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,other专练,讲解方法1,another, other 和 others,another,the other,one,one,中考真题链接,1. I dont like this black shirt. Please bring me _.,other B. the other C. another D. others,C,2. I have two pencils. One is green and _ is red.,A. other B. the other C. another D. others,B,this,two,others,some,the others,one,3. Look! Some are cleaning the rooms for the old, _are washing the clothes for them. A. the others people B. the other C. others D. other,C,4. I have five cats. One is black, _ are gray. A. the other B. the others C. others D. another,B,Some,five,One,常考点 The brightest boy in Class Six is more hard-working than boy in Class Eight. (2012, 宿迁) A. any B. other C. any other D. the others,A,Tom runs faster than _ student in his class. 2. Shanghai is larger than _ city in India.,any other,any,同一范围:any other + cn. (单) the other + cn. (复),不同范围:any + cn. (单),You and I understand _ well. They looked into _ eyes for a silent moment. We should learn from _.,each other,each others,one another,each other,each others,each other,
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