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练习1 名词和名词的数名词是:人名、地名、事物名、抽象概念的名称的词。名词分为:(一)专有名词专有名词的首写字母一定要大写,前面不能用冠词。(二)普通名词有:可数名词和不可数名词可数名词有:个体名词和集体名词。语法重点 名词变复数 日期 月 日 正确率 .一 给下列的名词加上复数的形式book map cat picture house watch bus dress class classroom glass brush dish month mouth box boy baby story lady family day_ key _ monkey photo radio piano zoo tomato potato leaf knife wife man woman Frenchman child Chinese German fish foot tooth mouse sheep parent Japanse 二 填单词并用词的适当形式天空1.It is raining. Please take your (伞).2.Listen !Mr.Wood is playing the (钢琴)3.There are a lot of (邮票) in my box.4.It is 300 (千米)from Beijing to Shijiazhuang.5.These (小孩) are playing on the playground.6. These balls are five (美元).7. In _(春天), we often fly kite in the park8. I wanted some special (礼物)from Canada.9.Li Ming likes_ (零食) very much.10. He likes playing (电脑) games.11. Are_ (这些) your friends?12. Do you always do your (作业)?13. .The _ (窗户) of the room are very big.14. That is Jennys _ (卧室).15. There are some (小鸟)in the sky.16There are sixty (分钟)in an hour17. I bought some (东西) in the store .18.What is your favourite (运动)19The (花) bloom in spring. 20.There are twelve (月)in a year.三 选出不同类的选项( ) 1. A gray B green C glasses D brown E red( ) 2. A zoo B gym C shop Dclass E park( ) 3. A Mr B Smith C My D Lucy E Mrs ( ) 4. A father B teacher C mother D sister E cousin( ) 5. A brother Bdriver C worker D cook E student( ) 6. A eraser Bpencil C dictiongary D book E key( ) 7. A flower Bhat C shoes D coat Eshirt( ) 8. A chick Bpig C fox D door E sheep( ) 9. A pineappleBpeach C pea D pear E melon( ) 10.A milk Bmeat C water D juice E tea四 下列各题中均有一个句子是错误的,请将它的序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1 A Its a cup. B There are cups. C These are a cup. D Those arent cups.( ) 2 A She is a teacher. B He is a teacher, too. C There are teachers D They is teachers.( ) 3 A Nice to meet you. B Here you are. C How you are? D How do you do?( ) 4 A Thiss is a Chinas stamp. B Thats Chinas stamp.C These are Chinas stamps. D Those are Chinas stamps.( ) 5 A what color is the desk? B Whats color is the desk? C What color are the desks? D What color are those desks?( ) 6 A Yes, it isnt B yes, it is. C No, they arent. D no, it isnt.( ) 7 A I am a Chinese. B She is Japanese. C We are Chinese D They are Americans.五 翻译1 你是一名学生。 2 她有两个哥哥。 3我们是学生。 4他们是男人。 5这些是盒子。 6 那些是他们的朋友。 7女孩们喜欢连衣裙。 8孩子们喜欢草莓。 9中国人喜欢米饭。 10我们喜欢我们的父母。 练习2 不可数名词姓名 日期 月 日 正确率 .请区分下列单词,并将其填入相应的方框中woman class monkey party rice shelf bottle man watch time fox boy foot food potato money family milk tomato bus sheep juice key dollar child fish radio toy leaf story tooth knife photo air water bread meat wife temperature work soup luck 可数名词不可数名词-s-es-ies-ves不规则变化填单词1 I like _(茶) very much.2.Do you always do your (作业)?3.The rain is falling from the (天空).4 There is some _ in the bottle. (水).5. Lucy likes _ ( 沙拉)very much.6. Lets have some orange_. (果汁) 7. He has two (杯) of tea every day.8.I would like three (双) of shoes.9.Whats the (天气)like today?10. Whats the (温度)?11.How (多少)students are there in your class.12.How (多少钱) are your pens? . 13.My family _ a big family. 14.My family _all here.(选择is/are 填空)汉译英1 一张中国地图 2 六个男老师 3 五个家庭 4 三张纸 5 八个盒子 6 七条鱼 7 九本词典 8 十棵香蕉树
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