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1,Subjunctive Mood,虚拟语气,2,3,once there was true love for me but I didnt value it .When it silpped away between my fingers,I began to regret.That is the saddest thing in life.If God could give me a second chance,I would tell the girl I love you.If there should be a time limit on this love,I wish it would be 10000years.,1.虚拟语气在if 条件句中的应用,+do sth,+ have done sth,+ do sth,would could should might,were/did,had done,1.were/did 2.should do 3.were to do,would should might could,would could might should,ex. 1. If he were rich,he_ (将买房子)。 2.If I should fail, I_.(再做一次)。 3. If I had taken your advice, I _ (不会犯错误) 4. If you had come earlier, you_ (可能会赶上火车).,would buy the house.,would do it again,wouldnt have made a mistake.,might have caught the train.,6,What would you do if you won the lottery? If I won the lottery, I would,7,If I the lottery, I buy an expensive car.,won,would,8,If I a lot of money now, I travel around the world.,had,would,9,If he _ more carefully, he _ the car accident yesterday.(drive/have),had driven,would not have had,10,If I _ how to swim,I _ trapped in this island.,had learnt,would not have been,11,1. If Tom _ (be) more careful in the exam, he _ (pass) it already. 2. If you _ (get) up earlier, you _ (catch) the first train.,had been,would have passed,had got,would have caught,PRACTICE : Fill in the blanks.,12,3. If I _ (meet) you yesterday, we _ (go) to the concert together.,had met,would have gone,13,If he got / were to/should get up early tomorrow,he on time.,would be,14,If Mike should /were to hand in his homework today,the sun would rise from the west.,15,假如他来了, 我们对他说什么呢?,If he come, what we say to him.,假如他看见我, 就会认识我。,If he / were to see me, he know me.,were to,should,should,would,16,1. If there _ (be) no natural resource any more, we _ (make) use of nuclear power . 2. What _ (happen) if you _ (get up) too late tomorrow?,should be,should make,would happen,should get up,PRACTICE : Fill in the blanks,17,3. If Robots _ (control) the world some day, here _ (be) no friendship.,were to control,would be,18,主句与从句的动作发生在不同的时间, 这时主从句位于动词的虚拟语气形式因时间不同而不同, 这叫做混合条件句。 例句中从句与过去事实相反, 主句与现在事实相反 If you had asked him yesterday, you would know what to do now.,19,If the staff more careful,the mall on fire now.,had been,would not be,20,含蓄的虚拟条件句 1. But for the help of my English teacher, I _ the first prize in the English Writing Competition.(09福建卷) A. would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won 2.He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _ a goal.(09上海春) had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored,21,2. 宾语从句的虚拟语气,1). wish/if only+ 宾语从句 表示很难实现的愿望,译为“但愿就好了”;“可惜”。 2)as though/as if +宾语从句表示与真实情况相反,译为“似乎,好像” 3)would rather+宾语从句表示与真实意愿相反的情况,译为“宁愿做.”.,22,wish/if only as if /as though,+would /could/ might +do (将来不大可能实现的愿望 ),23,magic lamp,I wish.,24,我要和你一样高就好了。,I wish I were as tall as you.,25,我是一只鸟就好了。,I wish I were a bird.,26,但愿每天都是我的生日就好了,If only every day were my birthday.,27,我宁愿我没吃那么多西瓜就好了。,I would rather I hadnt eaten so much watermelon.,28,The party was terrible, I wish I never gone to it.,had,29,If only it would rain tomorrow.,how lovely the rain is !,30,He behaves as if he the house.,(But he doesnt own it or probably doesnt own it or we dont know whether he owns it or not.),owned,31,She talks about Rome as though she been there himself.,had,32,他那样对待我, 好像我是陌生人似的。,He treats me as if I were a stranger.,注意: 如果表示的事情可能会发生, 那么方式状语从句中的谓语动词可用陈述语气。,Even if she were here, she could not solve the problem.,33,Everyone has his best wishes in the daily life.so I suggest that we should try our best to achieve our dreams.,34,3.表示愿望,命令、要求、建议的动词构成的宾语从句。,一个坚持:insist 两个命令:order, command 三个建议:advise, suggest, propose 四个要求:demand , require, request, ask,that sb (should) do sth,我们建议Tom去休息一下。 国王命令囚犯明天要实施死刑。 他们要求我们派他们去那儿工作。,We suggested that Tom _ _,The king ordered that the prisoners _ _ the next day.,They requested that we _ _,Ex:,(should) have a rest.,(should),be killed,(should) send them.,to work there,36,1.The smile on her face suggests that she should agree with me. she agrees with me. 2.The boy insisted that he hadnt broken the window. he shouldnt break the window.,37,Ex. 1.Janes pale face suggested that she_(ill),and her parents suggested she_ (do) medical examination. 2.He insisted that he _(be) right and that I _ (apologize)to him.,suggest 暗示,表明(陈述语气) 建议(虚拟语气should+do) insist 坚持认为,坚持某种观点(陈述语气) 坚持做,坚持要求(虚拟语气should+do),was ill,(should )do,was,(should) apologize,38,4. 表示建议,要求,命令,坚持的动词或相对应的名词构成的主
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