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课时作业4Earthquakes.阅读理解(郑州一中检测)The McDonald family from Glasgow, Scotland, were on holiday in Western Australia when their vehicle broke down in a desert area ninety miles north of the town of Laverton. This happened on a Tuesday, and the McDonalds were expected to arrive in the city of Kalgoorlie on Wednesday evening. When they did not show up, Mrs McDonalds brother told the local police.A spokesperson from the rescue team that discovered the McDonalds vehicle said that the family planned carefully for their desert trip. They knew that they needed to stay with their vehicle instead of setting out to seek help, and they did the right thing by lighting a fire as a signal to attract attention.When it comes to making a desert trip, the spokesperson also suggested bringing warm clothing for the cold nights and light clothing, hats, and sunscreen for the hot days. Besides, travelers should have a wellstocked survival kit (装备) including a firstaid kit, map, matches or lighter, and a knife. They should also make sure to pack plenty of food and water, spare tires (轮胎), and fuel. The spokespersons final suggestion was to tell a friend or family member about your travel plans.After the unpleasant experience, John McDonald told reporters that he had read quite a lot about desert survival before coming to Australia. He knew that if they had tried to walk to the nearest town, they would not have been able to carry enough water and that they had to cut down on what they ate, because digestion requires a great deal of water.Mr McDonald said he was extremely happy to see the rescue team and thankful that his family had survived. When asked what advice he could share with other possible desert travelers, Mr McDonald said, “Dont panic. Stay where you are and wait to be rescued.” This trip through the Australian desert is one vacation the McDonald family will never forget!本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了McDonald一家在被困沙漠后得到救援的故事。1Where was the McDonald family on Tuesday?AIn an Australian desert.BIn the city of Kalgoorlie.CAt a local police station.DAt the town of Laverton.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“.their vehicle broke down in a desert area ninety miles north of the town of Laverton. This happened on a Tuesday.”可知,周二的时候McDonald一家正被困在澳大利亚的一个沙漠里。2What did the McDonald family do when their car broke down?AThey set out to ask for help.BThey walked to the nearest town.CThey sent out a signal and waited for rescue.DThey lit a fire to keep themselves warm.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“stay with their vehicle”和“they did the right thing by lighting a fire as a signal to attract attention”可知,当车在沙漠抛锚后,McDonald一家发出了求救信号并在原地等待救援。3In Paragraph 3, the spokesperson mainly _.Agave tourists tips on visiting Western AustraliaBprovided details on how to prepare for desert travelCgave instructions on surviving in terrible conditionsDdescribed how the McDonald family survived in the desert答案:B解析:段落大意题。根据第三段中的“When it comes to making a desert trip, the spokesperson also suggested.Besides, travelers should.The spokespersons final suggestion was to.”可知,发言人在第三段主要谈到准备沙漠旅行的细节问题。4What is John McDonalds suggestion on a desert trip?APrepare a special vehicle for it.BNever try to make a desert trip alone.CTry to cross a desert in a suitable season.DStay calm if you are trapped in the desert.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中Mr McDonald说的“Dont panic. Stay where you are and wait to be rescued.”可知,他建议如果被困在沙漠一定不要惊慌失措,要保持镇定。.阅读填句(哈尔滨三中月考)Study abroadEvery year, thousands of students choose to study abroad for the summer, six months, a year or longer. Here are some things you need to know before you make such a decision.Who do it?Living in another country will help you learn about the culture of another land. You will see the world in a new way. _1_ Many companies today want employees who speak a second language or who have experienced living or working in another country.Making the right choice.To choose the right country or school, ask yourself these questions: _2_ Do I want to live with a host family (寄宿家庭), with roommates, or alone? How much do I want to pay?_3_Get your passport and visa (签证) early! Before you go, learn as much of the language as you can, and read about the customs of your host country. Also, talk with people who have experienced studying abroad. Call the school to make sure someone can meet you when you get there.Once you are there.After the first few weeks its usual to feel a little homesick. _4_ Just be open to meeting new people and having new experiences. Remember that it takes time to get used to a new place with new customs. Talk to your new friends and write about your feelings. _5_AGetting ready to go.BImproving your language skills.CYoull miss your family and friends.DHow long do I want to study abroad?EMake a phone call to the “study abroad” office.FAlways keep an open mind and you will succeed.GStudying a
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