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. . . 注意:这是04-05学期王老师出的试题。大家可以做一做,考试时如果抽到王老师出的题或许对大家就有帮助了。1Ethernet使用的MAC协议是(1)。当发生冲突时,将进入二进制指数退避阶段,对于第3次冲突,等待重传的最长时间是512位时间的(2)倍。(1)AALOHABCSMA/CDCCSMA/CADCSMA/DD(2)A1B3C5D72网络体系结构定义计算机网络的分层结构,TCP/IP模型和ISO/OSI参考模型是两个主要的网络模型,其中TCP/IP协议传送层之上的层是(3)层,而ISO/OSI则是一个 (4) 层的模型。(3)A应用B表述C会话D网络(4)A4B5C6D73传统的以太网传输介质是同轴电缆,其中使用粗同轴电缆的网络称为(5)网络,使用细同轴电缆的网络称为(6)网络。10Base-T网络使用的传输介质是无屏蔽双绞线,简称为 (7)。(5)A5BASEB10BASE-10C10BASE-5D10BASE-2(6)A5BASEB10BASE-10C10BASE-5D10BASE-2(7)AUPTBUTPCUPPDUUP4有N个节点共享一条总传输速率为R的通信信道,若采用TDMA协议,则每个节点的平均传输速率是 (8) ,而瞬时传输速率则为 (9);如果采用FDMA协议,则每个节点的平均传输为 (10),而瞬时传输速率则为 (11) 。(8)ARBR/NCNRD2R(9)ARBR/NCNRD2R(10)ARBR/NCNRD2R(11)ARBR/NCNRD2R5可靠传输协议rdt3.0的发送和接收窗口都是1,对其进行改进后的GBN协议和SR协议都把发送窗口尺寸扩大为N(1)。但GBN协议的接收窗口为(12),而SR协议的接收窗口为(13)。对SR协议,若使用k位的序号,则其发送窗口尺寸应 (14) 。(12)A1BN/4CN/2DN(13)A1BN/4CN/2DN(14)A不大于2kB等于2kC不大于2k-1D等于2k-16PPP协议可以用在(15) 链路上,并使用 (16)协议完成链路状态的管理,使用 (17)协议完成网络层地址配置和压缩方式协商。(15)A多点对多点B点对点C点对多点D任何(16)ACNPBPLCCLCPDNCP(17)ACNPBPLCCLCPDNCP7RTP协议和RTCP协议是TCP/IP协议的(18)层的扩充子层,H.323是 (19) 层协议。(18)A应用层B传送层C网络层D链路层(19)A应用层B传送层C网络层D链路层8在以太网中,增加帧的尺寸将使信道利用率 (20)。(20)A提高B降低C保持恒定D无法断定二、Match the following tasks to one of the TCP/IP layers: (10%)Route determination ( )Transmission of Segment ( )ASCII changed to EBCDIC ( )Frame defined ( )Transmission of data frame( )Provides log-in and logout procedures ( )Selects a destination network ( )Provides services for the network applications( )Reliable end-to-end data transmission ( )Provides E-mail and file transfer services ( )三、Answer the following questions (20%):(1)Please show an example for every IP V4 address classes. (5%)A类地址围(类地址围(类地址围(类地址围(类地址围( IP address . What are the broadcast address and network address when default network mask is used? (5%)broadcast address : address : are the format and example of IPv6 address?(5%)(4) Consider plain text “thisisatest” , and the Caesar cipher of k=4 is used. What is the Cipher text after encrypting? (5%)四、Complete follow problems. (35%)Suppose we want to transmit the message 10101001 and protect it from errors using the CRC generator x3+1. Use long division to determine the message that should be transmitted.(10%)2. Consider a CSMA/CD network running at 100Mbps, over a 1000m cable with no repeaters. The signal speed in the cable is 2108m/sec. What is the minimum frame size for check collision reliably? (10%)3. Suppose two Ethernet nodes of 10Mbps, A and B, are attached to opposite ends of a 900m cable, and there are 4 repeaters between A and B. If the size of frame is 1000 bits, and the signal propagation speed is 2108m/s, and each repeater inserts 20-bit delay. (15%)(1) What is the one-way propagation delay (including repeater delays) between A and B in second ?(2) How long time is node As a frame completely delivered at node B?五、 Consider a LAN shown below and one class C address is available only. Please accomplish the following questions: (15%)Assign IP Network number and netmask for all LANs.R113ABHUBEFHUBCDHUB2R212Assign IP addresses to all network interfaces .Determine the route table on router R1.Answer: (1)网络地址分配网络网络地址网络掩码A、B、R1-1C、D、R1-2R1-3、R2-1E、F、R2-2(2)端口IP地址分配端口IP地址端口IP地址端口IP地址ACEBDFR1-1R1-2R2-2R1-3R2-1(3)R1上的路由表Dest. Networknext routerN hopsInterface计算机网络期末考试试题及答案计算机网络期末考试试题A卷填空题(每空 1 分,共 30 分) 1、在计算机网络的定义中,一个计算机网络包含多台具有自治_功能的计算机;把众多计算机有机连接起来要遵循规定的约定和规则,即 通信协议;计算机网络的最基本特征是_资源共享_。2、常见的计算机网络拓扑结构有:总线型、星型和网状3、常用的传输介质有两类:有线和无线。有线介质有双绞线、同轴电缆、光纤。4、网络按覆盖的围可分为广域网、_城域网、局域网。5、TCP/IP协议参考模型共分了_4层,其中3、4层是传输层、应用层。6、电子系统提供的是一种_存储转发式_服务,WWW服务模式为_B/S7、B类IP地址的围是128.0.0.0191.255.255.2558、目前无线局域网采用的拓扑结构主要有_点对点方式_、_多点方式_、_中继方式_。 9、计算机网络的基本分类方法主要有:根据网络所覆盖的围、根据网络上主机的组网方式,另一种是根据信息交换方式_。 10、数据传输的同步技术有两种:_同步传输_和异步传输。11、用双绞线连接两台交换机,采用交叉_线
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