思不同的意义而且在英语中已普遍使用多年。,convey sth.to sb.向某人表达/传递某物 convey sb./sth.from A to B把某人或某物从A地运送到B地 convey ones feelings/meanings表达某人的感情/意思,The song conveys how deeply he loved his country. 这首歌传达出他对祖国是多么地热爱。 I found it hard to convey my feelings in words. 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother. 请向你母亲转达我美好的祝愿。 Premier Wen Jiabao conveyed his sorrow for the dead and ordered the necessities should be conveyed immediately to the earthquakehit areas.温家宝总理表达了对死者的哀悼,并命令立即把必需品运送到地震灾区。,3.完成句子 As a teacher,he knows exactly how to_(向学生表达他的想法) 答案:convey his ideas to the students,oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量 (教材原句P53)we will oppose prejudice against black people and resist conflict between Americans.我们将反对对黑人的歧视并将阻止美国人民之间的冲突。,Many people opposed the idea of building a new high way because of the great cost. 由于需要巨额开支,许多人反对另修一条新公路的主意。 We are firmly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.我们坚决反对国与国之间实行强权政治。 The parents strongly opposed their daughter going there alone. 父母极力反对女儿单独去那里。,4.Father is strongly opposed_shopping on Sunday because the streets and supermarkets are full of people. Ato do Bto doing Cof doing Dwith doing 解析:本题考查be opposed to (doing) sth.短语。be opposed to (doing) sth.意为“反对”,其中to为介词,后跟名词或动名词。 答案:B,convince vt.使信服;使相信 (教材原句P51)Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future as more and more people learn English and call it their
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