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. . . 硕士研究生学位论文题目:Reclaim CMP表面缺陷的优化与研究姓 名:王玉学 号:1301221682院 系:软件与微电子学院专 业:软件工程研究方向:集成电路设计导师:雷副教授二一六年九月声明任何收存和保管本论文各种版本的单位和个人,未经本论文作者同意,不得将本论文转借他人,亦不得随意复制、抄录、拍照或以任何方式传播。否则,引起有碍作者著作权之问题,将可能承担法律责任. . 摘 要随着科技的发展,在当前社会中,大规模集成电路、半导体器件等得到了越来越广泛的应用,对其可靠性、电能性等性能的要求也越来越高。随着IC集成度越来越高,要求硅片衬底表面有更好的平整度和洁净度。现在半导体生产中常用无图形硅片,按照一定的设计淀积不同的膜层来模拟真实的产品,监测设备及工艺条件,这种硅片称之为控挡片。控挡片按照不同的工艺需求经过一次或多次使用后,硅片表面产生很多损伤,这些表面损伤导致硅片无法再重复使用,这对半导体生产造成了非常大的开销,现在主流芯片厂靠从硅片制造厂家购买控挡片,使用后再进行循环加工满足生产需求,但要想控挡片满足工艺要求循环使用是一种降低成本的途径。IC集成度的不断提高,随之带动的是设备要求越高,对满足检测设备的控挡片的品控进一步严格。再循环利用的控挡片必须控制表面平坦化、洁净度、一定大小的颗粒数及缺陷在标准围以。目前平坦化工艺采用化学机械抛光的方法,在抛光过程中,影响平坦化涉及因素很多,对于国外CMP设备如何逐步降低抛光后的缺陷数量提出了难题。同样,在硅片浸泡清洗过程中,由于清洗设备存在清洗不同种类硅片的状况,所以要始终保持硅片表面良好的清洗效果也面临困难。技术的不断革新,对控片的要求相应标准也随着提高,从当前0.12um提高到0.09um,甚至到0.06um、0.037um的工艺需求,常因wafer表面缺陷和沾污导致再加工的空档片合格率减低,文中依靠国产化学机械研磨设备为基础,对生产当中遇到的缺陷和沾污案例,逐步分析原因以及相应的解决的措施。通过大量DOE实验分析控片表面缺陷和沾污的因素,并对产生缺陷和沾污的环节进行优化改善。其实在硅片CMP工艺中,表面缺陷和沾污并不能被完全避免。这些缺陷和沾污或者是物理性的,或者是基于化学性的。微粒缺陷主要是由于抛光过程中产生的微粒粘着在硅片表面造成的,这些微粒来源于抛光垫或抛光液。刮伤(Scratches)、空隙(void)、凹槽(grooves)、残余抛光液(residual slurries)和凹坑(pits)是一些典型的表面缺陷,另一部分缺陷包括化学沾污,离子沾污,硅片表面金属的腐蚀在后续清洗过程中也不能完全被避免。文过大量的实验和生产中的数据研究了Reclaim wafer表面缺陷改善问题。得到了一组优化的工艺参数,大大降低了Reclaim wafer过程中表面缺陷现象,提高了Control wafer的利用率,降低了运营成本。关键字:化学机械研磨,缺陷,研磨液,研磨垫,整理器,清洗单元,兆声发声单元。Investigation on Surface Defect of Reclaim wafer Chemical Mechanical Polishing for GLSIWang Yu(software engineering)Sun Lei AbstractIn todays highly developed of information, the IC industry has replacing the traditional industries and become the basis for the information industry asa new core. It is not only deep into the basic lives of the masses, but also a national symbol of comprehensive strength.Today,8-inch fab still occupy a certain position in the market, but 12-inch fabs has become the mainstream of the industry, we are developing 16-inch wafers, hope it can be put into the market in the near future , to pull in 16 inches fab building. 14nm, 28nm wafer have mass production in the United States and Taiwan foundry. With the improvement of IC integration, with the requirement of the equipment is higher, the quality of control wafer need to continual improvement. Now the most of fab buy the control wafers form manufacturers and recycling wafer after use. However it must require lithography surface is very flat. Chemical mechanical polishing(CMP) is currently the only method that can offer a complete planarization VLSI production technique. In the CMP process, the impact of the flattening result involves many factors, how to reduce surface scratches after copper chemical mechanical polishing problem rarely studied.Base on 300mm production line, this paper analyzes the status quo and development of integrated circuit, also introduce the study of copper produced by the CMP defect issues, through the analysis of principle on reclaim wafer surface scratch and particles. Combined with the production of scratches case, obtained the scratch defect causes and solution methods. Defect comes mainly from two aspects. First aspect comes from the monitor cause wafer surface damage, Reclaim wafer polish not enough, resulting remain some hole on wafer surface. The second aspect is the research on the machine itself, include the pad, the slurry, the disk and clean module. Finally, through a lot of experiments and production practice systematic study of the Cu CMP scratch the surface of the problem. We got a set of optimized process parameters, greatly reducing the CMP process scratch of the surface, to avoid defects caused due Scratch, improved product yield. KEY WORDS: CMP, Defect, Slurry, Pad, Disk, Clean module, megasonic目录第一章 绪论11.1 引言11.2硅片回收在半导体工艺生产中的作用41.3 化学机械研磨41.3.1 化学机械研磨简介41.3.2 化学机械研磨原理51.3.3 化学机械研磨液51.3.4 影响化学机械研磨的因素71.4化学机械研磨在Reclaim CMP中的应用81.5 化学机械研磨过程中表面划伤的研究进展81.6 本论文的研究目的与容9第二章 Reclaim CMP试验设备及理论方法102.1 试验设备102.1.1 化学机械研磨设备102.1.2后清洗设备102.1.3 SEM扫描电镜112.2 试验方法及原理122.2.1 化学机械研磨122.2.2 工艺测试方法和参数152.2.3 SEM扫描电镜原理152.3 Reclaim CMP 机理 20第三章 后道湿法洗清工艺对硅片沾污去除的影响研究163.1湿法腐蚀163.2硅片的湿法清洗173.3利用湿法腐蚀去除控挡片膜层173.4 Reclaim CMP沾污与后续清洗工序的关联183.4.1 Reclaim CMP沾污现象分析183.6本章小结19第四章 研磨工艺参数对Reclaim CMP表面缺陷的影响研究204.1 研磨液对Reclaim CMP表面划伤的影响204.1.1研磨液传输装置204.1.2 研磨液的组成及其特性204.1.3 研磨液对Scratch的分析与原因214.2研磨垫对Reclaim CMP表面划伤的影响224.2.1研磨垫承载装置224.2.2 研磨垫特性234.2.3温度对研磨垫的影响244.3.4 研磨垫造成划伤现象与分析244.4研磨垫修理器对Reclaim CMP表面划伤的影响264.4.1研磨垫修理器装置264.4.2研磨垫修理器特性274.4.3金刚石修整器器种类284.4.4金刚石修整器造成划伤的分析294.4.5金刚石修整器程序设定对划伤的分析以及解决304.5 抛光头对CMP表面划伤的影响314.5.1 抛光头装置314.5.2 抛光头造成划伤的现象与分析324.5.3抛光头对CMP表面划伤改善措施334.6本章小结33第五章 总结495.1 全文总结345.2 致34参考
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