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1 Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1 When is your birthday? Section D . Materialanalysis 本节课是第七单元话题一的最后一课,也是一节复习课。主要活动是Grammar, Functions, 1 和 2。通过听对话完成表格, 巩固关于物体形状、 尺寸及其用途的表达方法; 通过阅读关于生日计划的短文,完成判断正误的练习,训练学生快速从短文中获取具体 信息、理解文章大意的能力;通过谈论为父母制定生日计划,鼓励学生说英语,培养学 生关爱父母的情感态度;通过 Grammar 和 Functions 的内容,将复习be动词的一般过去 时和序数词的拼写, 以及复习有关生日、 日期、物体形状、 尺寸和用途等特征的表达法。 . Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 根据已学语音、音标以及发音规则,正确朗读、拼写下列词汇:cake,Mrs. 引导学生总结并进一步巩固询问日期,出生时间和出生地点的表达方式和询问物 体形状、尺寸、用途的表达方式,如: (1) Where was/ were .born? .was/were born in. (2) When was/ were.born? .was/were born in/on. (3) What s theshapeof .?= What shapeis .? It s. (4) How long/wide is it? It s.centimeterslong/wide. (5) What do we useit for? We useit to. 引导学生复习be 动词的一般过去时态以及序数词的拼读和拼写规则。 2. Skill aims 能够听懂有关日期、出生日期、出生地点,描述生日礼物特征的语段和简单的故 事; 2 能听懂描述生日礼物特征的语段; 能在口头表达中做到发音清晰,语音语调准确并能够用英语谈论生日计划; 能根据图文就表达日期、出生日期、出生地点,描述生日礼物特征等进行交流; 能够正确地朗读对话及短文,注意语音语调; 能够通过阅读关于生日计划的小短文,训练快速从文中获取具体信息,理解文章 大意的能力; 能围绕生日聚会的话题写出生日庆祝计划的短文。 3. Emotional aims 通过相关活动,培养学生关爱家人的意识态度; 通过小组间良性竞争与合作,培养学生之间友好互助的精神。 .The key points and difficultpoints 1. Key points 进一步巩固谈论和询问物体形状、尺寸、用途等特征的表达方式: What sthe shapeof .? = What shapeis .? Its. How long/wide is it? Its.centimeterslong/wide. What do we useit for? We useit to . 2. Difficult points 能通过快速阅读获取信息,理解文章大意。 .Learning strategies 通过训练听力的方法,复习巩固重点句型。 . Teaching aids 多媒体、录音机和黑板 3 .Teaching procedures StepInteraction patterns Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (6 minutes) 1.Thewhole classwork. 2.Individual work. 3.Groupwork. 1.DoGrammar. Greetwiththe teacherand answerthe questions: T:Whatsthedate today? Ss:Its. T:Whenwereyou born? Ss:Iwasborn on/in. T:Wherewereyou born?Whenwas Kangkangborn? Wherewas Kangkang born? Ss:Hewasborn on/in. 2.Doitby yourselvesand checkthe answers together. 3.Play the game in 1.Greet students and helpthe students review the expression in this topic. 2.PointoutPastSimplein Grammar on the screen and let students fill in the blanks quickly. Check the answerstogether. 3.Play a game Say out the ordinal numbers in order but say 4 4.Thewhole classwork. order. 4.Read the numbers together. “ stop”instead of sayingthird, sixth, ninth. 4.Point out the ordinal numbers onthescreen againand let studentsreadit together. Presentation (15 minutes) 1.Pair work. 2.Individual work. 3.Individual work and pair work. 4.Pairwork and individual work. 1.Do task 1. Answer the questions. 2.Do Functions. Fill in the blanks. 3.Listen and fillin thetable.Then check the answers. Finally, describe the computer and pencil box in pairs: A: What shapeis it? B: It is. 4.Talkand answer the questions: Whenisyour mothersbirthday? Whenisyour fathersbirthday? Do you know? How doyouplanto 1.Showsome objects and ask somestudents toanswerthe questions. What shape is .? How long/wide is it? What do we useit for? 2.Showthesentences onthe screen and let students fill in the blanks. 3.Show the table on the screen and play the tape. Let students complete the table. Help check the answersin thetable. 4.Point out some questions: Let students talk about the question and give a report. Preparefor the task 2. 5 celebratethe birthday?Then report the result to the class. Consolidation (8 minutes) 1.Individual work. 2.Individual work and group work. 1.Do task 2. Read thepassageby yourselves;Then askthe teacher some questions: e.g. 介词 on 的 用 法 ; That wouldbea wonderfuldayfor Mrs. Brown.的 意 思是什么? 2.Check the answers and talk about the passage. Retell the passage. 1.Give students2mins to readthe passageand predict the main idea of the passage.Ask students if they have some questions, then give the answers. 2.Point out the sentencesin 2 and let students make T/F first. Then letstudentstalkaboutthe passage. Finally,givestudents 1min to retell the passagein their own words. Practice (10 minutes) 1.Individual work. 2.Pair work. 1.Dotask 3.Talk about how to set a birthday plan. Check the things in 3 by yourselves and write the passage. 2.Checkthe passages inpairs andreadtheir passages. 1.Givestudents some timeto check what they do to celebrate theirfathersormothers birthdays in 3. Ask students to writea passage about how to celebratetheirfathersor mothersbirthdays. 2.Let some students check their passages each otherfirstand someof them readtheir passages. 6 Production (6 minutes) Group work.Surveyand completethetable of project in groups. Thenreporttheir informationtothe class. 1.Letstudentssurveytheir classmates about their personal informationand fillin the table ingroups. Then choose some students to give a report about their information. 2.Assign the homework: Reviewthekeywordsand sentencesin this topic; Previewthewordsand expressionsin Topic 2 SectionA. Teachingreflection: 本节课通过游戏、结对活动、小组活动、听力及短文阅读等对本话题的主要语言 点和重要的表达方式进行了全面的复习。学生们在日常课堂学习中,由于教学时间和 教学进度的关系,利用课堂时间分析理解文段的机会较少,因此,要引导学生在课后 多做阅读理解,掌握做此类题的方法,不断提高其阅读能力。 7 . Blackboarddesign Topic 1When is your birthday? Section D 1. What sthe datetoday?5. WherewasKangkang born? Its. H
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