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Key Practices at the Managed Level (Level 4),TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A MANAGED LEVEL ORGANISATION,At level 3, measurements have been defined and collected systematically At level 4, decisions are made based on data collected The organisation sets quantitative goals for both software products and processes. The process performance of a project is controlled quantitatively. Common measurement Data analysis,KEY PROCESS AREAS,SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT QUANTITATIVE PROCESS MANAGEMENT,QUANTITATIVE PROCESS MANAGEMENT,Purpose is to control the process performance of the software project quantitatively Involves Establishing goals for process performance Measuring the performance of the project Analyzing these measurements making adjustments to maintain process performance within acceptable limits Identifying variations in performance that are not within the normal range of process performance Identifying “Extraordinary” events outside the bounds of process capability,Quantitative Process Management - Common Features,Commitment Written organizational policy for measuring and quantitatively controlling the performance of the projects DSP Ability Group that is responsible for coordinating the quantitative process management activities should exist. Adequate resources and funding Support for collecting, recording and analyzing data,Quantitative Process Management - Common Features(contd.),Training on Quantitative process management for personnel performing these activities Orientation to Software engineering group Measurement To determine the status of QPM activities.,Quantitative Process Management- Activities,The quantitative process management activities are planned. The software projects plan for quantitative process management is developed adocproc The software projects quantitative process management activities are performed in accordance with the projects quantitative process management plan. The strategy for the data collection and the quantitative analyses to be performed are determined based on the projects defined software process.,Quantitative Process Management,Group responsible for QPM activities exists - Metrics Council is good to do A metrication plan for the organization exists,Quantitative Process Management -More insights,Process performance Results obtained from following a software process Measured at the project level Process capability Process performance a new project may attain,Quantitative Process Management -More insights,Process stability - for defined software process Set up control limits Baselines established Process performance then controlled quantitatively,Quantitative Process Management- Activities,The Process Performance of the Projects Defined Software Process Is Controlled Quantitatively. The software projects quantitative process management activities are performed in accordance with the projects quantitative process management plan.,Quantitative Process Management- Activities,The process performance of the projects defined software process is controlled quantitatively. The measurement data used to control the projects defined software process quantitatively are collected according to a documented procedure. The projects defined software process is analyzed and brought under quantitative control according to a documented procedure. Reports documenting the results of the software projects quantitative process management activities are prepared and distributed.,Quantitative Process Management -More insights,Project has a plan for QPM How to collect data What analyses is to be done? Data collected Defined SW process analyzed and brought under quantitative control contd.,Quantitative Process Management -More insights,Contd. Data analysis : scatter diagrams, control charts, Pareto diagrams Control limits set up Process performance baseline known and published Capability baseline for OSSP,Software Quality Management,Understand quantitatively the quality of product while the product is being developed, and compare with quantitative quality goals for the product,Software Quality Management,PURPOSE Is to develop a quantitative understanding of the quality of the projects software products and achieve specific quality goals INVOLVES Defining quality goals for the software products Establishing plans to achieve these goals Monitoring and adjusting software plans, software work products, activities and quality goals to satisfy the needs and desires of customer and end-user,Software Quality Management - Common Features,COMMITMENT Written organizational policy for managing software quality. ABILITY Adequate resources and funding Training to individuals to perform quality management activities MEASUREMENT To determine the status of Software quality management activities.,Software Quality Management -Activities,The Projects Software Quality Management Activities Are Planned. The projects software quality plan is developed and maintained according to a documented procedure. The projects softwa
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