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The Potala PalaceThe Potala Palace, over 117 metres in height and 360 metres in width, is located on the Red Hill in the Lhasa Valley of Tibet, China.It was used as the residence of the Dalai Lamas since the 7th century, as well as the religious and political centre of old Tibet. It was rebuilt in the 17th century.Which architectural complex is the highest in the world? The answer is none other than the Potala Palace located in Lhasa, Tibet, China. The Buddhist Monks of Potala Palace have recorded Tibets history for centuries. Anyone who visits Tibet should visit this site of historic and religious interest. For more information, you may check the following websites: http:/whc.unesco.org/sites/707.htm http:/www.tibettrip.com/lhasa/potala.htm- 1 -用心 爱心 专心
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