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Unit 2Topic 2Section B1 八年级上册教案设计 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking. Section B . Materialanalysis 本课时的主要活动为1a,3a 和 3b。 本课就吸烟这个坏习惯展开讨论,呈现了本单元语法重点:情态动词must + 动词原 形:I must ask him to give up smoking. 表示建议、 劝告。同时巩固了动名词做主语的句式: Smoking is badfor his health. 通过学习Section B, 让学生能够辨别好习惯与坏习惯,并能 帮助亲人戒掉坏习惯。课后要求学生会用动名词做主语造句,能用must 提建议。 . Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 能正确运用以下短语,巩固动名词短语做主语的书面表达: readin the sun, give up smoking, go to school without breakfast, take a walk, study late, drink enoughwater 2. 能正确地运用must, mustnt进行劝告或提建议: I must ask him to give up smoking. 3. 能正确辨别 /?/, /:/和/D/的发音。 4. 朗读时连读现象。 Skill aims: 1. 能听懂有关影响健康的好习惯和坏习惯的话题。 2. 能熟练地运用must, mustnt提建议。 3. 能正确朗读有关影响健康的好习惯和坏习惯的对话或文章。 Emotional aims: 通过语言学习,影响学生的自身品格,要学会辨别好习惯与坏习惯,养成好习惯,戒掉 坏习惯,并帮助他人戒掉坏习惯,保持健康。 . The key points and difficultpoints Key points: 理解和运用must 表示“建议、劝告”的用法: I must ask him to give up smoking. 我得劝他戒掉烟。 Difficultpoints: 巩固动名词做主语的正确运用。 . Learningstrategies 培养学生跟读chant 的能力,朗读中注意连读。 Unit 2Topic 2Section B2 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, a piece of colorful paper,acigarette, phonetic cards Everyday saying: As aman sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 Unit 2Topic 2Section B3 . Teaching procedures Step Interaction pattern Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (7 minutes) 1. Thewholeclass work 2. Thewholeclass work 3. Thewholeclass work 4.Thewholeclass work 5. Thewholeclass work 6. Thewholeclass work 7. Somestudents work 8. Somestudents work 9. Thewholeclass work 1. Focus their attention on the teacher. 2. Readthesayingaloud. 3. Studentsread the chant on P38 andtry toimitate therecording, atleastfor threetimes. 4. Studentsareinterested in “ Guessinggame ”. They may answerlike this: (1) Candy. (2) A pen. (3) Chalk. 5. Studentssay “ Wow” or they laugh. 6. Studentsunderstand “ smoke ”andanswer “ Smoking is bad for our health. ” 7. Somestudents put up their hands. 8. Somestudents say,“I should/must ask him to give up smoking.” 9. Studentslisten and answer: (1) Mariasfather. (2) Shemust ask him to giveupsmoking. 1. Get students ready for learning. 2. Show everyday saying for the students. (onesaying a week) 3. Repeatthe chant on P38 after the recording. 4. Teacherplays a game with the students: “ Guessing game.”Teacherwraps a cigarette in a piece of colorfulpaper and makes it like candy,letting students guesswhat it is inside. 5. Teacheropensthe candy. Itsacigarette. 6. Teachershows a picture with “ smoke ”on the screen, askingthestudents,“ Is smoking good or bad for your health? ” 7. Teacherdoesa survey, asking “ Does your father smoke? If so,pleaseput up your hands”. 8. Teachergoeson with “ What should you do if your father smokes?” 9. Teacherleadsto 1a. Wang Junfeng andMaria aretalking about smoking. Letslistento1aandanswer: (1) Whose father smokes? (2) What shouldhe/shedo ? Unit 2Topic 2Section B4 Presentation (10 minutes) 1. Thewholeclass work 2. Thewholeclass work 3. Thewholeclass work 4. Thewholeclass work 5. Somestudents work 6. Thewholeclass work 7. Group work 1. Studentslisten to some bad things about smokingandunderstand the meaningsof “ article”and“ cancer”. 2. Students look through 1b to prepare for listening. 3. Studentslisten and finish 1b. 4. Studentslook through 1aand find the proper sentencesand change “ I ”into “ He/She”. 5. Volunteers readtheir answers. 6. Studentslook through 1c and listen. 7. Studentsdiscussin groups, unifyingtheir answers. 1. Teacherreadsan article about smoking to the studentsin Chinese, explaining “ cancer”in Chinese,and then shows another article, to help the studentsto understand “ article”. 2. Teacherasksthe students to look through 1b. 3. Teacherplaystherecording. 4. Teacherasksthe students to look through 1aand check their answers. 5. Teacherchecksthestudents answers. 6. Teacherasksthe students to look through 1c, and then plays the recording for them. 7. Teacherasksthe students to discussin groups to check their answers. Unit 2Topic 2Section B5 Consolidation (10minutes) 1. The whole classwork 2. The whole classwork 3. The whole classwork 1.Students readwith the recording,imitatingit. 2. Studentsunderline the languagepoints in their text book. (1) prep. doing (2) help sb. do sth. (3) doing sth. is (4) tooth-teeth (5) says/writes (6)mustdosth. giveupdoingsth. 3. Studentsread 1c. 1. Teacherplays 1a for the studentsto read. 2. Teachershows some languagepoints on the screenfor the students: (1)anarticleaboutsmoking (2)helphimrelax (3)Smokingisbadforhis health. (4)histeeth (5)The articlesays (6)I mustaskhimtogiveup smoking. 3.Teacherasksthestudents to read1cindividually. Unit 2Topic 2Section B6 Practice (10minutes) 1. The whole classwork 2. Group work 3. Pair work 4. The whole classwork 5. Thewholeclass work. 6. Group work andpairwork 7. Group work 8. The whole classwork 9. Group work andindividual work 10. The whole classwork 11. The whole classwork 12. Individual work 1. Studentsread 1a in pairs. 2.Member A helps memberB andC read 1acorrectly. 3.Mem
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