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1,Noun clauses,名词性从句,2,We all are present at the meeting. We all are present at the meeting but John isnt. We all are present at the meeting because it is very important.,简单句,并列句,复合句,我们所有人都出席了会议.,3,句子划分按结构划分:,简单句,并列句,复合句,名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句),形容词性从句:定语从句,副词性从句: 比较状语从句,地点状语从句, 时间状语从句,让步状语从句,条件状语从句, 目的状语从句,方式状语从句,结果状语从句,原因状语从句.,复合句:,4,We all are present at the meeting.,简单句,分析句子成分,主语,be动词,表语,宾语,同位语,5,概念:在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫名词性从句 (Noun Clauses)。名词性从句的功能相当于 名词, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、 同位语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语 法功能,名词性从句又可分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。,名词性从句,6,连接词:that, whether,if 在从句中不担任任何成分,本身也没有词义,不可省略(宾语从句除外) 连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which.在句中充当成分 连接副词:when, where, how, why在句中做状语,连接词:,7,主语从句 The Subject Clause,一.定义:在复合句中充当主语的句子叫做主语从句。,What you said yesterday is right. That she is still alive is a good thing.,For example:,8,二.连接词:连词that,whether; 连接代词:who, what ,which;连接副词:when ,where, how, why等. 三.主语从句的两种结构:主语从句可以放句首;也可以放句末,用it 做形式主语. For example:,9,2.Whether he will come hasnt been decided. = It hasnt been decided whether he will come.,That the earth is round is true. = It is true that the earth is round.,10,以it作形式主语,把主语从句后置的常用句型有:,1. It +be+形容词+that从句,(1)It is certain that she will do well in her exam. (2) It is possible that he told her everything.,11,2、It + be + 名词词组 + that从句,(1) It is a pity that we cant go. (2) It is no surprise that our team should have won the game.,12,(1) It is said that he is the best student in the class. (2) It is thought that Joe drives badly.,3、It + be + 过去分词 + that从句,13,4、It + 不及物(happen, appear等) 动词 + that从句。 (1) It happened that I was out that day.,14,主语从句中的“主谓一致”:,1.一个主语从句作主语相当于第三人称单数作主语,谓语动词用单数; 2.如果由and连接两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语,谓语动词用复数; 3.由两个或多个连接词引导一个主语从句,谓语动词用单数。,注意,15,How and why he did the experiment are unknown to all. 2. How he did the experiment and why he did the experiment is unknown to all. 3. When he did the experiment has not been decided yet.,is,are,16,2. What 引导主语从句时,主句谓语动词的单复数由表语的单复数决定.,What he wants _these books. What he wants _some water.,are,is,17,宾语从句 The Object Clause,一.在复合句中充当宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。,二.宾语从句类型: 1).作动词宾语,I dont know that you will come here. I wonder what he has done.,18,2).作介词宾语 The teacher is satisfied with what I said. He is thinking about how to solve the problem.,19,3).用作某些形容词的宾语:,这类形容词常见的有sure, certain, glad, pleased, happy, afraid, surprised, satisfied等。表示某种情感的形容词. (1) I am afraid (that) Ive made a mistake. (2) I am sure (that) he will win the game.,20,4)用it作形式宾语,We think it our duty that we should help others. I find it impossible that he should finish the work in two days.,动词find,feel,make,think,believe, consider后有宾补时,则需用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语从句后置,这时that不可省略,21,宾语从句注意事项,1.引导宾语从句的连词that常可省去,但是如果是并列的多个宾语从句,只能省第一个.,有些动词/动词词组如:like/dislike/love/hate /appreciate/make/see to/take/owe/depend on+it 后常跟if 或when从句,I hate it when people laugh at the disabled .,You may depend on it that you parents will help you whenever you need it.,22,2.宾语从句中的否定转移,我认为他不会来这里,I think he wont come here. ( ) I dont think he will come here. ( ) I believe he wont see you. ( ) I dont believe he will see you. ( ),注意:如果宾语从句是由I/We+think,believe, imagine, suppose, expect等词引导的时候,要将从句中的否定形式转移到主句中去。,23,注意:这类句子后若带有反意问句,应采用肯定形式,反意问句部分应于从句主语一致。(宾语从名反意问句要根据主句) I dont believe she knows it, does she? I dont know when he joined the army, do I?,24,表语从句The Predicative Clause,二.类型: 1.放在be动词之后。 2.可以放在连系动词 look, remain, seem等后。 另外,常用的还有the reason is that 和It is because 等结构。例如:,It seems that it is going to rain.,The question is whether it is worth doing,一.定义:在复合句中充当表语的从句叫做表语从句,25,注意事项: 1.在表语从句中,当reason, result, cause,why作主语时,引导词只能用that,不能用because, The reason why he was late was he didnt catch the early bus. Why we decided to put off the football match is the weather was too bad.,that,that,26,2. as if/though, because 也可引导表语从句.as if/though需要注意两种语气.(陈述语气,虚拟语气).because常用于This /That/It is because结构中.,It looks as if its going to rain.,That was because he didnt understand me.,27,同位语从句 The Appositive Clause,二. 同位语从句的功能 同位语从句对于名词进一步解释,说明名词的具体内容 The news that she passed the exam excited her parents .,一.定义:同位语从句就是在复合句中作名词的同位语的从句。,三.能接同位语从句的名词有:fact,idea,news, information,order,belief,suggestion,advice等(常为抽象名词),28,四.连接词一般由that引导,也可根据选用whether, what, when, where ,等来引导同位语从句。 I have no idea where he comes from. There is some doubt whether he will pass the exam. There is no doubt that he will pass the exam.,29,I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. I have no idea when she will be back.,注意: when, where 引导定语从句时,其意义与先行词有关; 但引导同位语从句时,其意义与同位的词无关,”什么时候,哪儿”,30,五. 同位语在句子中的位置 同位语从句紧跟在名词后面. We all know the truth that the earth goes round the sun. 同位语从句有时可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后面,而是被别的成分隔开,称为分隔式的同位语从句。 He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off.,31,同位语从句与定语从句的区别,1)定语从句是形容词性的,对先行词起修饰、限制的作用,同位语从句是名词性的,对名词具体内容的补充说明。 2)that在定语从句中担任句子成分,是关系代词。that在同位语从句中不担任句子成分,是从属连词,通常不能省略。,注意事项:,32,同位语从句,定语从句,解释说明;that在从句中不充当成分 但是不能省。,修饰限定;that在从句中有成分、 作宾语时可以省。,
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