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7A期中考试专项练习之动词填空 (A) 1. Boys always enjoy (play) computer games.2. Here (be) some picture of my family.3. If you want (ask) the way,youd better say “Excuse me ,where is.”4. Sometimes Tommy practice (play) the piano before he goes to bed.5. The twins (be) born on a cold winter morning in 1997.6. The students usually have a lot homework (do) every evening.7. Millie, (not climb) the tree. Its dangerous.8. Please let him (help) you carry the box.9. The teacher asks us (set) ready for the lessons before the bell rings.10. Who can (speak) Japanese in your class?playing; are; to ask; playing; are; to do; dont climb; help; to set; speak(B)1.Is she always ready (help)others?2. She is always busy (look) after her mother these day?3.Dont forget (bring)your homework to school tomorrow.4. Mr. Smith with his son (walk) his dog every day?5. Her mother (be) in Beijing three days.6. Millie often helps her mother_(do) the housework.7. Look! The student of Class 1 (swim)over there.8. Would you please tell me how (make) the lantern?9. You need (do) more sport and keep healthy.10. We shouldnt (watch) TV too much. (watch) TV too much is bad for eyes.to help; looking; to bring; Does; walk; has been; do; is swimming; to make; to do; watch; watching(C)1. (make)my English better, I practise (speak) English every day.2. Hurry up, Mary! Its time for you (do) morning exercise.3. The students really don t know how (say)it in English.4. Her ideas (sound) great. Lets go fishing-and go shopping with her.5. The boy called Tom (like) playing football and (chat) with his friends.6.Each student_ (have) a dictionary now.7.Do you (walk) the dog with me?8. Its my teachers second time_(get) presents from her university classmates.9. Mr and Mrs Green (teach) them English and French this term.10. Jane sometimes (study) Chinese by herself in the evening.to make; speaking; to do; to say; sound; likes; chatting; has; walk; to get; teaches; studies; (D)1. Would your father and your grandparent like (fly)kites with us?2. Lily, lets (make) a model plane together.3. The boy with a pair of glasses (be) born in Shanghai.4. He always (walk) home with one of his classmates.5.Its time (have) supper. Why not (go) home now?6. The students are busy (get) ready for the exam.7. Bill says that he wants_(be)a policeman when he grows up.8. (not be) late again. You must come to school on time.9.My teacher often tells me (not be )J ate .for school.10. Can you help me? I (look) for my ID card now.flying; make; was; walks; to have; go; getting; to be; dont be; not to be; am looking;(E)1._(do) morning exercises (help) us (get) ready for the day.2.Millie dislike (play) basketball because shes not tall enough.3.Tony with his family (live) in London, but they come to China once a year.4. Dont forget (bring) your photos here tomorrow.5. The twin brother (wear) school clothes at weekends.6. Youd better practice (play) the violin more.7.Look! My cousin (have) a big mango in her hand.8. it took her nearly an hour_(clean) the kitchen yesterday.9. It doesnt matter. You neednt (say) sorry to me.10.Alice often (fly)kites with her classmates after school .doing; helps; get; playing; lives; to bring; wear; playing; has; to clean; say; flies; (F)1. Thank you for (write) me an e-mail.2. It takes him one hour and a half (read) books in the school library every week.3. Can you tell me what your mother (be)?4. (take) exercise is good for our health.5. Our Chinese class begins at 8:00 and (end) at 8:40.6. Its sunny outside. what about (go) out for a walk?7. (not lend) the library books to others. You should take good care of them.8. She spends as much time (practice) ,French every day.9.I dont know what (have) for supper?10. Can you help me? 1 (look) for my id card now.writing; to read; is; taking; ends; going; dont lend; practicing; to have; am looking(G)1 .I work hard at (learn) because I want to be a scientist.2. There_(be)three knives and one pear on the table.3. Tom does well in (play) tennis.4. How long do you spend (read) Chinese every day.5. (play) the piano is one of my hobbies.6.Please (wake) your father up.7.The cap over there may (be) his.8. He began (learn) English when he was 9 years old.9.Look out! The light is red, we must (wait) for the green one.10. Alice often (fly) kites with her classmates after school in the past.learning; are; p
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