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高中英语 Module 4Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop Arts the 1stPeriod教案 外研版必修2Module 4Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop ArtsPeriod 1Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary整体设计教材分析This period includes Introduction as well as Reading and Vocabulary. Introduction can serve as a warming up of the reading passage. To make students fully prepared for the study of the passage, the teacher may first lead the students to some new words concerning the topic in this module. And in this way the teacher can stimulate the students interest in the study of the new module. Then the teacher can let them complete the first and second activities individually and check their answers through pair work. If the class is good enough, other options can be provided for reference. The third activity can be dealt with by holding a competition, which is by the square the transition from Introduction to Reading and Vocabulary. In the reading and vocabulary part you can first lead the students to learn some new words which will appear in the reading passage. This may decrease the difficulty they come across in the reading process. Then require the students to read the passage fast, getting its main idea. After this, instruct the students to read the passage again, completing the third and fourth activities. Next, ask the students to read through the passage once again and learn some useful language points. If the class is of high level, refer to other given options. 三维目标1. 知识与技能1)Train the students speaking skills.2)Develop the students reading ability.3)Learn the following words: like, dislike, artist, colourful, contemporary, delightful, drawing, paint, painter, painting, scene, traditional, alive, aspect, imitate, observe, reality, style, adopt, aim, standPhrases: be interested in, at the same time, aim to do, such as, be known for, because of, get tired of, all the time, be crazy about, cant stand, be fond of, develop an interest inSentence patterns: Like Qi Baishi, Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style.Xu Beihong believed that artists should show reality, but not just imitate it. . . , and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time.I really like him. I think hes an extraordinary artist.2. 过程与方法1)Train the students speaking ability through individual, pair work and group work.2)Train the students reading skills by dealing with some reading activities.3)Explanations to make the students master some language points.4)Fast reading to make the students get the main idea of the passage.3. 情感与价值1)Try to raise the students cooperative awareness in their study by pair work or group work.2)Request the students to love arts, especially paintings. 教学重点1. Encourage the students to talk about arts as well as the well-known artists at home and abroad.2. Help the students make sense of the passage.3. Help the students to improve their reading ability. 教学难点1. Lead the students to talk in class actively.2. Deal with some difficult language points. 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in and Introduction1. Ask the students to answer the following questions and lead in the new class.Who has been to an art gallery? If so, what did you see there? What do you enjoy most? Can you give an account of it? 2. Activity 1Option 1Show some pictures or real objects on the screen which can help the students to understand the listed words in the box in the first activity on P31. If necessary, the teacher can give some explanations. Then the students read them by themselves and try to remember them. Next, ask the students to work in pairs to answer the questions in the first activity and they can refer to the listed words. Finally, call back the answers from the whole class.Option 2Read through the words in the first activity one by one as the students follow you. Make sure they understand what these words mean. Then have the students work in pairs and answer the questions in the first activity. After this, compare their answers with other pairs. Next, volunteers speak out their answers and other students check if they make any mistakes.Option 3The students read the words in the box individually and underline those they cant read or dont know at all. The teacher explains them or encourages the excellent students to do so. Then put the class into groups of four to discuss the questions. Finally, let some representatives describe them using two or more sentences.Option 4Divide the whole class into two big groups and hold a competition. Each group brainstorms as many words concerning artists as well as artistic works as possible. The group which gives more correct words will be the winner. Then each group discusses the listed questions among its group members.3. Activity 2Option 1The teacher displays some pictures prepared before class to the whole class and gives a model like this: now look at these paintings. I enjoy the one on the left most. I
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