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Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.,Section B,(录音),Five minutes test,完成下列句子 1.你觉得这本书怎么样? _ the book? 2.他习惯于早起。 He _ getting up early. 3.过去他们常常写信。 They _ letters. 4.我一直呆在这儿十年了。 I _ here for ten years .,How do you like /,gets used to,used to write,have been,What do you think of,= I have been here since ten years ago .,e.g. I have been in the school for a week.,for a week,last week,for + 时间段,e.g. Lily has been away from home since last Friday.,since last Friday,last Friday,since + 时间点,2b. Fill in the blanks with for or since. 1. His father has been dead _ many years. 2. He has been away from the army _ eight years because of a leg wound. 3. He has been in Beijing _ 2003. 4. He has been a member of Helpers Club _ 2004. 5. He has had a house _ 2005. 6. He has kept the car _ one year.,for,for,since,since,since,for,现在完成时,用法: 现在完成时表示动作开始于过去,持续到现在,也可以继续持续下去。常与含有for / since引导的时间状语连用. 注意:动词要用延续性的动词,He bought a computer in 2007.,for four years,2007,since 2007,He has had a computer since 2007.,= He has had a computer for four years.,短暂性动词 延续性动词 buy have,since 8:00,The woman left home at 8:00.,for 2 hours,8:00,短暂性动词 延续性动词 leave be away from,She has been away from home since 8:00.,= She has been away from home for 2 hours.,短暂性动词 come - leave - get to know - die - buy - begin - borrow - marry - catch a cold - close - join - fall ill -,延续性动词 be be away (from) know be dead have be on keep be married have a cold be closed be a member of / be in be ill,1. His father _ (die) in 1992. His father _ (be dead) for many years. 2. He _ (leave) the army because of a leg wound. He _ (be away from) the army for seven years because of a leg wound. 3. He _ (come) to Beijing in 2003. He _ (be in) Beijing since 2003.,died,has been dead,left,has been away from,came,has been in,2b. Fill in the blanks.,4. He _ (join) Helpers Club in 2004. He _ (be) a member of Helpers Club since 2004. 5. He _ (buy) a house in 2005. He _ (have) a house since 2005. 6. He _ (borrow) the car in 2009. He _ (keep) the car for two years.,joined,has been,bought,has had,borrowed,has kept,挑战中考题型,Choose the best answer. 1. Tom _his homework yet, so he wont go out with his classmates. ( 03 广东 ) . finishes. has finished . doesnt finish. hasnt finished 2. _you _your dictionary? No, so I have to buy a new one today . ( 08 广东 ) .Have, found .Did , find . Have , find .Are ,find 3. Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes. . has begun. had begun . has been on. began,4. Jack _ China_ two years. ( 01 广东 ). has been to, for. has been in , for. has gone to , in. has been , since5. My mother has worked in the factory _two years. A. since B. in C. for,6. My mother has worked in the factory two years. A. since B. for C. in D. about 7. I have live the town 2006. A. in B. for C. since 8. His brother joined the army . A. three years ago B. since three years C. for three years 9. I have known him we were children. A. for B. before C. since 10. Her dog has been dead five weeks ago. A. In B. for C. since,B,C,A,C,C,homeless people,people in need,= We can provide something they need for them.,We can provide them with something they need.,1a. Listen, read and say,Listen 1a and answer the questions. 1. What is the article about? 2.How does the program help homeless people? 3. What can homeless people get from the program?,Once they find people in need , they decide on suitable ways to help them.,They can get good food, medical treatment, nice houses and some training.,医治,Its about a program that helps homeless people., show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物 Its about a program that helps homeless people.,Key points:,如:Could you show me your photos? = Could you show your photos to me?,注:句子 “ that helps homeless people” 在此是修饰名词“program ”。,1. show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物 2. hundreds of 几百 3. once 连词, 引导时间状语从句, 意为: “一旦就”,它的主句为一般将来时态, 从句为现在时态; 或主从句均为过去的某种时态。,语言点讲解,Once you have heard the name of the song, you will never forget it. My mother told me once Jim arrived, she would call me., once,adv. 一次 e.g. We go to the cinema once a week.,adv. 从前,曾经 e.g. Once I lived in ShenZhen .,conj. 一旦 e.g. Once you get lost , please call me up .,Key points:,2. in need 需要; 在困难时 We are collecting money for children in need.,3. decide on +n./v.-ing =decide to do sth. 决定要做某事 Dont decide on important matters too quickly.,4. provide 提供,供应 These books will provide us with all the information we need.,provide sb. with sth. 提供给某人某物 The school provides students with books. provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 They provided books for the st
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