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Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是通往成功的第一步。,教师寄语,Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?,Section A,秦岭学校 晋金霞,复习打电话用语。 复习现在进行时。(am/is/are +V.-ing) 学习过去进行时。(was/were +V.-ing),Learning aims,What are you doing now?,We are having an English class.,Ask: What is heshe doing?,He is listening to music.,He is planting flowers.,He is swimming.,She is flying a kite.,I was doing some cleaning at this time yesterday.,I was at this time yesterday.,Example : A: What were you doing at this time yesterday? B:I was ,Pair work,1,3,2,do some cleaning,watch TV,play baseball,listen to music,What was he /she/were they doing at this time yesterday?,play football,cook,4,5,6,A: I was playing on the computer from seven to nine yesterday evening? Were you ? B: Yes, I was ./No, I wasnt.,A: What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday? B: I was. Were you ? A: Yes, I was ./No, I wasnt.,Pair Work,Ah! Look! Li yong is coming. I know you like him best.,Hello, everyone,幸运第一关:听力快车,1.What is Jane doing? She is practicing the violin.,2.What was Jane doing at this time yesterday? She was taking a shower.,Listen to 1a and answer the questions.,Group work,Make a similar dialog according to 1a, then act it out.,幸运第二关:巧嘴快行动,(The telephone rings while A is) C: Hello! B: Hello! This is B speaking. May I speak to A? C: Hold the line, please. (A answers the phone.) A: Hello, B! B: Hello! What are you doing? A: Im B: What were you doing at this time yesterday? I called you to but nobody answered. A: This time yesterday? Oh, I was,Group work,幸运第三关:最佳团队,1. Find out the telephone languages. 2. Find out the phrases and difficult points.,Learn in groups:,telephone languages,This is speaking. May I speak to ? Hold the line, please. =Hold on, please.,practice the violin practice doing sth. answer the phone. call sb. to do sth. take a shower,Phrases,Grammar Past Continuous Tense,1. What were you doing at this time yesterday? 2. She was doing some cleaning at nine last Sunday? 3. Were you watching TV from seven to nine yesterday morning? 过去进行时态的构成: _ +V.-ing 常与过去某一特定时间的状语连用。(at this time/atoclock/from.to. )+过去时间状语,was/were,1. Lily and her sister _ on the playground at this time yesterday. A. are playing B. was playing C. were playing 2. He often helps his mother do some _. A. washing B. wash C. read 3. Yesterday he called me _ shopping but I didnt stay in. A. going B. to go C. went 4. - Hello! May I speak to Kangkang? - _, please. Ill ask him to answer. A. No, thanks B. Sorry C. Hold the line,Unit 3 Topic3 Section A,Useful expressions,Past Continuous Tense,Sumarry,Telephone languages,Goodbye!,Thank you for listening!,
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