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高中英语 词汇讲解(Unit 16Scientists at work)大纲人教版第二册Unit 16Scientists at work Warming up,Listening and Speaking词汇讲解三点剖析1.discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following scientific discoveries.讨论下列科学发现的优点和缺点advantage n.有利条件;优点【典型例句】Given a good education,Tom has an advantage over other boys.接受过良好教育,汤姆比其他男孩占优势。He always takes advantage of the mistakes made by others. 他总是吸取别人所犯错误的教训。Attending more scientific lectures is of great advantage to me.多参加一些科学讲座对我很有益。【要点归纳】advantage作“优点,有利条件”讲时是可数名词;作“利益,好处”讲时是不可数名词。常用搭配:have/gain/win an advantage over.占/获得优势;take advantage of sth.利用;be to ones advantage/to the advantage of.对某人有利;have the advantage of sb.较某人有利,比某人强。【相关链接】disadvantage是advantage的反义词,表示“不利,损失”时不可数,表示“不利的情况,不便之事”时可数。多用于搭配:be at a disadvantage处于不利地位;to ones disadvantage对某人不利。例如:Its a disadvantage not to know English when you go abroad.出国时不懂英语是个不利条件。Your behavior is a disadvantage to your reputation.你的行为有损你的声誉。随堂演练完成句子(1)The present international situation is _(对中国有利).(2)In working out maths problems,my desk-mate _(比大部分女生强).(3)I feel_(处于不利地位) playing with him.(4)The Chinese government is trying to _(利用宝贵的时间) to develop the economy.(5)Age and experience are _(他的主要优点).答案:(1)to Chinas advantage(2)has the advantage of most of the girls(3)at a disadvantage(4)take advantage of the valuable time (5)his main advantages选择(6)How about the coins?Well,coins have many _.They can be stored without worrying that they will rot away.A.effectsB.advantagesC.disadvantagesD.uses提示:由答语的后一句看出答案,应使用advantages(优点)。 答案:B2.It brings people more comfort.它使人们更舒适。comfort n.舒适;安慰【典型例句】 I took comfort in her words,feeling more comfortable.我从她的话中得到安慰,感到好受多了。Taken good care of,the retired men live in comfort.由于被照顾得很好,退休人员生活舒适。Her success in her cause is a great comfort to her parents.她在事业上的成功对父母来说一大慰藉。These fivestar level hotels offer modern comforts.这些五星级宾馆有现代化的设备。【要点归纳】comfort表示“安慰;舒服;舒适”不可数;指“使生活舒适之物;带来安慰的人或物”时可数。【相关链接】(1)comfort用作动词,表示“安慰;慰问”。例如:It comforts me to know that the crew is safe.机组人员平安无事的消息使我宽心。No one comforted me when I was sad about my pet dogs death. 在我因宠物狗的死亡而悲伤时没有人安慰我。(2)comfortable adj. 安慰的,舒适的,轻松的。反义词 uncomfortable例如:She wanted to find a comfortable job after graduation.她毕业后想找个轻松的工作。随堂演练选择(1)A hot cup of tea on a cold winter night is _.A.real comfortB.a real comfortC.real comforts D.real comfortable提示:“使人安慰或舒服的人或事”,comfort用作可数名词。答案:B(2)I feel _ at home than outside.A.even comfortable B.much comfortableC.much more comfortableD.comfortabler提示:comfortable是多音节词,故加more构成比较级,前面的much表示“程度”。答案:C翻译(3)和你在一起真愉快。_(4)我尽力安慰她从而使她平静下来。_答案:(3)Its a comfort to be with you.(4)I tried to comfort her to make her settle down.3.It is unnecessary.那是没有必要的。unnecessary adj.不必要的;多余的【典型例句】Your rude reply is unnecessary.你大可不必粗野地回答。Its unnecessary to telephone him at such time.没有必要此时给他打电话。Dictionaries are necessary to all students.字典是学生都需要的。It is necessary for him to do more in the house because his mother is ill.他妈妈有病使他有必要做更多的家务。 Its necessary that we(should) improve the method of study.我们有必要改进自己的学习方法。【要点归纳】necessary/unnecessary是指事物的形容词,作表语时,可用事物名词作主语,不能用人作主语。常用于下列两个句型:(1)It is necessary/unnecessary for sb.to do sth.(2)Its necessary/unnecessary that+从句,都表示“某人有必要/没必要做某事”,但接从句时,从句中的谓语动词要用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。 【相关链接】There is no need(for sb.) to do sth.(某人)没有必要做某事。例如:There is no need to import so many cars now.现在没有必要进口这么多汽车。随堂演练改错(1)He is necessary to get up early tomorrow morning._(2)It is no need to send more fire fighters because the fire has been put out._答案:(1)It is necessary for him to get up early tomorrow morning./It is necessary that he should get up early next morning.(2)ItThere选择(3)We have found _ necessary to put away some money for old age.A.thisB.whichC.thatD.it提示:it代替后面的不定式作形式宾语。答案:D(4)All agree that it is _ to bring in more foreign films in order to protect Chinas film industry.A.necessaryB.unnecessaryC.no needD.much need提示:句中的不定式短语暗示“没有必要进口更多的外国电影”,故使用unnecessary。答案:B4 / 4
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