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Unit 8 Adventure,基础落实,.高频单词思忆 1. n.奇遇,冒险的经历 2. n.沙漠,荒原 3. n.路线,路程 4. adj.最大的,最多的 5. adj.忧虑的,担心的 adv. 焦虑地 n.忧虑,焦虑 6. n.商品,物品,货物,adventure,desert,route,maximum,anxious,anxiously,anxiety,goods,7. n.燃料 8. n.量,数量 n.质量 9. vt.震惊,惊骇 10. n.志向,抱负 adj.有志向的 11. adj.没有希望的 v. could you turn it up a bit? 我听不清收音机的声音,你能不能开大一点? We arranged to meet at the cinema at 730,but he failed to turn up. 我们安排七点半在电影院见面,但他没有出现。,turned up,归纳拓展 与turn有关的常用短语: turn down降低;拒绝 turn in交还 turn off关闭 turn on打开 turn out关掉;证实,结果是 turn to向求助,易混辨析 turn up/show up (1)turn up侧重从无到有的变化,即从看不见到出现在 视野里。 (2)show up意思是“露面”,比如说在某个时间里有 没有在场等,不强调从无到有的变化。,用适当的介、副词填空 (1)In the dark street there wasnt a single person whom I could for help. (2)He tried to join the army but was because of poor health. (3)We invited her to dinner but she didnt even bother to . (4)The job to be harder than we thought.,turn to,turned down,turn up,turned out,21.get across使理解(某事);使明白,表达,通过 Its difficult to how exciting it is! (回归课本P25) 经典例句 I have tried to get my point across. 我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了了。 The message got across at last. 这信息终于被理解了。 Did your speech get across to the crowd? 你的演说听众理解吗?,get across,归纳拓展 run across come across go/get across the river过河 get sth.through to sb.使某人理解或接受某事,偶然遇到,偶然发现,翻译句子 他发现难以使他们了解他的想法。,He found it difficult to get his idea across to them.,22.break out(坏事)突然发生;爆发 Not long after his return,a local war near his town. (回归课本P26) 经典例句 We got married before the war broke out. 我们在战争爆发前结婚了。 Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans. 双方球迷发生了打斗。,broke out,归纳拓展 break组成的常见搭配: break away (from)逃脱;挣脱;脱离 break down损坏,坏掉;分解;(关系或讨论)破裂, 失败;感情失控;捣毁;排除 break in闯入;打断,插嘴 break into闯进;开始做;打断 break through冲破;突围;钻出 break up打碎,粉碎;使(关系)破裂;终止,结束; 制止,驱散;放假,易混辨析 take place/happen/occur/come about/break out (1)take place意为“发生;举行,举办”,一般指非 偶然性事件的发生,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因。 (2)happen意为“发生;碰巧”,一般指偶然或突发 性事件。 (3)occur意为“发生;想到,想起”,指在一定的时 间发生一定的事件。 (4)come about意为“发生”,多指事情已经发生了, 但还不清楚怎么回事,常用于疑问句和否定句。 (5)break out意为“发生;爆发”,常指战争的爆发, 或者灾难、疾病的发生,也表示突然大声叫喊等。,用适当的介、副词填空 (1)The prisoner broke from his guards. (2)A fire broke in the hotel last night, but everyone was able to escape. (3)A thief broke while we were away on holiday.,away,out,in,23.break down损坏,不能运转;击倒;失败;失去控 制;把分解 First,his two sledges ,and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. (回归课本P28) 经典例句 The car broke down on the motorway. 汽车在高速公路上抛锚了。 The peace talks have broken down. 和平谈判失败了。 Plastics cannot be broken down in the soil. 塑料不能在土壤中分解。,broke down,Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 她因工作压力身体垮掉了。 易混辨析 break down/break up 两者都有“分解”之意,但是break down可指发生化学 变化;break up指分散成若干部分,驱散等。另外, break down指“划分(以便分析或更容易做到)”。 These rules tell us how a sentence is broken down into phrases. 这些规则告诉我们怎样把一个句子划分成短语。,用适当的短语填空 (1)The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. (2)To make it easier understood,our teacher the sentence into several parts. (3)The party didnt until after midnight.,broke down,broke down,break up,24.run out of用尽,用光,耗尽 The men were soon exhausted and were food. (回归课本P28) 经典例句 Im afraid weve run out of the petrol. 我们的汽油怕已用完了。 Our time is running out. 我们的时间快到了。,running out of,归纳拓展 run out结束,期满,耗尽;使出局 run out of sth.用完某物 run across无意间碰到 run into碰撞;遇上,偶然遇到 run after追逐,追求 run away逃跑,易混辨析 run out/run out of/use up 三个词组都意为“用完了”。 (1)run out为不及物动词短语,主语为物,不能用于被 动语态。 (2)run out of为及物动词短语,主语为人。 (3)use up为及物动词短语,主语为人。,翻译句子 我们的食物吃光了吗? 是的,吃光了。我们最好再买一些。,Have we run out of food?,Yes,our food has run out.Wed better buy some.,25.prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事,宁愿做某事 For people who spend some time on the coast,we can organise your travel and accommodation too. (回归课本P22) 经典例句 I prefer to spend the weekend at home. 我更喜欢周末在家里度过。 归纳拓展 prefer(doing)sth.更喜欢(做)某事 prefer sb.to do sth.宁愿某人做某事,prefer to,单项填空 Most students in our class prefer taking pains in our studies to with a better education. A.EquipB.equipping C.be equippedD.being equipped,D,26.I cant stand doing boring sports.我无法忍受 做乏味的运动。 句式分析 stand (doing) sth.容忍(做)某事,前面常加 can,could,多用于否定句、疑问句。不可用于进行时 态。有时也用stand to do sth.。,I cant stand him interrupting all the time. 他老是插嘴,真让我受不了。 He cant stand being kept waiting. 让他等着,他可不干。 I cant stand the hot weather. 我无法忍受这种热天气。,易混辨析 bear/stand (for)/tolerate/be patient with (1)bear与stand用法相同,意思相近。 (2)tolerate强调“宽容,容忍”。 (3)be patient with.强调“对有耐心”。 翻译句子 你能忍受被当小孩子看待吗?,Can you stand being treated as a little child?,27.I decided to take up bungee jumping and now I am really into it.我决定参加蹦极活动,现在我 对它真的很感兴趣。 句式分析 sb.be into sth.=sb.be interested in,long for, like very much对感兴趣;渴望;非常喜欢(常 用于口语中)。 He is into collecting stamps. 他极喜欢集邮。 He is into football while his brother is into novels. 他喜欢足球,而他哥哥喜欢读小说。,归纳拓展 “喜欢”的种种表达: have a taste for爱好 have a preference for偏爱 have fancy for喜欢 be addicted to (doing).迷恋 tear oneself away from难以割舍 have a love for爱上,爱好 fall in love with爱上,翻译句子 小时候,他就喜欢集邮。,He was into stam
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