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学 海 无 涯,(局势、情形)危急的,,1,A a bond/bridge of friendship 友谊的桥梁 a battle of wits 斗智斗勇 a close match 势均力敌的比赛 a chip off the old block 一个模子刻出来的(和 文字) a definite idea明确的想法 a desperate shortage 极其严峻的短缺 a disturbing / tricky problem 棘手的问题 a faint /slim/dim/slender/remote/slight chance a feather in your cap 卓越的成就 a flash in the pan 昙花一现 a hot potato 烫手的山芋 a new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火 a peace settlement和平解决方案 a person of vision 有远见的人 a positive attitude toward life can determine how far you can go 积极的人生态度会决定你取得 多大的成就 a reluctant smile/force a smile 强颜欢笑,犹豫 a superior attitude指高气昂 a sincerely held belief 虔诚的信仰 hold a belief a tough nut 顽固的人 a controversial figure 饱受争议的人物 a wave of panic swept through the villagers an immense amount of 大量的 abandon hope 放弃希望 arouse anger/fear/dislike 激起愤怒/恐惧/厌恶 arouse ones interest 激起,兴起 absence make the heart grow fonder 距离产生 美(小别胜新婚) achieve ones life goal 实现人生目标 act on a sudden impulse一时冲动 actions speak louder than words 行动永远胜于 语言 add variety /color to his daily routine 丰富生活 address a meeting/crowd 在会上/对人群发表演 说 ahead of schedule提前 aim high 志向远大 alternative plan 备用方案 alternative treatment偏方 all thoughts rush through my mind/crowd in 涌 上心头 appeal to =call on 呼吁,argue sb. into/out of doing 不要 as long ago as (date back to ) 追溯回到 as the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire 俗话说无风不起浪 as tough as nails / old boots 非常坚强的,能吃 苦的 as fit as a fiddle 健康小提琴 as asleep as a log (原木) at a delicate stage微妙的阶段 at the expense of 以(损害)为代价, spare no expense 不惜代价 attach importance to sth.对非常重视 all good deeds ,whether big or small, make a difference a life of plenty 富足的生活 a neat /elegant/solution 好的解决方法,B bare essentials 必需品 be short of hands 缺人手 be attached to sth/sb 非常喜欢 be acquaint with 了解 be on edge 惴惴不安 be immobilized like a statue 像雕像一样一动不动 be soaked in充满 eg. a city soaked in history 历史悠久的城市 be in good shape状态良好 be numb with terror吓呆了 be paralyzed by shock/scare (因害怕或惊讶而) 无法动弹 be full of doom and gloom悲观情绪 be hemmed in被限制住 be amply rewarded 得到丰厚回报 be directly relevant to 与相关联的 be bent on doing sth决心要 be in fall bloom 百花齐放 be more of than be overcomed by (emotion or etc)被某种情感左 右 be adj. to a great extent 在相当/很大/某种程度 上 be well beyond our range 超过能力范围,2,学 海 无 涯,be employed in doing sth 忙于 be assoiled by sb. 被 be a sitting duck坐以待毙 be torn by多的指教 be capable of doing 有能力做 be divorce from reality 脱离现实C be devoured by 充满(无法摆脱的强烈情感)1. beyond description/word 难以言表2. beyond match 无与伦比3. beyond ones reach 无法达到的4. beyond doubt /question 毋庸置疑5. bend the rule 开后门6. birds eye view of鸟瞰7. betray sb.s trust 辜负某人的信任8. take sth. on trust 凭空相信9. be bent on doing 下决心做10. before you know it 在不知不觉之中11. bear responsibility / the blame 承担责任/应受责12. 备13. beyond exportations 超出预期14. bet ones life 打包票=we can safely assume that big ideas 不切实际的想法 bite off more than one can chew 一口吃成个胖 子 blow the final whistle吹终场哨 block ones view /sight挡住 bleed sb. dry / white 榨干 bounce back 恢复元气,重新振兴 boost sb.s confidence/morale/ego 增强某人的自 信心/士气/自尊 break the wold records 打破世界纪录 bring sth to trial移交法院审理 brighten the lives of 为带来了快乐 bring tears to your eyes 使人热泪夺眶而出 bring a lump to ones throat 使人哽咽 breathed their lost burst ones bubble 幻想破灭 burn the midnight oil 开夜车 bury sth in your memory试图忘记 bury ones head in the sand 逃避危机(鸵鸟政 策) by nature 天生 by sheer coincidence 纯属巧合 by virtue of由于,凭借 bring conversation around 转移话题 by pure chance/sheer coincidence 纯属巧合,capured the imagination of 让痴迷 cause damage to 造成破坏 casual meeting巧遇 casual worker / staff 临时工 casting our neat wide 广泛撒网 choke back the tears 咽回泪水 catch a glimpse of 惊鸿一瞥 cast a shadow over 投下 cautious optimism 谨慎乐观 carved out a career 建功立业 carve out a reputation赢得名声 cant but admit 我不得不承认 cant bear the thought of / think about 不堪设想 capturesb. imagination/attention 唤起某人想 像、吸引某人注意 clutch at straws抓住救命稻草 challenge ones physical limits挑战生理极限 cherish the hope that=hold out much/no hope 珍爱,珍惜 changes are that 概率是,可能性是 circulate knowledge /circulate rumor 传播知识/ 传播谣言 claim possession of声称拥有主权 clear their conscience(承认错误以)解除内 疚感 climb up social ladders 提高社会地位 comes into conflict 发生冲突 come back to my sense恢复理智 come to my rescue救援 come back on safe and sound 安然无恙 common knowledge常识 conservancy contribute an article to a magazine 投稿 contribute money to /donate捐款 combine business with pleasure 劳逸结合 conclude an agreement 达成协议、缔结条约、 签订合同 congratulate oneself on doing sth 暗自庆幸 condemn sb. to do设定,派遣 count on the fingers of one hand寥寥无,E,19. for the sake of sb 看在的份上,3,学 海 无 涯,几;屈指可数 count for something /anything/more 重要,很有 价值 contain their greed /anger confirms me in the belief 确认了我的想法 curse fate 怨天尤人,curriculum reform 课程改革 currency inflation 通货膨胀,D death and rebirth 衰亡和复兴 debt of gratitude人情债 deep division 严重分歧 densely populated人口稠密 deliver a speech/lecture/talk 发言/授课/讲话等 department of human resource 人力资源部 department concerned 相关部门 depart from routine / standard practice /old customs 常规/惯例/旧风俗,(危急时,determine life and death决定生死 desperate attempt /effort /measures 刻)孤注一掷的,铤而走险的,劳动分工 权力分配,despite our best ende
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