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Unit 3 A healthy life Section 3 Using Language .单词拼写1HIV is spread through blood or the fluid that the body makes during sex.2She has a prejudice against modern music;she seldom listens to it.3She saved the boy at the risk of her own life.4A judgement is an opinion that you have or express after thinking carefully.5The old man is a survivor (幸存者) of the past age.6Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress (压力)7I realized that they wanted to be alone so I felt embarrassed (尴尬的)8Im always an awkward (笨手笨脚的)dancer.9His only chance of survival (幸存)was a heart transplant.10Hunting tigers in China is an illegal (非法的)activity which should be forbidden.选用方框内合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空go on a dietget intobe accustomed totake risksin spite ofin the first placedue tomake up ones mindout of breathaddict to1 In spite of the bad weather, we went fishing yesterday.2I ran all the way to the theater and was out of breath .3I am a teacher in the first place and a writer in the next place.4I have many facts to think about before I make up my mind .5In order to lose weight, the fat boy had to go on a diet .6Young people are willing to take risks and try new things.7The boy has got into the habit of washing his hands before meals.8The water appears almost mirrorlike due to sunlight.9It will not take you very long to be accustomed to the way we do it.10More and more kids are addicted to computer games.完成句子1 In spite of (不管,不顾)all kinds of difficulties,I succeeded in finishing the job all by myself.2You have no right to take a risk (冒险)with other peoples lives.3Once you get into a bad habit (染上一个坏习惯),youll find it hard to get rid of it.4He has a prejudice against (对有偏见)all foreigners.5 In my judgement (在我看来),we should make an apology to him.6I do enjoy it (确实喜欢它)when Im listening to the sound of the rain.7The weather was so cold that (如此冷以至于)I didnt like to leave my room.8Fortune favors those who use their judgement (用他们的判断)9The shy girl felt awkward (感到尴尬)and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.10It was in the factory where the TV sets were produced that we met (我们相遇)for the first time.完形填空One morning, the door to the classroom opened and a new teacher, Mrs Cosby, walked in. She looked too 1.A to ever handle us. And we sure gave her a 2.B time, but she never lost her temper. And then came the last day of the first month she had been our teacher. She 3.B a bunch of papers.We 4.C the worsta test. But oh no, it was something that totally 5.B us.Mrs Cosby asked us to come to the front of the class, and gave each of us a(n) 6.C , in which she had written what the student in question had been 7.C at during the last month.You see no one had ever 8.C us. No one ever liked us.We were constantly told how goodfornothing we were. And here, 9.C ,was someone who had been 10.D us closely for a month.We made things as difficult for her as we could. And yet she could find something 11.B to say about each of us.Mrs Cosby did this every 12.C from then on. Each month we got a paper that emphasized our 13.C . She commented on my courage, how punctual I was, how good to 14.C arguments if I so wanted. Her positive attitude transformed our class. We did not want to 15.C her feelings anymore. We actually started to 16.A .And then came the day of our graduation. Mrs Cosby hugged us and told us with tears in her eyes how 17.B she was of us. Then she 18.C each one of us a book. All the encouraging letters through the years were there, in hard covers.She said:“I want you each to keep this book and if ever during your life you feel unworthy, 19.C this and read how good you are.You can be anything you want to be 20.B you believe in yourself.Promise me youll remember that ! ”文章大意:教育的方式有很多种,本文讲的是有关赏识教育的一个范例,面对一些调皮捣乱的孩子,一位新老师采用的不是批评说教而是张扬这些问题学生身上的长处,发掘他们身上的闪光点,老师看到的是学生哪些事情能做到,能做好,而不是他们的缺点和不足。1A.softBshortCfoolishDordinary解析:空后面的handle us应该理解为管教,所以此处填soft,意为“她看上去太柔和了根本管不了我们”。short意为“个子矮”,个头高矮与是否严厉无关,同样look ordinary“长相平平、不出众”也与是否能管住学生无关。foolish意为“愚蠢的”,文章无任何信息表明老师给学生留下太愚蠢的第一印象。2A.happyBhardCgoodDvaluable解析:新老师看上去很温柔,我们这帮淘小子肯定要给她出难题,不让她好过,欺负她,与她对着干。but后面说她却从不发脾气,可知此空应该选择贬义词即hard。3A.picked upBtook outCpaid forDcame across解析:根据破折号后的a test可知,后文的papers应该意为“考试卷”,这里是说她拿出卷子,要给我们考试了。4A.hopedBneededCfearedDdreamed解析:后文说这事使我们感到大为惊讶,尤其是but oh no这部分足以说明这帮淘小子最怕考试了。5A.disappointedBsurprisedCexcitedDsatisfied解析:此空可与前一空结合起来考虑,月末考试是这帮学生最害怕的,当然也是他们根本没有预料到的,所以自然感到大为惊讶。6A.sentenceBcommentCpaperDletter解析:前文提到过考试卷,此空也可以结合后面的定语从句考虑,能在上面写一些东西的自然是paper了。老师分发的原来是一张纸,上面写着对这个学生的评价,学生一开始以为是考试卷。7A.poorBangryCgoodDglad解析:下文多次提到这位新老师善于发现学生的优点,用阳光的态度对待淘气的学生,此空补全后意为“她在纸上写出有问题的学生在上个月哪些方面做得很好”。8A.forgotten
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