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高中英语语法构词法一、请根据构词法规则写出正确的单词1. ability _ (无能力; 残疾) 2. create _(重现;重建) 3. able _ (使能够) 4.design _ (设计者)4. special _ (专家) 5. differ _ (差异) 6. agree _ (意见不一致) 7.dress _ (除去的衣服)8. survive _ (存活;幸存) 9.depend _ (信赖, 依赖) 10. appear _ (出现; 外表) 11. fold _ (展开;显露)12. accurate _ (不准确的) 13. legal _ (不合法的)14. polite _ (不礼貌的) 15. possible _ (不可能的)16. regular _ (不规则的) 17. behave _(行为不端)18. understand _ (误解) 19. fortune _ (不幸)20. existence _(不存在) 21. smoking _(非吸烟区)22. arrange_ (重新安排) 23. consider _ (重新考虑)24. large _ (扩大) 25. equal _ (同等; 平等)26. assist _ (帮助) 27. rich _(使充实) 28. buy _ (买主,购买者) 29. appear _(消失)30. dance _(舞者) 31. wood _ (木制的)32. lock _ (开锁) 33. act _ (男演员)34. employ_ (受雇者, 雇员) 35. god _ (女神)36. interview_ (被采访者;被面试者) 37. exist _ (存在;生存)38. violin _ (小提琴演奏家) 39. music_ (音乐家; 乐师);40. drinker _(不喝酒的人) 41. account _ (会计)42. assist_ (助手); 43. serve _ (仆人;佣人)44. politics _ (政治家) 45. electric _ (电)46. fright_ (恐吓) 47. poet_ (女诗人)48. policeman _ (女警察) 49. awkward _ (笨拙; 尴尬)50. express _ (表情) 51. strength _ (加强)52. discover _ (发现) 53. careless _ (粗心)54. achieve_ (成就; 达成) 55. approve _ (赞成; 批准)56. direct_ (指导者; 导演) 57. arrive _ (到达)58. attract _ (吸引) 59. connect _ (联系; 连接物)60. admit _ (入场费;准入) 61. accept _ (接受) 62. mix _ (混合;混合物) 63. gold_ (金制的)64. accomplish _ (成就;成绩) 65. press _ (压力)66. recover _ (恢复, 痊愈) 67. invent_ (发明者)68. art _ (艺术家,美术家) 69. deliver _ (递送,投递) 70. discuss _ (讨论) 71. safe _ (安全)72. collect _ n (收藏品) 73. length _ (使)变长, 延伸74. fail _ (失败; 没做到) 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1Her preparation course is helping her to get used to (academy) requirements of a Western university.2. A fireman (accident) discovered the cause of the fire.3It cost (approximate)300I cant remember it exactly.4. (beg) cant be choosers.5. Other disabled people find the website (benefit) because they can read about people with similar difficulties to their own.6. She glanced (casual) through a magazine as she waited.7. The two of them are in a (compare) financial situation.8. He quit playing (compete) football at the age of 24.9. Mans social being determines his (conscious)10. The caf has a relaxed (continent) feel about it. 11. She has played a (decide) role in the peace negotiation.12. The man standing there is a (distinguish) novelist and philosopher.13. It is a (drama) story about an invasion of the Earth by aliens from Mars.14. The teachers are very (enthusiasm) and friendly and the classrooms are amazing.15. Building a new factory there would be (environment) disastrous.16. Yesterday we held a ceremony to welcome the (honor) soldiers who just came back from Wenchuan.17. To say you were (ignore) of the rules is no excuse.18. Tourists shouldnt miss the 103 bus which offers one of the most (impress) routes.19. His hesitation indicates (will)20. You should (loose) up your muscles before playing any sport.21. This will help us achieve (modern)22Some group, (name) students and pensioners (退休人员),will benefit from the new tax.亲爱的用户:烟雨江南,画屏如展。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、最困难的事就是认识自己。月-2005:442、自知之明是最难得的知识。二二二二年九月十九日2020年9月19日星期六3、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人。05:449.19.202005:449.19.202005:4405:44:239.19.202005:449.19.20204、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。9.19.20209.19.202005:4405:4405:44:2305:44:235、三军可夺帅也。星期六, 九月 19, 2020九月 20星期六, 九月 19, 20209/19/20206、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。5时44分5时44分19-9月-209.19.20207、人生就是学校。20.9.1920.9.1920.9.19。2020年9月19日星期六二二二二年九月十九日8、你让爱生命吗,那么不要浪费时间。05:4405:44:239.19.2020星期六, 九月 19, 202
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