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lisa was laughing loudly.,Unit 6,海英,Lets sing,dig,clap,laugh,.,cry,clap,dig,cry,laugh,loudly,quietly,.,slowly,quickly,loudly大声地,quietly 小声地,Slowly 缓慢地,quickly 迅速地,What was the boy doing?,He was digging a hole for his new tree.,He now.,we just now.,is digging,were digging,1.What is he doing now?,2.What were you doing just now?,He clapping now.,I clapping just now.,is,was,1.What is he doing now?,2.What were you doing just now?,1.What was he doing yesterday at 9:00 ?,He was crying.,1.What is he doing now?,He is laughing.,Laughing is important in our lives (笑声在生活很重要.),2.Are you happy ?,A smile can make you ten years younger. 笑一笑,十年少,Missing game: 要求大家快速说出消失的单词。,快点记下各单词的位置哦!,dig,clap,quietly,loudly,Missing game:快速说单词。,laugh,slowly,quickly,cry,Missing game:快速说单词。,laugh cry,slowly dig,quickly quietly,loudly,1.The lion shouts .,2.The bird sings .,3.The turtle walks .,slowly,4.The rabbit runs .,quietly,slowly,quickly,Choose the words:,quickly,loudly,quietly,Look and say,八个同学想办法将打乱的单词排好,并贴好,看哪一小组贴的又快美观。,Pair work(小组活动),What did you learn in this class? 你这节课学到了什么?,1. Copy the words.,Homework,2. Talking about your happy day.,
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