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Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 What can I do for you?教学设计 Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 .Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. (1)Learn some useful words and expressions: madam, buy, over, there, over there, try, try on, How much ? (2)Learn words about numbers: thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred 2. Learn some expressions about shopping: (1)What can I do for you, madam? I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. (2)May I help you? Yes, please. I like the yellow coat. (3)Can I try it on? Sure. (4)That s fine. Well take it. 3. Learn how to ask for and state prices. How much is it? It s only 70 yuan. . Teaching aids 教具 图片/ 彩笔/ 自制价格牌 / 小黑板 / 实物/ 录音机 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习( 时间:10 分钟) 1. ( 师生问候过后,老师在黑板上贴一张大白纸,上面已事先画好一个动物,但 线条很浅,在线条上分布0-20 之间的数字,直到数字连接完毕,方可显现动 物轮廓。 ) T: Who can help me? S1: I can. T: Good, listen and match (翻译成“连接” ) the numbers, OK? S1: OK. T: Please match number“0”and“20”. ( 学生连线 0 与 20,完毕,老师面向大家。 ) T: What can you see now? Ss: A cat. T: You re right. Let s go on( 翻译成“继续” ). 2. ( 由数词 0-20 的复习,引入整十整佰的学习。) ( 运用“What s and ?”句型来引入整十的数字。) T: What s five and fifteen? S2: Twenty. ( 教师帮助学生回答。 ) T: What s fourteen and sixteen? S3: thirty. (教师帮助学生回答。 ) ( 板书) twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:10 分钟) 1. ( 老师通过小黑板展示如下内容,学习整十数词。让学生通过观察、比较,找 出这两组数词之间在写法上的内在联系。注:用彩色来凸现-teen与-ty。) Group A Group B 12 twelve 20 twenty 13 thirteen 30 thirty 14 fourteen 40 forty 15 fifteen 50 fifty 16 sixteen 60 sixty 17 seventeen 70 seventy 18 eighteen 80 eighty 19 nineteen 90 ninety T: Look at the small blackboard, can you find some rules of the two groups? ( 让学生自主归纳、总结,教师最后补充说明。) T: Very good. Let s read Group A. ( 老师指着 Group B 的数词,让学生朗读。因twenty 已学过,学生可能模仿它 读出后面的数词。 ) T: Now look at Group B, try to read them. S4:Twenty. S4:Thirty. ( 老师指向 thirty,若学生把重音读错,教师必须及时纠正。) ( 然后让学生齐声朗读, 老师观察有没有读错或不会读的学生。待齐读完毕后, 及时纠正读错或不会读的数词。) ( 链式操练,纠正个别学生的读音。) T: Now, let s read one by one. S5:twenty. S6:thirty. ( 学生依次操练,若有个别学生读音不准,老师要及时纠正。) 2. ( 让学生观察 2a,学习几十几的读法和写法。) T: Now look at 2a carefully, and find out how to read and write the numbers from 21 to 29. ( 让学生试总结:在十位和个位之间加连字符“-”。读法:先读十位,再 读个位即可。 ) 3. ( 播放 2a录音,让学生跟读到ninety 即停。 ) T: Listen to 2a and read after the tape. T: Now, listen to the next number. ( 继续播放 2a,让学生听 hundred的发音。 ) ( 老师提问全体学生。 ) T: How to pronounce(发音) the number? Ss: One hundred. ( 板书) 100 one hundred 4. ( 让学生观察 2a 中的这四个数词, 101,184,215,999,找出他们的读写规 律。播放这四个数词的录音,让学生跟读。) T: What can you find? Ss:( 用汉语表达: 在百位与十位之间加and。在十位与个位之间加连字符 “- ”) T: You are right. 5. ( 再次播放 2a录音,让学生跟读并完成2a。) T: Listen to 2a again and read after the tape. Pay attention to the intonation. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固( 时间:5 分钟) 1. ( 播放 3a录音,让学生跟读,学习重音位置,完成3a。) 2. ( 听口令,辨数字。 ) T: Open your books and turn to page eighty-eight. ( 老师做打开书的动作,帮助学 生理解。 ) (老师反复发令,复习200 之内的数词。 ) 3. ( 利用价格牌读数词,可写在卡片上。) T: (出示价格牌。如:¥ 25.00) S1, please read it. S8: Twenty-five. (反复此活动,重点复习本课所学数词:21-999。) Step 4 Practice 第四步练习( 时间:15 分钟) 1. ( 老师根据价格牌上数字操练,引入购物的话题。) T: Where can you find them? Ss: ( 学生不会表达 shop/store/supermarket。可以用汉语。) T: Right. We can find them in the supermarket like (列举几个当地的超市名称, 让学生感知 supermarket的意思,因为后面要经常用到它。 ) Do you often buy something in a supermarket? ( 板书) buy Ss: Yes. T: What can you buy in a supermarket? ( 出示几张文具类,服装类的图片给予提 示。) S9: I can buy 2. ( 让学生联系亲身购物的经历,进入购物话题。) T: What does the salesperson ( 翻译成“销售员” ) say to you? Ss: ( 学生可以用汉语回答,然后老师教授新句型。) ( 板书) What can I do for you? May I help you? (这两个句子均无生词,可让学生自己读,然后全班同学齐声读。) T: What do you say if(汉语“如果” ) the salesperson ( 汉语“店员” ) says “ What can I do for you?” or “ May I help you?” to you? ( 学生不会回答,会出现短暂地沉默,然后由老师陈述。) T: You can say “Yes, please. Id like ” or“I want some ” . If you dont want to buy, you can say “No, thanks.” ( 板书) Yes, please. Id like / I want some No, thanks. 3. ( 师生运用该用语操练。 ) Example: T: What can I do for you? S1: I want to buy a pen. T: Can I help you? S2: Yes, please. I d like to buy a pencil. T: May I help you? S3: No, thanks. T: (走向一女生 ) May I help you, madam? S11: Yes, please. I want some ( 或其他回答 ) ( 板书) madam ( 继续多问几个女学生,感知madam的含义。 ) 4.( 老师通过购物用语,导入询问商品的价格。) T: You want to buy something. You ll ask the salesperson: How much is it? ( 板书) How much is it? It s (老师拿起一名学生的铅笔,操练该句型。) T: How much is it? S12: It s one yuan. (老师拿起其他学生的物品,反复发问,让学生加深对询问价格句型的印象。) 5. ( 让学生阅读 1a,并找出新短语 over there, try on。) (板书) over there try on 6. (1)听第一小段对话,回答问题。 What does the woman want to buy? (2) 听第二小段对话,回答问题。 What color is the coat? How much is the coat? 7. ( 播放 1a录音,学生跟读,模仿正确的语音语调,找出关键句。) (1)What can I do for you? I want to buy for (2)May I help you? Yes, please. Can I try it on? It looks very nice on you. How much is it? It s That s fine. Take it. 8. (1)根据关键句,让学生四人一组操练对话1a。 (2)根据 1a,完成 1b。 Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动 ( 时间:5 分钟) 1. 方案一:听 2b 录音,连线并核对答案,然后表演这四组对话,完
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