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Unit 2 课时跟踪练(三) Word power, Grammar and usage & Task一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1He is fond of listening to the old Spanish folk (民间的) song.2The man cleared his throat (嗓子) and continued to speak aloud.3We chorused (齐声说) “Good morning!” when the teacher came in.4Madonnas song topped the charts (排行榜) for over ten weeks.5They fought for their motherland (祖国) shoulder to shoulder.6His parents employed a tutor (指导教师) to teach him Greek.7The children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and reading in the kindergarten (幼儿园)8This is one of the songs from her latest album (音乐专辑)9All personnel (全体人员) are to receive bonuses.10Though she is only 26, she is in charge of the personnel department (部门).单句语法填空1We will put off going to Egypt for sightseeing until the situation there becomes stable.2The play to_be_produced (produce) next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.3Its no use learning (learn) the text by heart without understanding it.4The position for which you are applying requires good computer skills and fluency in English.5He has a very good collection of foreign coins.6Lets split up now and meet again at lunchtime.7After he joined the golf club, he took part in a number of competitions and won a lot of medals.8It struck me that I should make a phone call to my parents.9They desire us to_get (get) everything ready by tonight.10They went on strike on Monday in demand of a 30 percent wage increase.完成句子1你触犯了法律,理应受到惩罚。Youve broken the law and deserve_punishment/punishing/to_be_punished.2我想借此机会祝你旅途顺利。Id like to_take_the_opportunity_to_wish you a good trip.3新英格兰和加拿大城镇的学生们正参加一场国际性的节能比赛。The students are_participating_in_an_international_energysaving_competition between towns in New England and Canada.4汤姆的父母离婚了,这使他感到如此伤心和孤独。Toms parents have_split_up,_which makes him feel so sad and lonely.5你没有必要住在旅馆里,今晚我们可以为你提供住宿。You dont have to stay at the hotel; we can put_you_up for the night.6我们都同意这个男孩勇敢的行为值得最高的赞扬。We all agree that the young boys brave act deserves_the_highest_praise.7如果有许多工作要做,我会很高兴地继续做,直到把它做完。If_theres_a_lot_of_work_to_do,_Im happy to just keep on until it is finished.8你认为他为什么总是对我那么冷酷?Why_do_you_think he is always so cold to me?9大学毕业后,他申请了很多工作,但还没有找到合适的。After graduating from university, he_applied_for_many_jobs,_but he has not found one which suits him yet.10我正在尝试出版一本短篇小说集。I am trying to publish a_collection_of_short_stories.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解As I walked along the Edgware Road, I felt as though the world was closing in on me. All the sounds I took for granted had gone. I had entered a world of silence. This unsettling experience occurred a few weeks ago when I agreed to go deaf for the day to support the work of the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, for which I am an ambassador.When I managed to take a cab to the office of my manager, Gavin, I couldnt hear what the taxi driver was saying to me. Conversation was impossible. Then, when I reached the office, I had to ring the intercom five times as I couldnt hear a response.Everybody said I was shouting at them I simply wasnt aware of how loudly I was speaking as I couldnt hear my own voice. Gavin kept telling me my phone was ringing, but I didnt realize. I was too busy trying to concentrate on reading his lips. And when he tried to tell me a code to put into my phone, I had to keep asking him to repeat it more slowly. Eventually he lost his patience and snapped at me:“Just give me the phone!” I was shocked.People couldnt be bothered to repeat themselves, so they kept trying to do things for me that I was perfectly capable of doing myself. I felt Id lost control. Being deaf for the day was extraordinarily tiring. I had to work so hard to “listen” with my eyes, get peoples attention and use my other senses to make up for my lack of hearing. It was a huge and exhausting effort.Until that experience I didnt realize how much I took my own hearing for granted, or the sorts of emotions and experiences deaf people go through. If a deaf person asks you to repeat something, never think:“If doesnt matter.”It does matter.语篇解读:作者亲身经历了一天的失聪,深刻体会到失聪者生活中的困难,并呼吁大家给予失聪者更多的理解和耐心。1Why did the author focus on reading Gavins lips?ABy doing this he could understand what Gavin was saying.BHe wanted to be aware of what the code was.CHe attempted to get the code into the phone by himself.DHe didnt want to bother Gavin to repeat what he was saying.解析:选A细节理解题。根据文章第三段的内容可知,作者读加文的唇形是为了要弄清他在说什么。2What advice does the author give in the passage?ASpeak at the top of your voice if you cant hear others speaking.BRepeat things as slowly as possible for the deaf.CTake your own hearing for granted.DDo as many things as possible for the deaf.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“If a deaf person asks you to repeat something, never think:It doesnt matter.It does matter.”可知,作者建议人们对失聪者尽量放慢速度,重复所说的话。3Wh
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