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Unit 2 Heroes Section Lesson 4原文呈现Christopher Reeve“After the accident, Dana was told to say goodbye and people were talking about my funeral.”Christopher Reeve was born in September, 1952. He was in his first school play when he was eight and he started to act in TV shows and films while he was still in college. He made many successful films and TV shows but he is most famous for his Superman films.Unfortunately,disaster came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and broke his back. The doctors did not expect him to live. However,he made amazing progress. At first, he couldnt breathe without a machine, but he learnt to breathe on his own. He would never walk again but he started a new life with great courage. 读文清障when he was eight为when引导的时间状语从句。while he was still in college为while引导的时间状语从句,while意为“在期间”。make films拍电影be famous for .以著名be famous as .作为而著名superman/sjupmn/n.超人unfortunately adv.不幸地disaster/dIzst/n.灾难when he fell from .是when引导的时间状语从句。expect v预期;盼望expect sb. to do sth.期望某人做某事however adv.然而breathe v呼吸breath n呼吸out of breath上气不接下气的on ones own独立地courage n勇气with courage有勇气地克里斯托弗里夫以上部分译文(“事故发生后,有人劝达纳和我分手,人们纷纷议论着我的葬礼。”)克里斯托弗里夫生于1952年9月,他8岁时在学校首次表演,还在大学时他就开始在电视节目和电影中扮演角色。他在许多成功的电影和电视节目中出演,但最著名的还是电影超人。不幸的是,灾难在1995年降临了。他从马背上摔下来,背部严重受伤。(那时,)医生甚至没有指望他能活下来。然而,他身体康复快得令人吃惊。起初,他离不开呼吸机,但很快他就学会了自己呼吸。他永远站不起来了,但是他以极大的勇气开始了一种新生活。The second year after his accident, Christopher returned to film making. He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries. He made speeches all over the USA about his experiences. This not only drew public attention to research into back injuries but also encouraged a lot of people living with all kinds of problems.From their home, Christopher and his wife Dana spoke about their life after the accident.Have you thought of giving up after the accident?“No. Four days after the injury, I came to understand my situation. My wife Dana and I were in the hospital. The doctor said I was not going to pull through. Dana said: But youre still you, and I love you. And that saved my life. Since that moment I have never thought of giving up. Of course, Ive had moments of feeling sorry for myself, but Ive never had any thoughts of committing suicide.”raise money募捐钱promote/prmt/vt.促进,提升injury/Indri/n.伤害,损害injure v伤害,损害make a speech作演讲experience nC经历的事情;U经验;体验draw ones attention to sth.引起某人对某事物的注意not only . but also .不但而且not only位于句首时,not only所在句子用倒装语序。encourage sb. (to do sth.)鼓励某人(做某事)现在分词短语living with all kinds of problems作后置定语,修饰a lot of people,表示主动意义。give up放弃,后接动名词作宾语。come to understand/realise开始明白/渐渐意识到situation n处境,境遇pull through使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难关think of想到feel sorry for同情,为感到遗憾commit suicide/suIsaId/自杀commit/kmIt/vt.犯(错误),干(坏事)以上部分译文在他受伤后的第二年,克里斯托弗重返电影制作。他还募得了许多钱用来促进背部损伤的医学研究。他到美国各地讲述自己的亲身经历。这不仅引起了公众对背部损伤研究的关注,还鼓舞了很多有各种问题的人。,(在家中,克里斯托弗和妻子达纳给我们讲述了事故发生后他们的生活。)事故发生后,你想过放弃吗?“没有。受伤四天以后,我就开始意识到自己的处境。我妻子达纳和我在医院里。医生说我无法康复了。而达纳却说:你还是你,我依旧爱你。这句话救了我的命。从那一刻起,我再没想过放弃。当然,有时我确实为自己感到遗憾,但从未产生过自杀的念头。”Did you think that your marriage was so strong?“Yes, because Danas so wonderful. We have always got on really well. Our relationship has always been fantastic.”How did your parents react to the accident?“They divorced when I was four. Theyve got closer since the accident.”How did you get involved with charity work?“I know a lot of disabled people need my help. This is how I got involved with my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people.” “With the progress of new medical research, Im confident that people like me would be able to walk again one day. So you can see, Im far too busy with living to think of giving up!”Christopher Reeve died on October 10, 2004. But people all over the world will always remember him as a superhero.marriage n结婚,婚姻;婚姻生活get on (get along)相处;进展relationship/rIleInIp/n.关系react/rIkt/vi.反应react to对作出反应divorce/dIvs/vi.离婚get involved with参加,参与involve/Invlv/vt.涉及,参与charity/trIti/n.慈善,施舍how I got involved with .是how引导的表语从句,how在从句中作方式状语。quality/kwlIti/n.质量;品质quantity n数量disabled/dIseIbld/adj.残疾的the disabled残疾人confident/knfIdnt/adj.自信的be confident of/that .对有信心far too太,极为be busy with忙于remember . as .把作为来纪念superhero/sjuphIr/n.超级英雄以上部分译文你想过你的婚姻会如此牢固吗?“是的,达纳真棒。我们总是相处得很好,而且关系一直都很好。”你父母对这次事故有什么反应?“我4岁时,他们就离婚了。事故发生后,他们的关系反倒更亲近了。”你是怎样参与到慈善事业中去的?“我知道很多残疾人需要我的帮助,这就是我怎样参与到慈善活动中,改善残疾人生活质量的情况。”“随着新的医学研究的不断进步和发展,我相信像我这样的人终有一天会重新站起来。因而你可以看到,我现在整天忙于生活,根本没有时间去考虑放弃!”克里斯托弗里夫于2004年10月10日去世。但是全世界人民将永远记住他这个超级英雄。FastreadingScan the text and fill in the blanks.Have you seen the famous film Superman? The main actor of the film is . He is a famous ,director and producer. He is not only a in the films
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