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Welcome,ScienceandtechnologyareNo.1 productiveforces. Deng Xiaoping,Take a guess- Who are they?,Guess the names of the scentists according to the tips.,No. 1 _,He is a British great physicist, mathematician, astronomer.,2. He established astronomy because of discovering gravitational theory., 万有引力定律,Isaac Newton,No.2 _,1. He is a world-famous German scientist in America, considered as the greatest scientist of the 20th century.,2. The greatest discovery he made is the creation of the Theory of Relativity.,_ 相对论,Albert Einstein,No. 3 _,1. She is a famous chemist and scientist, who received the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.,2. She discovered artemisinin and its utility for treating malaria.,(青蒿素),Tu Youyou,(疟疾),No 4. _,1. He is one of Chinas most famous scientists who grows rice that has a high output.,2. He is known as Chinas “Father of Hybrid Rice”,(杂交水稻之父),Yuan Longping,A Pioneer For All People,Father of Hybrid Rice,common rice,Super hybrid rice,Its output is higher than common rice.,Revision Words and Phrases,Translate the following words and experssions into Chinese.,sunburnt _ personality _ appearance _ achievement _ circulate _ be satisfied with _,super hybrid rice _ agricultural pioneer _ slim _ hunger _ graduate from _ rid of . _,hobby _ life goal _ sorghum _ peanut _ grain _,晒黑的,性格,个性,外貌,成就,超级杂交水稻,饥饿,毕业于,业余爱好,人生目标,高粱,花生,农业先锋,单薄的,苗条,循环,谷物,颗粒,对感到满意,使摆脱,Activity 1 match the following main ideas with each paragraph.,Para1 A. Dr Yuans dreams. Para2 B. Dr Yuans personality and hobbies . Para3 C. Dr Yuans life experience. Para4 D. Dr Yuans appearance and his achievement.,The text is about _ who made a great contribution to producing better _.,Yuan Longping,rice,Activity 2 Whats the main idea of the passage?,Activity 3 Detailed reading,细读文章 得出答案,Appearance _ face and arms ,_ body,sunburnt,Para. 1 Yuan s appearance and his achievement.,slim, strong,_ developed_ became the first _ in the world to grow high output rice helps the UN reduce _ in the world,agricultural pioneer,Achievements,hunger,super hybrid rice,Para. 2 Yuan s Life Experiences,was born,graduated from,life goal,agricultural pioneer,circulating,less,2. The writer used a lot of numbers to explain Yuans contributions (贡献) in the battle to rid the world of hunger.,重点突破,Now, More than _of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid strain.,It means _of the worlds people are fed from just _of the farmland in China,In 1950,Chinese farmers could produce about _million tons of rice.,Using his hybrid rice,farmers are producing harvests _as large as before.,fifty-six,60%,22%,7%,twice,In a recent harvest, however, nearly _ million tons of rice was produced.,200,In 1973,he grew super hybrid rice which produce _more rice in the same fields.,20%,Para. 3 Yuans hobbies,Yuan has many hobbies EXCEPT _. listening violin music B. playing mah-jong C. swimming and reading D. singing,Yuans Dreams,Para4,1) The first dream,2) The second dream,Produce a kind of rice,The first dream,The rice plants were _ Each ear was _ Each grain was_,as tall as sorghum,as big as an ear of corn,as huge as a peanut,To export his rice so that it can be grown all over the world,The second dream,Activity 4 Summary What kind of person is Yuan Longping?,What kind of person is Yuan Long ping?,1. Although he is one of Chinas most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer. A. modest and simple B. proud and selfish C. reliable and responsible D. polite and friendly,谦虚的,朴素的,自大的,自私的,可靠的,负责的,礼貌的,友善的,2. Yuan Longping is now circulating his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests. 3. He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. A. kindhearted B. gentle C. sensible D. generous,What kind of person is Yuan Long ping?,善良的 有教养的,温柔的 明白事理的 宽宏大量的,慷慨的,6. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger. A. braveB. easy-going C. helpful D. knowledgeable,What kind of person is Yuan Long ping?,勇敢的 随和的 有帮助的,有用的 博学的,知识渊博的;,7. However, he doesnt care about being famous. 8. Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him. indifferent to fame and wealth show no interest to money and fame care nothing about money and fame love money and fame,What kind of person is Yuan Long ping?,Discuss in group of four: What can we learn from Dr Yuan?,pioneering,creative,considerate,modest,plain,devoted,straightforward,open-minded,intelligent,determined,generous,strong-willed,Personalities,selfless
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