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Unit5 Topic3 SectionD 优质课教案 LearningAims: 1. Knowledgeaims: (1)学习并掌握新词汇:spirit, silent decision, sensethink over, make a decision. (2)熟练掌握简单句的六种基本句型。 2. Skill aims: To write thethingsandpassageabouthow to comeover thebadspirits. 3. Emotional aims. Ask studentsto understandthe good spirit make them grow up well, so weshouldstayin good spirits andtakecareof ourselves. Key points: 1. Recitethenew words,somephrases. 2. Masterthe six basicstructuresof simple sentences. Difficult points: Write apassage.(givesbsuggestionsabouthow to stayin goodspirits) Learning Strategies: review, use,write LearningAids: PPT,pictures,tape,song(If you feel happy) Teachingprocedures: Step1.Pre-reading 1.Listen to asong(warming up) & Greeting T: Let usbegin our class. Ss:Goodafternoon,teacher! T: Good afternoon,boys andgirls! T: How areyou feeling to day? Ss:Fine, thank you andyou? T: I mfine too, thank you! 2. Ok, today letslearn Unit5 topic3 SectionD. First, Look at thesethings. When you look at the bright colors, when you meet a fine day,when you heara pieceof good news:You llhavea three-dayholiday or when you live in this beautiful environment. How do you feel? Ss:Happy.(板书笑脸 ) T: Yes,wewill feel happy! T: However, when you meetthe cloudy weather,when you get the news: You will have lots of homework to do during the holiday or when you live here(指照片)How do you feel? Ss: Unhappy/ Sad.(板书哭脸 ) T: Yes,becauseit gave us bad feelings, so we can seemany things can affect our feelings板 书feelingsuch as colors, weather, news, environment T: now: Questions: If you feel happydo you want to work Or doyou want to study? Ss:No. T: Yes,becausewe have no good spirits. As for me, if I feel unhappy,I want to do nothing. So it is very important for us to bein a good mood. But, how to stay in good spirits. (板书)What aboutyour ideas? S1.S2.S3 OK, let usput this Questionhere.Let uslearn thenew class! Step2.While-reading Task1.First learnpart 1 quickly accordingto pre-reading. Justnow we have learnedpart1, let uslook at the mind mapandretell it. Many things aroundusmay affect our feelings andmoods,suchascolors, weather,newsandthe environment, it is important for usto be in a good mood. Task2.Learn somephrases (1) exerciseand relax (2) remember to do (3) don tkeep silent (4) get help from (5) think it over (6) getbackto (7) a senseof T: Readafter me,what sthemeaningof them? Ss:Translatetheminto Chineseoneby one. T: I sayChineseyou sayEnglish. ThenI sayEnglish you sayChinese. Task3.Learn part2 1. Pleaseread this passageby yourselvesand circle the new words that you can tread. 2. Now listen to the tapeandcheckthem. T: Any questions? Ss:No Problem 3. Read(跟读、齐读、个人读 ) 4. Onereadandonetranslate Task4.Let usanalyzePart2 1. How many suggestionsdoesit give us?Pleasereadit, andfind out the answers. Ss:Six 2. T: To summarizethesesuggestionswith simple words. Ss:. 3. Completethechart on page24. 4. Retell part2accordingto the mind map. 5. T: What sentencepatternsaboutthesesuggestions? Ss:Imperative sentences (祈使句) T: All right, do youknow any othersentencepattern? Ss:(PPT)Why not.? What/How aboutdoing?Let sdo . Why don t. Do .? Step3Post-reading OK, now if one of you group membersfailed the English exam.He/ She felt upset. Can you give her some advice? With the sentencepatterns? Now you have8 minutes to write in group. OK, boys andgirls, time is up. Which group wantsto shareyour ideas?Show time . Shareit and read your suggestions. Ss:showthewriting. Step4Conclusion 根据学生的 suggestion由 smile 引出: T: Yes,smile is important in our daily life. Smile is medicine when you feel unhappy.So I give you sometips for happiness!One word: Smile. Two words: Give more. Three words: Free your heart. Four words: Live aneasylife. Step5Summary This is todayssummary.Welearn 1. New words andphrases: spirit, silent, think over, decision, sense,stay in good spirits, keep silent, makea decision 2. How to stayin good spirits. Wecan Expressour feelings. Help otherswhenthey arein abadmood. Step6Homework Homework for you! Review the new words, phrases and useful expressions in this topic. Collect the phraseswith “ feeling”,“ spirit”,“ mood ”andtry to understand their different uses.Somuch for this class!Thank you!
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