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外研版初中英语新标准教材,知识树,编辑整理:南孙庄中学英语组,目录,M1 Nice to meet you,M3 My new school,M4 My Family,M5 Healthy Food,Revision A,M6 An invitation to the cinema,M7 My school day,M8 Different habits,M9 A trip to the zoo,Revision B,M2 Me, my parents and my friends,M10 Computers,七年级上册,目录,M1 People and Places,M3 Plans,M4 Life in the future,M5 My hometown and country,M6 The Olympic adventure,M7 Planes, boats and trains,M8 My past life,M9 Story time,M10 Life history,M12 A holiday journey,M2 Spring Festival,M11 National heroes,七年级下册,Revision A,Revision B,目录,M1 How to learn English,M3 Journey to space,M4 Education,M5 Western music,M6 A Famous story,M7 Feelings and Impressions,M8 Around town,M9 Animals in danger,M10 Lao Shes Teahouse,M12 Traditional life,M2 Experiences,M11 The weather,八年级上册,Revision A,Revision B,目录,Revision A,M2 Friendship,M3 On the radio,M4 New Technology,M5 Problems,M6 Entertainment,M7 Time off,M8 Public holidays,M9 Heroes,Revision B,M1 Hobbies,M10 My perfect holiday,八年级下册,Revision B,Revision A,M6 Save our world,M5 Museums,M4 Great inventions,目录,M1 Wonders of the world,M3 Sporting life,M7 Australia,M8 Photos,M9 Cartoon stories,M10 Fitness,M12 Summer in LA,M2 Great books,M11 Population,九年级上册,M7 Eating together,M8 On the town,M9 English for you and me,M10 My future life,M4 The way we look,M3 Now and then,目录,Revision A,M2 Education,M5 Rules and suggestions,M6 look after yourself,Revision B,M1 Travel,九年级下册,爱好,经历,健康,个人,话题4-1,食物,娱乐,生活,家庭,话题4-2,习俗,环保,技术,社会,话题4-3,建议,假期,教育,学校,话题4-4,语法结构,时态,系动词,情态动词,宾语从句,不定式,状语从句,定语从句,被动语态,词法,形容词的用法,其他,系动词,情态动词,动词,结构8-1,时态,天津市东丽区教研室课题组,结构8-2,Discussing how to protect animals,Talking about events in your life,On the radio giving advice and warnings,On the town Talking about entertainment,8上M9,8上M10,8下M3,不定式,9下M8,结构8-3,宾语,状语,定语,从句,结构8-4,Great books,Sporting,Great inventions,Eating together,9上 M2,9上M3,9上M4,被动 语态,9下M7,结构8-5,介词,冠词,方位词,词法,结构8-6,构词法,结构8-7,比较级,最高级,形容词和副词的用法,结构8-8,There be,Have/has got,Some any,其他,Making a poster,Doing a questionnaire,Making plans,Discussing,Organizing,Writing,Making,Talking,Module task,about computer,about experience,about a hobby,Doing a question-naire,7上M 10 Computer,8下M1 Hobbies,8上M2 Experience,Module task 8-1,Module task 8-2,Making a poster,saying what youre going to do at the weekend,planning a guide to a museum,making plans for your future,Making plans,7下M3 Plans,9下M10 My future life,9上M5 Museum,Module task 8-3,Discussing how to improve invention,Discussing what you can do about pollution,Module task 8-4,9上 M4 Great invention,9上M6 Save our world,DISCUSSING,Module task 8-5,a class talk,A debate about life in the past,9上M2 Great book,9下M3 Now and then,ORGANISING,Module task 8-6a,Writing 1,Module task 8-6b,Writing 2,Module task 8-7,Making,Module task 8-8,TALKING,感谢: 天津市东丽区教研室“和谐教学”初中英语课题组全体教师。,
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