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Language Study,Para. 1,ordinaryextraordinary(L3, L5) further(L5),Para. 2,sense (L7, L12) be set in (L8) not onlybut also(L8-9) upon doing (L11),PRACTICE,1. 这故事是以第二次世界大战初期为背景.,The story is set in the early days of World War II.,2. 他不但喜欢英语,也喜欢汉语。,He likes not only English but also Chinese . Not only does he like English, but also Chinese,先出中文,再依次点击出现英文,Practice Not until the early years of the 19th century _what heat is. A. man did know B. man knew C. didnt man know D. did man know,Never before _ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today. A. has this city been B. this city has been C. was this city D. this city was,Fill in the blanks without changing the meaning of the sentence,As soon as I arrived, I went to see my former teacher. _ _ _, I went to see my former teacher. As soon as they heard the scream, all rushed out to see what was happening. _ _ the scream, all rushed out to see what was happening.,On my arrival,On hearing,Para. 3,enable (L15) indicate (L17) in the direction (L17) pass on to (L20) via (L20) be connected to (L21),Para. 4,add to (L23) give out (L23) deliver (L24),add,add to : increase 增加, 扩建 The bad weather added to our difficulties. add sth. (to sth.): put one thing to another 添加 If the tea is too strong, add some water (to it). add A to B/add A and B (together): put together to get a total 把A和B加起来 Add 4 and 5 together, youll get 9. add sth. up: find the sum of 加起来 Please add all the figures up. add up to: give as a result when joined 总计,合计 The cost for the holiday added up to 3000 yuan.,Practice,I dont think these facts will _ anything, as we can see. Thousands of new books from abroad have been _the school library. Setting off fireworks can_ the atmosphere of the festival. You must have made a mistake when you _ the bill _, because the bill_ more than 1000 yuan.,added to,add up to,add to,added,up,added up to,give out,send out 散发(光,热,气味等) The flowers in the garden give out pleasant smell. be used up 用光,耗尽 When my boy made the same mistake again, my patience gave out. be tired out 精疲力尽 After climbing up the mountain, I gave out. hand out 分发 In order to go to school, the 7-year-old boy made money by giving out leaflets in the street.,Para. 5,provide (L26; L46) play a role in (L29) score goals (L31) achieve effect (L33),provide,他们提供食物和衣服给受难者.,They provided food and clothes for the sufferers,They provided the sufferers with food and clothes,Play a role,Nowadays the railways are actually playing a declining role in the transport system. Who will play the role of Hamlet in the play.,Paras. 6-8,put forward (L35) bring alive (L43) place(L44),
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