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Unit 5Topic 3Section B 学习目标 : 1. 学习重要的单词和短语。 2. 进一步学习并列连词,同时引入主谓一致的用法。 3. 鼓励学生运用所学语言谈论和描述历史人物。 Task1.Revision:Can you makeasentence? 1. Big Ben/aclock tower/ the queenof Englandbuilt sothat thepeoplewould have the sametime 2.theOperaHouse/looklike ahugesailing boat/is thepride of Australians 3.theStatueof Liberty/a gift from Franceto theUSA /designedby GustaveEiffel 4.GustaveEiffel/designed theEiffel Tower/agreatleaderin thearts Task 2. Words: 1.Try to readthewords; 2. Readafter the teacher. 3.Try to rememberthewords) 4. Checkthewords: 用所给单词的适当形式填空: prize ,neither ,duty ,lifetime,include 1) It severyones_to protect our environment. 2) I didn tget aticket for theexhibition and_did my brother. 3) Our apartmentbuilding hasfive storeys_the groundfloor. 1. radium/ reidi?m/ n. 镭 2. prize/pra?z/n. 奖励,奖品 win the first prize 3. lifetime/la?fta?m/n. 有生之年 in / during one slifetime在某人一生中 4. telegraph/ teligr :f/n. 电报 5.photographic/,f?t? gr?f?k/adj.摄影的 6. duty/ dju:ti/n.责任,义务 on duty 值日 Itsone sduty to do sth.做某事是某人的责任。 7. neither/ na?e?/ pron.两者都不adv.也不 8. nor/n?:/conj.也不 9. neither nor 既不也不 4) I amglad to help you get thefirst _in thefinal exam. 5) The friendship will lasta _if you get onwell with your classmates. Task 3. Learn 1a: Step1. Listen to 1a and complete the table. Step2.Readthe dialog after the tape. Step3. Read the dialog and find out the sentences,then read them fluentl y. 1. Readthesentencesaloud. 2. Exercises: 1) 她会说汉语和英语。 2) 他和他的哥哥都正在操场上打篮球。 3) 路西和她的父母亲已经去过美国。 4) 尽管他小,他能讲出许多名人的故事。 5) He nevergaveup _(practice) English during theholidays. 6) JerryandPeterarefond of watching TV.(同义句转换) _ Jerry_ _Peter_ fond of watching TV. 7) Either you or he _(have)to stayat home. 8) Neither he nor I _(have)beento Beijing. 9) Not only my fatherbut(also)all of us_(be)looking forward to Name Peoplethey admire most Reason KangkangAbrahamLincoln _andno much education,nevergave up, becameoneof thefamous_ of theUSA SusannaMarie Curie _radium, _the Nobel Prize for two times _ThomasEdison exploring _,manygreat_ 1)Althoughhe was both poor and didn thave much education, he never gave up reading books. 2)He became one of the greatest presidents of the USA. 3)Not only did she discover radium but also she won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime. 4) I admire Thomas Edison both for his exploringspirit and for his great inventions. meetingmy uncle. 10) There_(be)apenandtwo pencilson thedesk. 11)Li Lei is oneof the_( 最高的学生 ). 12) Weadmirehim _his patience. Step4.Complete the dialog: A: Hi, Kangkang,_? B: My hero isAbraham Lincoln. Although he waspoor, henevergaveup reading.He becameoneof the greatestpresidentsof the USA._? A: Marie Curie is my hero.Not only did shediscoverradium but alsoshewon theNobel Prize twice in herlifetime. B: _!I think we canlearn alot from them. A: _.Haveyou heardof ThomasEdison? _? A: Of course.He inventedmore than2000 new things during his lifetime , including the light bulb, thetelegraphand photographicfilm. B: He is great.Thank you for telling mesomuch. A: You rewelcome. Task 4. Exercises: Make sentences by following theexample. 1. not only, I , have,Tom, but also,a car 2. neither,he, she,nor, be, anengineer 3. probably,you, either,I, or, wrong, be 4. both,and,he,Jack,fire, be Task 5. Complete the passage: by, late, born, call, other, return,from My favorite hero is Yang Liwei. He was _ in Liaoning Province and in 1987 he becamea pilot. 11 years _, he joined the Chinese SpaceProgram with _13 pilots. He was trained for five years. Then he traveled around the earth _ShenzhouV for 21 hoursin 2003. Weall watchedhis spaceflight onTV. He wavedto everyoneon Earthand showedtheChinesenational flag. When he_ to earthafter hisjourney into space,YangLiwei was_Chinas First Astronaut. Heis really braveand hard-working. Ive learnedalot _him. Task 6. Summary: Task 7. Homework: Writing: write a shortpassageaccordingto todayslesson. 1.Who is your hero? 2.Who is the personthat you admire most?
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