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江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学九年级英语上册Unit 1 Star singsGrammar(2)学案 牛津版学习目标】1.知识目标:(1) 区分句子的不同成分主、谓、宾、定、状、补、表。(2)用句子的基本成分造句。2.技能目标:(1)区分句子的不同成分主、谓、宾、定、状、补、表。 (2)用句子的基本成分造句。 学习过程【预习指导与检测】 (一)预习指导1.主语是句子要说明的人或物,是句子的主语,一般放在谓语动词之前。 Mary is a good girl. No one can answer my questions. 2.谓语是说明动词的动作或状态,表明主语做什么、是什么或处于什么情况或状态。 The book is mine. Toms mother looks happy.3.宾语表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者,要名词、代词或相当于名词的词来充当。 We study English. He stopped smoking two years ago.4.直接宾语和间接宾语 He passed me a ball. = He passed a ball to me. (间接宾语) (直接宾语)5宾语补足语是用来说明宾语的特征、状态或身份。 We call him monitor. 6.状语修饰动词、形容词或整个句子,位置比较灵活,可放于句首、句中或句末。 When I came in, he was watching TV.7.定语修饰名词或代词,说明人或物的状态、性质、数量等。He works in a shoe factory.(二)预习检测A、认真预习,相信你一定能判断下列句子的不同成分subject主语predicate谓语 predicative表语 direct object直接宾语indirect object间接宾语 attributive定语 adverbial状语1.You worry too much at times. ( )2. You like to dream about everything. ( )3.Can you lend me your dictionary? ( )4.Millie is reading the school newsletter. ( ) 5.He wanted to get home. ( ) B、选择填空,选出下列句子中划线部分的作用。 ( ) 1. They are Frenchmen. A. Subject B. Predicate C. Object D. Predicative( ) 2. There are 40 students in the classroom. A. Subject B. Object C. Predicate D. Adverbial ( ) 3. Simon likes collecting stamps. A. Subject B. Object C. Predicate D. Attributive( ) 4. Miss Wang doesnt come here today because she is ill. A. Object B. Adverbial C. Subject D. Predicate( ) 5. Jane was born in America in 1998. A. Adverbial B. Subject C. Object D. Predicate( ) 6. Yesterday his father bought him a new bike A. Object B. Direct object C. Indirect Object D. Adverbial( ) 7. Paul is a hard-working person. A. Subject B. Object C. Attributive D. Adverbial( ) 8. Then man in the car is her father. A. Attributive B. Subject C. Adverbial D. Object(三)同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你们讨论下面问题:Discussion: Discuss the sentence element of the underlined words in PartC1 and Part C2.(四)预学质疑:句子的基本成分是: _ _ _ _ _ _【课堂导学与互动】任务一:认真理解P15,Part C.部分句子不同成分表格。任务二:理解句子不同成分后,完成P16,Part C1。并试试下面的练习。(1) My sister works hard. (_)(2) Sam has many friends. (_)(3) Simon is a boy. . (_)(4) Daniel lends me a pen. (_) (5) Amy finds English very useful. (_) (6) Justin can make good friends easily, (_) (7) Would you like to show me a photo of yours? (_) (8) Paul a hard-working student in your class? (_)任务三:展示更多的句子,让学生进一步操练,辨别不同的句子成分,如: (1) She felt very worried. ( ) A Predicative B Adverbial. C Direct object (2) This is a helpful book. ( ) A Predicate. B Predicative. C Attributive. (3) Ricky helped with the charity show. ( ) A Predicate. B Subject. C Adverbial. (4) Lots of people knew about the advertisements. ( ) A Predicate. B Object. C Attributive. (5) She showed us a new TV set. ( ) A Indirect object. B Subject. C Direct object. (6) The students consider Mrs Gu the best teacher. ( ) A Object. B Subject. C Object complement. (7) He bought his son nice presents. ( ) A Indirect object. B Subject. C Direct object. (8) Do you want your coffee black? ( ) A Attributive. B Object complement. C Direct object.任务四:独立完成第17页C2部分的练习,先写出正确的句子,然后为句子中的画线部分选择正确的句子成分,并能完整的读出他们。 【总结提升】1 请三名学生自愿充当句子中的主语、谓语和宾语成分。让他们每个人想出一个分别代表主语、谓语和宾语的单词或短语,然后请这三名学生把他们的单词或 短语读出来,看组成了什么样的句子,如: 学生A代表主语,他想出的单词是:Simon 学生B代表谓语,他想出的单词是:,like 学生C代表宾语,他想出的单词是:computer games 组成的句子即:Simon likes computer games. 2 试着让他们造出更多的句子,并把句子写在黑板上。提醒学生要确保句子的语法和意义都正确。3 告诉其他学生,他们也可以给句子增加一些内容,并请他们说出新增内容所代表的句子成分。4 通过这个游戏,告诉学生一个句子中的重要成分是主语和谓语,有时候也会是宾语。其他句子成分也很重要,因为它们会影响整个句子,使句子的含义更加丰富和明确。任务五:家庭作业复习语法相关的内容。【当堂反馈】一完成句子。1. 为希望工程捐款对我们来说是非常有意义的It is _to _Project Hope.2. 年轻人对老年人要有礼貌是非常必要的。It is _ to _
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