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Unit 6 Design 基础落实,高频单词思忆 1. adj.直的;adv.直接地 2. n.展览会 3. adj.抽象的,深奥的 4. n.画家,艺术家 5. adj.典型的 6. vt.强调 7. n.细节,详情 8. n.特征,特色,straight,exhibition,abstract,artist,typical,emphasise,detail,feature,9. vt.毁灭,毁坏 10. n.目的,意图 11. n.字,字体 12. n.怜悯,慈悲,同情心 13. adj.狭窄的 14. adj.市区的;adv.在市区,往市区 15. n.想像力 vt.想像 16. adj.贵重的,有价值的 n.价值,ruin,purpose,character,mercy,narrow,downtown,imagination,imagine,valuable,value,重点短语再现 bine sth. sth.把某物与某物结合起来 2.fix ones eyes 把目光集中于,注视,凝视 3.deep thought陷入沉思 4.date back 上溯到,追溯到 5. ones breath屏住呼吸 6.try 尝试 7.have mercy sb.对某人怜悯 8.put 张贴 9. the shape of以形状 10.leave 删掉,漏掉,with,on,in,to,hold,out,on,up,in,out,典型句式运用 1.Qi Baishis style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination. leave+宾语+v.-ing(宾补)表示 “使一直做某事,使一直处于某种状态”, 宾语与其补足语之间为主动关系。 别让他一直在外边等着。,Dont leave him waiting outside.,考点提炼,句子仿照,2.I wish I could have bought a painting, but they are too expensive for me! wish后跟从句时常用虚拟语气,对 现在或将来的虚拟常用过去时态,对过去的虚 拟常用过去完成时态。 我真希望昨天告诉了他真相。,I really wish that I had told him the,truth yesterday.,考点提炼,句子仿照,3.But what I remembered most is moving a lot. what引导主语从句,在从句中what 作remember的宾语。 我最想做的事就是帮助那些需要帮 助的人。,What I want to do most is to help those,who need help.,考点提炼,句子仿照,4.Out back is a small garage for the car we dont own yet. Out back is a small garage.为 倒装句式。将表地点的介词短语提前,目的是 强调地点或使句子平衡。动词常用be动词或 live,stand,sit等。 山顶上有棵大树。,On top of the hill stands a big tree.,考点提炼,句子仿照,导练互动 重点单词 1.exhibition n.展览会;展出;表现,显示 Between 1933 and 1940,he held several in Asia and Europe to promote Chinese art.(回归课本P36),exhibitions,经典例句 There will be a painting exhibition at the art gallery. 美术馆将举行一次油画展。 The exhibition held in Shanghai was a great success. 在上海举行的博览会非常成功。,归纳拓展 hold an exhibition举行展览会 on exhibition在展览 exhibit vt.陈列,展览;n.展品 用exhibition,exhibit填空 At the center,all the on required to be touched.,exhibition,exhibits,exhibition,2.shade n.荫;阴影;遮光物(可数);v.遮 住;蔽荫 He also used different of grey in a creative way to show the sweat along the horses body.(回归课本P36) 经典例句 Youd better keep the flowers in the shade.你最好把这些花放在荫凉处。 A hat can shade your face from sunlight. 帽子可以给你的脸遮挡阳光。,shades,归纳拓展 in the shade在荫凉处 in the shade of the tree在树荫下 the shades of the windows百叶窗 易混辨析 shade/shadow 这两个词虽非同义词,有时却容易混淆。 前者是作“荫”讲,而后者是作“影”讲。 We take a nap in the shade of a large tree. 我们在树荫下打了一个盹。 Its your shadow that follows you forever. 永远都跟着你的是你的影子。,翻译句子 (1)我们在墙根的背阴处坐下。 (2)夏天,这些树为动物提供乘凉的地方。,We sat down in the shade of the wall.,The trees provide shade for the animals in,the summer.,3.valuable adj.贵重的,有价值的 His soft portraits of beautiful women are very .(回归课本P36) 经典例句 Im sure my information is valuable. 我确信我的消息有价值。 This tool is valuable for electrical repairs. 这工具对修理电器很有用。,valuable,归纳拓展 be valuable to/for.对有价值/重要 value vt.估计的价值;尊重,重视;v.价值;价钱 be of great value=be very valuable很有价值 be good value for the money花这钱是值得的 句型转换 The teachers advice is very valuable. The teachers advice .,is of great value,4.emphasise vt.强调 To the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan.(回归 课本P36) 经典例句 He emphasised the importance of daily practice. 他强调了日常训练的重要性。 The teacher emphasised that students must not smoke. 老师强调说学生一定不要抽烟。,emphasise,归纳拓展 emphasise the importance of强调的重要性 emphasis n.强调,重视 place/lay emphasis on.强调 完成句子 The Minister of Education (特别强调了学生的创造性).,placed much emph-,asis on the creativity of the students,5.detail n.细节,详情;个人信息 To emphasise the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of to the fan and the cloth of her dress,.(回归课本P36) 经典例句 The full details of the agreement have not yet been made public. 协定的细节尚未公布。 She described the accident in (great) detail.她(极)详细地描述了那次事故。 Ill detail everything to you tonight. 今晚我把一切详情都告诉你。,detail,归纳拓展 further/full details详情 go into detail(s) (about/on)详细叙述;叙述详情 for further details为了知道详细情况 in detail详细地 detail sth.to sb.向某人详细叙述某事 detailed adj.详细的;详尽的 完成句子 He told me about the accident,but (没叙述详情).,didnt,go into details,6.ruin vt.毁坏,毁灭;n.毁灭,崩溃;废 墟;遗迹 经典例句 The scandal brought about his ruin. 那件丑闻导致他身败名裂。 The ruins of ancient Rome was discovered. 人们发现了古罗马遗址。 Heavy smoking ruined his health. 过度吸烟损害了他的健康。,归纳拓展 in ruins毁坏了的;成为废墟的 fall into ruin逐渐破碎 bring ruin to oneself自取灭亡 come to ruin使毁灭,使落空 bring sb.to ruin使某人失败,使某人倾家荡产 完成句子 Gambling (使他倾家荡产).,brought himself to ruin,7.purpose n.目的,意图 .paper cuts for decoration,for religious and for design patterns.(回归课本 P40) 经典例句 He went to town for the purpose of buying a new computer. 他进城的目的是买一台新电脑。 My purpose in writing this book was to draw attention to the problem of global warming.我写这本书的目的是为了引起人们对 全球气候变暖的关注。,purposes,归纳拓展 for the purpose of为了起见,为了的目的 on purpose故意地 with the purpose of以为目的 完成句子 He broke the window by chance, (不是故意的).,not on purpose,8.rent n.租金;vt.租用;出租 The house on Mango street is ours,and we dont have to pay to anybody.(回 归课本P42) 经典例句 How much is the rent for the room? 这个房子的租金是多少? We rent the land from Mr.Smith
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