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Unit2LookingDifferent Topic 1I have a small nose. SectionA .Materialanalysis 本节课是这一话题的第一节课,主要活动是1a 和 3a。通过对话学习描述及询问人 物外貌特征及have/has引导的表示所属关系的表达方式, “I/we/they have” , “She/He/It has ” , “Do you/they/ have ?”同时还学习身体部位名称的单词和描述人物外貌特征的 基本形容词, ear,head,hair, face, small, big, round, long 等。本课还将会复习Unit 1 的名 词单复数,此外,语音板块将学习元音字母o 的读音规则,帮助学生逐步形成根据所学 音标进行单词的拼读和拼写的能力。本节课建议老师采用简笔画展开教学。 . Teaching aims Knowledge aims 能够掌握并应用新学习的单词:guess,have, small, nose,has, big, eye, know, right 等; 能够用英语熟练表达询问人物外貌特征及have/has引导的表示所属关系的表达方 法: I/We/They have She/He/It hasDo you/they/ have? 能够使用语言交际:Oh, I know. You are Kangkang. Yes,youre right. 能够掌握元音字母o 的读音规则。 Skill aims 能听懂有关询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式; 能运用表示描述及询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式进行简单的交流; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音,语调; 能正确书写和使用新学习的单词。 Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真规范音标的发音。 .The key points and difficultpoints Key points 正确使用表示描述和询问人物外貌特征的表达方法; 正确使用实义动词have /has在不同人称代词引导下的变化形式; 正确使用名词的单复数; Difficult points 正确使用使役动词have /has; 助动词 do/does的应用; 能够掌握元音字母o 的读音规则。 .Learning strategies 利用简笔画教学有助于学生理解和掌握所学内容。 . Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板。 .Teaching procedures StepInteraction patterns Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (8minutes) 1.The whole class work. 2.The whole class work. 1.Students answer, “ Hi! Good morning. Niceto meet you, too.” 2.Do duty report. Students answers, “Its abook.” Studentsanswer, “ They are pens ”; The studentsfollow the teacher; Studentsanswer 1.Theteachergreets withstudents “ Hello! Good morning. Nice to meet you.” 2.Point out a book and askthestudents, “ What s thisin English?” Showtwopens and ask,“ What arethese?” Pointat his/her nose the question, “ Its anose.” Studentstryto answerthe question; Studentsanswer, “ They are eyes.” Students play the gametogether. and ask, “ What s this inEnglish?Its a nose.”Teachthe word for several times and let studentsfollow; Let students answer the question,“Itsa nose.” (老师可用同样的方法 教学其他表示人体器 官的词 ) Pointat his/hereyes andask,“ Whatare these?” Play a game: When the teacher pointsatthe part, students say the English word quickly. Presentation (13minutes) 1.The whole class work. 1.Studentsread andfollowthe teacherfortwo times; Students read and follow the teacher 1.Point at the nose and say, “ nose, a nose, a big nose, I have a big nose.”(老师解释: big 意为:大的;have 意 为 :有 )Saythe sentence again and let students followit for two times; Pointat his/hereyes andsay,“ eye,two eyes, two small eyes, I 2.The whole class work. for two times; Studentsfollow theteacherfor two times; Studentsfollow theteacherfor two times. 2.Do 1a. Students lookat 1bfirst and pay attention tothefour sentences,then listen to the tape carefully. 3.Do1b.One have two small eyes.” (老师解释:small 意 为 : 小 的 ) Then let students followit for two times; Drawa boyonthe blackboard and point at theface, “ Hehas a round face.”( 老 师 解 释:round 意为:圆的) Teacher pointatthe mouth and say,“ He has a wide mouth”; Draw a girl with long hair and say, “ She has long hair.”(老师解释: hair 是不可数名词, 因 此 不 能 用 a/an 修 饰) 2.Let students look at 1bfirstandpay attentiontothefour sentences,then play the tape and letstudents listentothetape carefully. 3.Letstudentscheck the answers in 1b by themselves, andthen 3.Individual work , the whole classworkand pair work. student checks the answers; All students listen andfollowthe tape; Read the passage in pairs. Then two pairsshow their dialogues. choose one student to check the answers; Play the tape again and let students followit, paying attention to the sentence:“ Do you have big eyes? ” (老师 解释:该句是由助动词 do 引 导 的 一 般 疑 问 句 ) ; Give students 1 minutetoreadthe passage inpairsand choosetwopairsto show their dialogues. Consolidation (10minutes) 1.Individual work. 2.The whole class workand individual work. 1.Do 2a. Students look at the picture of2acarefully, andthentryto completethe sentencesby themselves; Somestudents checkthe answers. 2.The teacher and students play the gametogether. Students read the 1.Let students look at thepictureof2a carefully, then play the tapeandtryto complete the sentences by themselves; Thenchoosesome students to check the answers. 2.Playa game Change sentences. Write down the key sentence: “ Do keysentence for two times. T: I have a big nose. S1: Do you have a big nose? T: Yes,I have. S1:Ihavea round face S2: Do you have a round face? (同样 的方式至少选择 四组同学练习 ) you/they have?” on the blackboard, then let students read the key sentencefor two times. Practice (8minutes) 1.The whole class work. 2.The whole class work. 1.Do2b.Some studentsfill in the blanksorally; Then listen to the teacher carefully. 2.Do 3a. Students listen and read the word together; Students read the 1.Show the flashcards of2b,thenchoose some students to fill in the blanks orally; Then check the answers one by one and point out the use of have/has.(老 师总结:当主语是第三 人称单数时谓语动词 用 has,其余用 have) 2.Point out a card with the word “ hello”on it, then readthe word; Showthesounds /G9K /,/h9Km/, /n9Kt/andlet words and match; Read the sentences andpay attentionto the words including /9K /
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