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河北省承德市双滦区实验中学2021届高三英语一轮复习午测试题6I. 写出下列英语单词1. n. & adj. 海边(的);海滨(的)_2. n. 网;网状物;网络_3. n. 目标;靶;受批评的对象_4. n. 潮(汐);潮水;潮流_5. vi. 思考 vt.映射;反射;思考_6. adj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的_7. n. 细胞;(蜂房的)巢室_8. adj. 意识到的;知道的_9. 对知道、明白;意识到_10. adj. 生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的_11. adj. (口)好的;整齐的;匀称的_12. n. 海草;海藻_13. adj. 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的_14. n. 闪光信号灯;手电筒;闪光灯_15. 上下翻转_16. vt. & vi. 吮吸_17. adj. 锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的_18. adj. 好吃的;可口的_19. adj. 巨人的;巨大的 n. 巨人;伟人_20. adj. & n. 灰色(的)_21. vt. 恐吓 vi.受惊吓_22. 吓死了_23. adj. 浅的;肤浅的;浅显的_24. adj. 陡峭的_25. n. 界限;分界线_26. vi. & n. 跳;跳跃vt. 跳过(障碍)_27. vt. 退还;偿还 n.退款_28. n. 养老金;退休金_II. 用所给词的适当形式填空1As we know, the exhibition is held _(annual)2Hotel _ (accommodate) is included in the price of your holiday.3He _ (drag) the table into the corner.4These creatures live in the _ (deep) of the ocean.5The child was found _ (abandon) but unharmed.6The attack added a new _ (urge) to the peace talks.7The thief got over the wall and _ (flee) away.8We had better turn the bicycle lights off to _ (conservation) the batteries.III. 阅读理解Weather in England is different from one day to another and throughout the country as a whole. Perhaps the one word that best describes the England weather is changeable. The climate of England on the whole is warm wet summers and cool wet winters.The west coast and mountainous areas of England receive highest rainfall, but the east coast, specially in the north, is colder and windier. The southeast region of England is sunnier than the north and receives lesser rainfall. The climate in this part of England is more continental. You will find the mildest climate in England in its southwest region. England has a fair distribution of rainfall throughout the year. The Lake District is the wettest region in England which receives an average rainfall of 130 inches. The west coast of England receives the most rainfall (40 inches) but the east coast receives just the half of what the west coast receives (20 inches)England enjoys a fourseason cycle from spring to autumn and from summer to winter. Spring season in England lasts from March to May, but summer season lasts from June to August. Autumn in England begins from September and lasts till November, but winter lasts from December to February. The best time to visit England is from the months of April to September. July is the hottest month in England and the peak season in England lasts from July to August in the summer months. It is best to avoid coming to England during this time as it is very crowded. If the cold of winters does not bother you much, you can plan your England trip during the winter months. It is a good time to visit for those who are mostly interested in the museums and art galleries of England. Theatre and cultural lovers should also make their trip to England at this time of year.1How is the climate of England?_AIt is changeable and unpredictable.BIt is warm wet summers and cool wet winters.CIt is mildest in the northeast region of England.DThe southeast region of England is less sunny than the north.2Where is the wettest region in England?_AThe west coast of England. BThe east coast of England.CThe Lake District. DThe capital of England.3How long does spring last in England?_AThree months. BTwo months.CFour months. DFrom June to August.4If you want to visit the museums and art galleries of England, you had better go there _.Ain summer monthsBin winter monthsCin July Din AugustKey:BCAB
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