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Welcome UnitReading for Writing教学目标知识目标:让学生更好理解如何恰当地写一个人的信息介绍,并能让学生熟练地使用一些写作技能。能力目标:培养学生的写作能力和团队协作能力。情感目标:提升学生对写作的兴趣。教学重难点教学重点:如何能让学生更好地理解个人信息介绍。教学难点:如何能让学生通过适当地使用一些写作技能来写一篇较好的个人信息介绍。教学准备多媒体、黑板、粉笔教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图一、Pre-class1. Greetings2. Leading-inAsk students how to write a profile. What kinds of aspects should be included? The teacher asks students to discuss the topic with each other and put forward to much more ideas about the answer.二、While-class1. The teacher lets students to read the student profiles on Page 8 silently and then asks students to discuss the questions below.1. What is Ann like? How do you know?2. What are Thandos hobbies?3. Where does Thando come from?4. What is Thandos dream?5. What does “You will never see me without a book or a pen” mean?6. Which profile do you like better? Why?2. After learning the passage on Page 8, the teacher will request students to choose the proper word to fill in each part below with the information from the student profiles.A Name, age, grade, schoolB PersonalityC Favorite subjectD Learning styleE HobbiesF Future plans and dreamsnameMain aspects about profilesABCDEFAnnThando3. The teacher asks students to sum up some ideas regarding the following topics:Write down the phrases that Ann and Thando use to describe their personalities and the sentences that they use to describe their learning styles.4. Use what you have learnt to write your own student profile.1. Complete the outline and use it to draft your student profile.Name: Age:Grade: School:Personality:Favorite subject:Learning style:Hobbies:Future plans and dreams:2. Write the students own profile.Your student profileMy name is _ and I am a _student at_2. Exchange draftsAfter each student finishes their own profile, the teacher requires students to exchange the drafts with their deskmate and evaluate the drafts by using the following criteria.Use the checklist to give feedback on your partners draft.Does the profile leave a good impression on your classmates?Are all the parts in Activity 2 included and organized in a good order?Are the sentence structures correct?Do all the sentences begin with capital letters?Are there any spelling mistakes?3. Get your draft back and revise it.4. Add a photo or drawing of yourself and show your student profile to your class.三、After-class1. Sum up what has been learned.2. Students work in groups to discuss what contents a better profile should possess.四、SummaryTeacher collects all the student profiles and creates a class book and summarizes some key points concerning writing a better profile.让学生讨论什么是信息介绍?具体包括哪些?学生通过阅读课本文章来回答相关问题。总结所学知识,总结一篇好的个人信息介绍需要具备哪些内容。通过提问该问题,引出今天上课的主题、学习的主要内容。学生通过问题来进行探索发现一篇好的个人信息介绍应该怎么写、需要具备哪些不可缺少的因素。师生共同回顾文本的内容,帮助学生巩固所学的内容。在此基础上,学生通过小组活动讨论来明确写好一篇个人信息介绍需要怎么写,要有哪几个必不可少的内容。提高学生的写作动手能力。作业布置Write a profile with your own information.Welcome Unit-Reading for Writing导学案【学习目标】1学会本节单词、短语2学会写个人信息介绍。【学习重难点】学习如何通过适当地使用一些写作技能来写一篇较好的个人信息介绍。【学习过程】Step 1 词汇运用(1)personality词性_意思_(2014湖北卷)_(personal)play a key role in social learning in animals.个性在动物的社会学习中起着关键作用。(2)style词性_意思_out of style 过时(2018全国I卷)A new study shows that we keep using our old devices well after they go_。一项新的研究表明,旧设备过时后,我们会继续好好使用它们。(3)revise词性_意思_(4)curious词性_意思_(5)company词性_意思_Step 2 写作田地Complete the outline and use it to draft your student profile.OutlineName: Age:Grade: School:Personality:Favorite subject:Learning style:Hobbies:Future plans and dreams:Step 3 HomeworkFinish your own profile.My name is _ and Im _ this year. I come from_. Im a_ student at _ 5 / 5
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