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Unit 6 Would you like to take a trip?,Lesson 33,9/18/2020,Lets chant.,One camel, Two camels, Three camels, four. One giraffe, Two giraffes. Theyre very tall.,Listen and guess,Tianjin Zoo,seal,speak,peach,teacher,please,Whats that in English?,The seal is playing .,i:,s,l,Its a,.,dolphin,Whats that in English?,Its a,.,The dolphin is,swimming.,d,l,f,n,hippo,hp,home,tomato,potato,0,hippo,The hippo is,danceing.,dancing.,A:What that in English? B :Its a.,1.Test of your memory,Tianjin Zoo,Welcome to the zoo!,sing .,ing,The dolphin,is,The monkey is reading.,The fish is _ .,swimming,The is ,dog,running.,The is ,cat,watching TV.,Welcome to the zoo!,Act and guess,一人戴头饰表演,其他同学用Theis句式猜.答对的同学将获得小组加分。这组某一个同学在说的时候,本组其他同学不能提醒,否则算输。 某小组成员回答问题时,其他组不能发出声音,否则要扣发声音组的分。,2.Test of your eyesight.,Test of your fast response. Listen and answer the questions: 1. How many animals did they see? There are _ . 2. What are they? They are _ and _. 3. What is the dolphin doing? The dolphin is _ .,two,seal,dolphin,dancing,Congratulations!,Lets watch!,Look! Whats that in English?,Its a _.,Good!,Guess, Lisa!_?,_,Look! The dolphin is _.,seal,Whats that in English,Its a dolphin.,dancing,Group work(小组活动),A: Hi, XXX, its fine today. Lets go to the zoo. B: OK! Lets go! A: Whats that in English? B: It s a A: Look ! The is ,任选一图,描述动物。 Look at the_. It is _. The _ is _ .,Write.,We are friends.,Do please protect our friends. / prtekt / 动物是我们的朋友,请爱护他们。,Homework:,1. Make a new dialogue with your patener. 2. Introduce your favourite animal to your parents.,Thank you! Good bye!,
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