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语篇的衔接与连贯,语篇的衔接与翻译 语篇的连贯与翻译,语篇的衔接,衔接是将语句聚合在一起的语法及词汇手段的统称,是语篇表层的看见语言现象。 英语语篇: 句子内部各种衔接手段能使句子内部紧密粘合; 句子之间各种衔接手段能使各个句子更加紧密地连接在一起。,语篇的衔接,一、衔接手段:语法手段和词汇手段 二、英汉思维方式的不同和衔接手段的调整,一、语篇衔接手段:语法和词汇,(一)照应(reference) (二)省略(ellipsis)和替代(substitution) (三)连接(conjunction) (四)词汇衔接(lexical cohesion),(一)照应,照应指的是语篇中一个成分作为另一个成分的参照点。其作用是在代词和上下文中的名词间建立起语义联系,从而为读者提供一种连贯的认知框架。 This plan was brought into being in 1948. Its aim is to prevent anyone from going without medical services, if he needs them, however poor he may be; to ensure that a person who is out of work shall receive a weekly sum of money to subsist on; and to provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement. 以上句群中有多处使用了指代照应的手法:its与this plan照应,指的是of the plan;them指的是medical services;而anyone与he照应,a person与who is out of work,还有those与who have reached the age of retirement都是互相照应的关系。,(一)照应,英语中的照应手段译到汉语中,有三种处理方式:一是保留照应手段;二是重复照应所指;三是省略。 具体应采取何种处理方式主要视译文是否达意为主。在处理照应手段的转换时,有以下几点应引起注意。,(一)照应,1. 明确照应对象,准确体现照应对象 In addition English is the language of commerce and the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position. 该句是一个复合句,关系代词which与the second language of many countries 互相照应,但关键是,与that position发生照应的名词性表语是the language of commerce and the second language of many countries呢,或者仅仅是the second language of many countries?因为position是单数,可以判断该词仅仅是照应后一个表语。 此外,英语还是贸易语言,并取代了原来法语和德语的位置而成为许多国家的第二语言。,(一)照应,2. 英语的人称照应、指示照应在汉语语篇中经常表现为词汇衔接 英语尽量使用代词,避免重复 汉语倾向重复名词 汉译时英语代词并非一一对等汉语代词,(一)照应,Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit. They are issued by retail stores, banks, credit card companies to approved clients. The bank or credit card company settles the clients bills, invoicing him monthly and charging interest on any outstanding debts. Their profit comes from the high rate of interest charged, the card-holders subscriptions, and the fees paid by some organizations that accept cards. 信用卡能使持卡人通过赊账的方式购买商品、得到服务。信用卡经零售店、银行和信用卡公司发给经过认可的客户。银行或信用卡公司结清客户的账单,按月给客户开列其消费清单,收取欠款的利息。这些金融机构的利润来自所收取的高额利息、持卡人支付的认购费以及接受信用卡消费的单位缴纳的代理费。,英语中的invoice一词指“发送的货物或提供的服务所需费用的详细清单、逐项列出的票单”(a detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill-Oxford English Dictionary)。invoice常被汉泽为“发货清单”或“发票”,但实际上它与汉语中所说的“发票”并不完全等同:汉语中的“发票”是正式的报销凭证,而英语中的invoice实际上是要求对方付款的凭证。在大宗买卖或商务来往中,商家一般先向客户开具一份所购物品的清单,即invoice,然后客户根据清单(invoice)中所列物品的价格来付款。客户付款后,会收到一份证明你已经付清该款的正式凭证,即receipt。但对一般消费者来说,购物后从商店得到的是receipt(并非invoice),证明你已经付清了该付的钱款;在美国英语中,也称 sales slip(销货发票)。,(一)照应,3. 英语的人称照应、指示照应在汉语语篇中有时省略不译 It will be appreciated that you give your reply as soon as possible. 如能尽快回复,将不胜感激。 通常情况下,英语中的主语是不能随便省略的,而人称代词或指示代词在汉语中有时可以略去。如在商务信函中,当所指内容在汉语中已经很清楚,省略不译不影响达意的情况下,适当略去一些代词能使信函显得更精炼,体现商务信函庄重简洁的文体风格。,(一)照应,4. 指示照应构成时空概念 “The law,” wrote the great American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., “embodies the story of a nations development through many centuries.” He might have added that it can also reflect a societys breakdown, which is exactly what happened in China during the Cultural Revolution. During those final, anarchic years of Mao Tse-tungs rule, law schools were closed, fair trials abolished and the civil code attacked as a tool of the bourgeoisie. (选自NEWSWEEK刊于1986年6月的一篇特写),(一)照应,美国大法官奥利弗温德尔小霍姆斯曾写道:“法律体现一个国家几个世纪的发展。”也许他可以添上:法律也可以反映一个社会的崩溃。这种现象的确发生在文化大革命时的中国,在毛泽东统治的最后那几年中,中国陷入无政府状态,法学院被关闭,公正的审判被取消,民法被攻击为资产阶级的工具。 原文中的those一词旨在构建与当时有一定时空距离的概念,由于汉语是一种注重时空概念的语言,译文不能忽略这一点,故通过“那几年”这些字眼把时空距离清晰地体现出来。,(一)照应,According to an Asian womans website poll, more than half of the respondents suggested that the new economy dress code should be comfortable. Even employers agree with that. 根据亚洲一家女性网站的一项调查,半数以上的调查对象认为新经济时代的着装标准应以舒适为主。即使公司方面也同意这一观点。 英语中this和that并非与汉语的“这”与“那”构成一一对应的关系。总的来说,英语中的that使用频率比this高,而汉语中的“这”使用频率比“那”高得多,因此汉译时常有化远为近的需要。,(一)照应,This plan was brought into being in 1948. Its aim is to prevent anyone from going without medical services, if he needs them, however poor he may be; to ensure that a person who is out of work shall receive a weekly sum of money to subsist on; and to provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement. 这一计划是在1948年出台的,其目的是使任何需要就医的人都能得到医治,不管他有多穷;确保每一个失业者每个星期都能领到一份救济金;并为那些到了退休年龄的人提供数额不大的退休金。,(二)替代和省略,替代指的是用替代词来取代语篇中的另一种语言成分。它能使语篇行文更加简洁,同时由于替代部分在语音上多属于非重读,能使话语中的新信息得到强调突出。 The Japan Societys crash course on how to bridge the chasm between Japanese and American managers forces participants to examine their own cultural assumptions, as well as to learn about the other side. 原文用the other side来代替the American mangers,这是英语避免重复、提倡简洁的习惯所致。,(二)替代和省略,The Japan Societys crash course on how to bridge the chasm between Japanese and American mangers forces participants to examine their own cultural assumptions, as well as to learn about the other side. 日本社团开设的如何跨越日美管理人员之间鸿沟的速成课程要求参加者既要了解美国管理人员的文化习惯,又要审视自己的文化习惯。,(二)替代和省略,省略指的是把语言结构中的某个成分省去不提。有时也可以看成是一种零替代形式,因此,经常将替代和省略这两种衔接手段合并为一大类。省略的功能是使标的简练、紧凑、清晰。 But can Europe learn to work together? They believe it must(). 欧洲能学会合作吗?他们相信欧洲必须学会合作。,(三)连接,连接是指语篇
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