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Unit 3A taste of English humourSection Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points.单句语法填空1Fortunately (fortunate),his mother was very patient and she never gave up helping him.2He took some books with him in order that he would not get bored (bore) during the long journey.3Im convinced (convince) that we can overcome any difficulty.4With all the tasks finished (finish), they went to the cinema happily.5Young people like to watch all kinds of TV programs for entertainment (entertain)6With so much homework to_do (do),Mary wont have time to play with her friends.7Mr. Pan has been loved by the public for his humorous (humour) performance for years.8He found it astonishing (astonish) that his money in the drawer was gone.9The boy has handed out over 8,000 bags to the homeless (home) people through his organization since July,2013.10Once the difficulty is overcome (overcome),the rest of the work will go smoothly.阅读理解If you want someone to open up to you, just make them laugh. Sharing a good laugh makes people more willing to tell others something personal about themselves, without even necessarily being_aware that they are doing so. These are among the findings of a study led by Alan Gray of University College London in the UK. The study was published in the journal Human Nature. Gray and his colleagues gathered 112 students from Oxford University in England, into groups of three. It was the first time that the students had seen one another. The groups watched a 10minute video together, without chatting with one another. The videos differed in the amount of laughter and positive feelings they produced. One featured a standup comedy by Michael McIntyre, another a golf instruction video, and the third a pleasant nature documentary of the BBCs Planet Earth series. The levels of laughter and the students emotional state after watching the video were then measured. The students who had a good laugh together shared more personal information about each other than the groups who did not watch the funny video. Gray suggests this is not only because it is a positive experience, but because of the physiology (生物反应) behind a good laugh. It actually causes the release of the socalled “happy hormone (荷尔蒙)”. The findings support the idea that laughter encourages people to tell more personal information to strangers. Interestingly, the person who told their personal information seldom noticed that he or she had done so. It was only the listener who realized that it had happened. “These results suggest that laughter should be a good topic for those who are interested in the development of social relationships,” says Gray. This suggests laughter can serve as a shortcut (捷径) to forming new relationships.【文章大意】我们常常会发现,人在心情好的时候往往会口无遮拦,英国伦敦大学学院通过研究证实了这一点。1What does the underlined part “being aware” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?AGuessing.BRealizing.CDoubting. DPlanning.解析:B词义猜测题。根据划线部分前后句可知,笑声中人们很可能透露自己的个人信息,并不会有所察觉。2What is the physiological influence of laughter?AIt makes people feel very energetic.BIt is called the bodys natural painkiller.CThe “happy hormone” is released during laughing.DIt results in more movements of the muscles in the body.解析:C细节理解题。根据第三段的It actually causes the release of the socalled “happy hormone”可知,人们笑时身体里会产生一种快乐荷尔蒙。3What is the best title for this passage?AHaving a good laugh can help keep you fit.BIt is interesting to communicate with funny people.CSharing funny videos can help you make more new friends.DLaughter may cause people to share their personal information.解析:D标题归纳题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲人们在笑时会无意透露自己的个人信息。.完形填空 Toby had a fear of heights. He had carried it with him since he was a baby. As a teenager, his _1_ had only become worse. He talked to his father about it one day. “I have had enough, Dad,” he said. “I would love to go rock climbing with my friends. _2_ every time I get too _3_, I feel sick.” His dad thought about his sons _4_. “Well Toby,” he said quietly, “I can _5_ you. But you will need to _6_ your fear. Are you _7_?” Toby was quiet for a moment. “I am ready!” he replied _8_. Tobys father walked toward the front door. “Were going into the city!” his father said. Toby _9_ what was coming. Toby lived in Paris, France. Seated in the heart of Paris, was one of the worlds _10_ landmarks (标志性建筑). It was the Eiffel Tower. Toby knew that visitors were _11_ to climb to the very top. Nothing was said between the pair as they drove into the city. They had arrived at the Eiffel Tower when Toby looked up at it and gasped (倒抽气). His _12_ turned over. “Im not sure if I can do this,” he said _13_. Tobys father _14_ his sons worries. “Dont worry,” he said. “I will be with you every step of the way. This is the day that you _15_ your fears.” Toby looked up at the tall _16_.
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