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Section Welcome to the unit & Reading Language points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.explorern探险家;勘探者2.entrancen. 入口3.contentn. 内容4.swallowvt.&vi. 吞咽,吞下5.withinprep. 在之内,不超过6.coincidencen. 巧合,碰巧.拓展词汇1.curiousadj.好奇的,求知欲强的curiously adv.好奇地curiosity n好奇,好奇心2.fortunen大笔的钱,财富;运气fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地3.preservevt.保存,保护,保持preservation n保存;保持4.deathn死亡dead adj.死的5.connectionn联系connect vt.连接,联系connected adj.有联系的6.punishmentn惩罚punish v惩罚7.scientificadj.科学的science n科学8.disturbvt.打扰,扰乱disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的disturbed adj.受干扰的,不安的disturbance n打扰,扰乱9.breathev呼吸breath n呼吸1.preserve vt.保存,保护,保持词块preserve ones eyesight保护视力近义protect v. 保护派生preservation n. 保存2.coincidence n巧合,碰巧记法co(共同)incidence(突然来临)同时降临巧合词块by coincidence 巧合What a coincidence! 真巧!3.disturb vt.打扰,扰乱词块disturb the class 扰乱课堂disturb the peace 扰乱治安近义bother v. 打扰interrupt v. 打断4.fortune n财富,运气词块good fortune 好运派生(un)fortunate adj. (不)幸运的(un)fortunately adv. (不)幸运地5.entrance n入口词块the College Entrance Examination高考二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.have an effect on对有影响2be curious about对感到好奇3set sail 启航4come across (偶然)遇见;发现5as well as 也,以及6look into向窥视;调查7fall ill 生病8go out熄灭9die of因而死10result in 导致,结果是11pay off成功,带来好的结果;付清12in connection with 和有关1.open up relations between China and the outside world开启了中国与外部世界的关系2during his life在他的一生中3at approximately the same time在大约同一时间4catch a high fever 发高烧5a scientific explanation 一个科学解释6have a strong wish 有强烈的愿望7remain a mystery 仍是个谜8as a punishment 作为一个惩罚三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Upontheir entering the tomb, Carters lucky pet bird, which he had left in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake.他们刚一进入陵墓,卡特留在开罗的幸运爱鸟就被一条蛇给吞食了。upon/ondoing/n. .“一就”,引导时间状语。Upon_his_arrival at the office, he realized that he had left his cellphone at home.一到办公室他就意识到他把手机忘在家里了。2.If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.一旦被人吸入,它们就可能导致疾病甚至死亡。条件状语从句的省略句式。I wont go to his house unless_invited.如果不被邀请,我是不会去他家的。3.What is certain, though, is that the curse of the mummy remains a riddle to this day.但是有一点可以肯定的是,“木乃伊的诅咒”至今仍然是个谜。what引导主语从句并在从句中作主语。What_we_cant_get seems better than what we have.我们不能得到的看起来比我们拥有的要更好。4.Would you ratherbefamous, or be very helpful but unknown?你是愿意出名呢?还是虽然很有帮助,但仍默默无闻呢?would rather do .“宁愿做”。He said that he would_rather_walk than take a taxi, but Id rather he took a taxi to go home.他说他宁愿走着也不愿打车,但我倒宁愿他打车回家。1(教材P42)He was bright andcuriousabout the world outside his home town.他天资聪明,对家乡之外的世界充满了好奇。curious adj.好奇的,求知欲强的;稀奇古怪的,奇特的,难以解释的be curious It is/was curious that . 奇怪的是The catis very curious about the goldfish in the goldfish bowl.那只猫对金鱼缸中的金鱼很好奇。Im curious to_know (know) what is written in this letter.我很想知道这封信里写的是什么。It is curious that he left without saying goodbye.真奇怪,他不辞而别了。curiosity nU好奇心,求知欲;C奇物,珍品out of/from curiosity出于好奇with curiosity 好奇地Children show curiosity about everything.儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心。The letter wasnt addressed to me but I opened it out_of/from_curiosity.那封信不是写给我的,然而我却出于好奇把它拆开了。2(教材P42)In 1891, at the age of 17, he set sail for Alexandria, Egypt.1891年,在17岁的时候,他扬帆远航到了埃及的亚历山大。set sail for启航去(for 不能换成to)Whatever the weather is like tomorrow, our ship will set sail forLianyungang.无论明天的天气如何,我们的船将启航前往连云港。They set sail for Hong Kong this morning.他们今天早上动身去香港了。set up建立,创立set off 引爆,动身set out 出发,动身set down 记录set aside 留出,把放在一边set about (doing) sth. 开始/着手(做)某事set out to do sth. 开始做某事I try to set_aside some money every month.我尽量每月存点钱。We need to set about_finding/set out to_find a solution. (find)我们需要着手寻找解决办法。3(教材P42)Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings.在这些陵墓中,他发现了大量的珠宝和黄金,和已故国王被保存的遗体。fortune n.(1)C大笔钱财,巨款make a fortune发财spend a fortune 花大钱come into a fortune 继承一笔财产be worth a fortune 值好多钱He made a fortune by selling houses.他靠卖房子发了财。You dont have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals.让家里人吃味道好又健康的餐食不需要花许多钱。(2)C,U命运,U运气have (the) good/bad fortune to do .有幸/不幸做seek ones fortune 寻出路,碰运气tell ones fortune 给某人算命I have had the good fortune to workwith some brilliant directors.我有幸与一些才华横溢的导演共事。She can tell_your_fortune by looking at the lines on your hand.她可以凭着手纹给你算命。preservevt.保存,保护,维护,保持preserve . from .保护使之免于be well preserved 保存/保养得好We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources from being wasted.我们已经采取有效的措施来保护自然资源不被浪费。Is he really 60? Hes well preserved (preserve)!他真的60岁了吗?他保养得真好啊!名师点津与preserve . from
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