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Module2 Unit1 Tales of the unexplainedPhrases 1.tales of the unexplained不解之谜2.conduct an interview进行一次采访3.tell a mysterious story讲述一个神秘的故事4.a sunken ship沉船5.run into a Yeti in the Himalayas偶然遇见喜马拉雅山的雪人6.step up ones search for sb加紧对某人的搜索7.go missing失踪8.show up 露面9.multi-colored lights各种各样颜色的灯10.do research on对做研究11.put on his favorite CD播放他最喜爱的CD12. according to 根据,依据13.pull back 把往后拉,撤退14.rule out the possibility 排除可能性15.look into 调查16.look at 考虑,看17.give up 放弃18.find convincing evidence找到令人信服的证据19.make up such amazing stories编造如此惊人的新闻20.take charge of the case负责这个案子21.make much progress 取得很大进步22.search for 寻找 23.very disappointed with them对他们非常失望24.outer space太空25.begin with 以开始26.be launched into space 被发射到太空27.the first human being to travel in space 太空旅行第一人28.so far 到目前为止29.dream of becoming an astronaut梦想成为一名宇航员30.carry out 执行,实施31.come true 实现,成真32.separate from 使分离33.pick up 捡起,拾起,自然习得34.take off脱掉,起飞,事业成功35.stand for 代表36.in return作为回报37.intend to do sth 打算做某事38.draw conclusions 得出结论39.ran after 追赶40.play a joke 开玩笑41.make ones way to 到 地方去, 前往42.live on 继续活下去,以为主食,靠生活43.on average平均而言44. show great interest in 对 表示很大的兴趣45. due to/ because of 由于,因为Sentences 1.我们居住的世界充满了当今的先进科学技术也无法解释的神秘事物。The world we live in is full of mysteries unsolved even by todays advanced science and technology.2.人们对他的失踪表现出极大的兴趣,原因是在其失踪前后有人声称看到天空中出现了让人迷惑不解的光亮,媒体也刊发了有关外星人造访地球的报道。People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time of his appearance.3.然而,警方发现贾斯廷星期五晚上11点左右肯定回过家。However, police found that Justin did in fact return home on Friday night at about 11 pm.4. Kelly 说,当晚大约11点她听到哥哥从外面回家。Kelly says she heard her brother return home at about 11p.m.5.目击者也都说,当晚10点45分他们看到贾斯廷往回家的方向走。Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10:45 p.m.6.我掀起窗帘,看到一只巨大的飞船在窗外飞行。I pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside.7.里面站着许多白皮肤、怪模样的动物,一个个都长着又大又黑的眼睛。Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes. 8. 我现在甚至听到飞机飞过时都感到恐惧。I even get frightened when I hear a plane fly over.9.警方还没有排除贾斯廷是被外星人劫持的可能性,但同时也在调查其他的可能性。Police have not ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are also looking into other possibilities.10.不找到令人信服的证据我们是不会放弃的。We will not give up until we find convincing evidence.11.外星人将我劫持走了,好拿我来做研究。The aliens took me away so that they could do research on me.12. 所以,我们也一直在考虑其他的可能性,比如谋杀。So weve been looking at other possibilities too, such as murder.13.工程师们追赶野人,野人却以惊人的速度和体力奔跑起来。The engineers ran after the creature, which ran with amazing speed and strength.14.脚印是目前支持野人存在的为数不多的实证之一。Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti.15.他在研究这些脚印的过程中越发坚信野人的存在。He became convinced that they exist while studying the footprints.16.美国的警察加紧了对那个两天前在New Hampshire的Dover失踪的男孩的调查。Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing two days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. 17.人们已经报道说在喜马拉雅山看见人形的生物。他们称之为雪人。每年全世界有许多目击事件。每则报道出来的目击事件对此生物都有相似的描述。据说雪人体格强壮、毛发很重。人们相信他有时候会从山上下来袭击村民。People have reported seeing a wild man-like creature in the Himalayas. They call it a Yeti. There are many sightings all over the world every year. Each reported sighting produces similar descriptions of the creature. Yetis are said to be heavily built and hairy. People believe that it sometimes comes down from the mountains to attack villagers.Module2 Unit 2 Wish you were herePhrases 1.go trekking 远足,徒步旅行 2.see beautiful stars on clear nights在明朗的夜晚看见星星3.in the dark在黑暗中4.in case 以防,万一5.go white-water rafting去激浪漂流6.get turned upside down 使倾翻 7.go on a trip 去旅行8.supplies of food and water水和食物的供应9.get as close as possible to尽可能靠近10.scare away 吓跑11.up close 靠近地12.look forward to 盼望,期望13.make discoveries 发现14.need to make a fire 需要生火 15.lose ones way 迷路16.run out (of) 用完17.be disappointed at the news对这个消息感到失望 18.at dawn 在黎明,在拂晓19.in total silence 完全沉默20.look out for 当心,留意21.leave for 离开去,动身去22.be tired of 对感到厌烦23.discover a place of mystery and beauty发现一个充满神秘和美丽的地方24.regular flights固定航班25.reach to the sky 延伸到天空26.tower over 高于27.heaven on earth 人间天堂28.in harmony with 与和谐一致29.experience four seasons in one day一天经历四季的变化30.the best times to do sth. 做某事最好的时节31.at its mildest在它最温和的时候32.be surrounded by被所环绕33.feed on 以为主食;靠为生Sentences 1. 坐在什么动物上是不舒服的?What animals is uncomfortable to sit on?2.我们将和当地的导游坐着骆驼旅游,露宿在帐篷里或睡在地上。Well be traveling by camel, with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground.3. 自维多利亚湖沿河而下不远,河水就十分湍急了。A little way down the river from Lake Victori
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