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Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes,Section B Period 2,the other day 前些天(用于一般过去时) talked about 谈论 the problem is that 问题是 look smart 看起来漂亮 our own clothes 我们自己的衣服 concentrate on 全神贯注于 that is good for studying 那对学习有好处,3a Reading,a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. 一个使学生和老师都高兴方法。 (keep+ sb.+ adj. 使某人),probably 大概=maybe=perhaps learn from 向 学习 at present 此刻/现在=at this time give us time to do 给我们时间去作 had an opportunity to 有机会做,Make a list of rules about your English club. Then Make conversations with these rules,For example:,A: Members should be allowed to use dictionaries. B: Yes, but they should only use English-English dictionaries.,English-English dictionary 英英词典 English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典 Chinese-English dictionary 汉英词典,1.Students_touseE-mailEnglishin everydaywriting.A.maynotB.cantC.shouldntD.shouldntbeallowed 2._middleschoolstudentsallowedtousemobilephoneatschool?A.Do B.DidC.Are D.Can,选择填空:,3.Sixteen-years-oldsshouldnt_togoto anInternetbar.A.beallowedB.beallowC.allowD.areallowed 4.I_tohaveapart-timejob.A.amnotallowB.notallowC.dontallowD.amnotallowed,5.Idontthinkteenagersshouldbe allowedtodrive,becausetheyare_.A.notenoughseriousB.notseriousenoughC.tooseriousD.toserious,6.Ihavetostayathome_school nights.A.inB.atC.onD.for 7.Manystudentswillbe_ifthe classisboring.A.sleep B.sleepyC.sleeping D.slept,Section B fail a test 考试不及格(失败) take a test 参加考试 pass the test 通过考试 2. be strict with 对某人严格要求 3. the other day 前几天 4. would like to do sth 想做某事 = want to do sth = feel like doing sth 5. concentrate more on 更专注于,6. be good for 对有好处 7. keep sb/sth +形容词 保持某人/某物出于某种状态 keep (sb) doing sth 保持(某人一直)做某事 8. both and 和都, 两个都 9. in groups 以小组的形式 10. learn from each other 相互学习,11. at present 在目前 12. have an opportunity to do sth. 有一个机会做某事 13. an EnglishEnglish dictionary 一本英英词典 14. How do you like = What do you think of 你认为怎么样? 15. an old peoples home 一所养老院 16. have +一段时间+off 放的假,改错,TedRobinsonhasbeenworryallthe week.1 _ LastTuesdayhereceivealetterfromthe localpolice.2 _ Intheletterhewasaskedcallatthestation, Tedwondered3 _ whyhewaswantedbythepolice,andhe wentto4 _,worried,received,to call,but,thestationyesterdayandheisnot worriedatall 5_Atthestation,hewastoldtoasmiling policemanthat 6_ hisbicyclehadbeenfounded.Fivedays ago, 7 _ thepolicemantoldhim,thebicyclewas picked on 8_,was,by,found,up,inasmallvillagefourhundredmilesaway. Itisnowbeingsenttohishomebytrain.Tedwasmostsurprisedwhenheheardthenews.Hewasamused(感到有趣),too,sohenever 9_ expected(指望)thebicycletobefound. Itwassteal twentyyearsagowhenTed 10_wasaboyoffifteen.,because,stolen,Homework,Write out your family rules, then check yours to the others, Are the rules the same or not?,
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