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Lesson 28 Sea Stories,Ask the students if they have seen the films about the sea and ask them to tell the class. Then show the class some pictures .,Sandy Ricks is sent by his mom to Coral Key, a rustic island in the Florida keys, to spend the summer with his uncle Porter Ricks. Sandy dislikes everything about his new environment until a new friend comes into his life, a dolphin named Flipper, that brings uncle and nephew together and leads Sandy on the summer adventure of a lifetime.,Waterworld (1995) The polar ice caps have melted, and the earth is covered by water. The remaining people travel the seas in order to survive. Several different societies exist. The Mariner falls from his customary and solitary existence into having to care for a woman and a young girl while being pursued by the evil forces of the Deacon.,Jaws (1975) The people of Amity Island have become victim to a man-eating Great White Shark. The town officials hesitate to warn people about the shark for fear of losing business during their busiest time of year. So the shark is kept quiet from almost all of the town until someone is attacked in broad daylight and killed. Martin Brody, the chief of police, takes it upon himself to kill the shark, with help from Matt Hooper, a young marine biologist, and Quint, a shark expert. They sail out to sea, hoping to catch the shark dead or alive.,Whirlpool,Sea storm,The horizon was covered with a cloud .,The ship was covered by an enormous wave.,Reading: 1).Fast reading: use the strategies to put the paragraphs A,B and C in the correct order. 2).Read the story again and answer the following questions:,1.Why did the writers younger brother fall overboard? An enormous wave washed him overboard. 2.Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool? The wind and waves were taking it there. 3. Why did the writer tie himself to a barrel? Heavier objects went down into the whirlpool quickly .The barrel was lighter. 4. Why didnt his brother do the same? He was terrified. 5. Why did his old companions not recognise him? Because his hair was white, not black.,Pair work: suppose you are a reporter, interview the victim about his experience, using the following words to help you: years ago, one day, all at once, survive, recover, in the direction of, on the edge of, moment after moment, at great speed, tie to, as you can see escape, in the end, pick up, exhausted, recognize.,Language points Edge : n. the part or place where something ends or begins or that is farthest from its centre. V. To provide with an edge or border. 不要太走进悬崖边缘. Dont go too near the edge of the cliff. 2. 他觉得快要发疯了. He felt he was on the edge of madness. 3. 她有一条镶了兰边的手帕. She had a white handkerchief edged with blue. .,4.他已经营了这个公司好几年,但他们想方设法排挤他. Hes been running the company for years, but theyre trying to edge him out now.,Escape vi. get free, get away from imprisonment or control. n. (act or action of) escape, n. something that frees one from unpleasant or full reality. 太平门 a fire escape 1.她渴望脱离母亲的管束(domination) She longed to escape from her mothers domination. 2.生活变得实在难以忍受时,他就逃避现实 When life became too difficult, he escaped into a dream world of his own.,3.他想逃脱惩罚 He wanted to escape punishment/ being punished. 4.煤气从管道的一个小洞里漏出. The gas was escaping from a small hole in the pipe. 5.那些打劫银行的匪徒乘车逃逸 The bank robbers made their escape in a car . 6.墙塌下来, 险些砸着她. She had a narrow escape when the wall nearly fell on her. 7.我阅读爱情小说以逃避现实. I read love stories as an escape from reality.,moment after moment “单数名词+after +单数名词” , 表示一个接一个地, 接连地 (=one following the other or another). 1.他一次又一次地犯错误. He made mistake after mistake. 2.他们一次又一次地失败, 但仍然坚持着干,最后成功了. They met with failure after failure, but they persisted, and finally succeeded. 3.我等了一天又一天, 但没有得到答复. I waited day after day, but no reply came.,Survive : v. to continue to live or exist, esp. after coming close to death. v. to continue to live or exist after. Survivor: n. a person who has continue to live, in spite of coming close to death. 1. 她父母死于车祸, 但她却幸免于难. Her parents died in the accident, but she survived. 2. 这次火灾中没有几所建筑物幸免于难. Few buildings survived the fire/big earthquake. 3.这次飞机失事中只有一名幸存者. There was only one survivor from/ of the plane crash.,Recover: v. to get back or bring back (esp. something lost or taken away). V. (from) to return to the proper state of health, strength, ability, etc. V. to ( get oneself or ones sense ,powers, etc) back into a proper or favourable state or position. 1. 警察找到了被盗的珠宝. The police recovered the stolen jewellery. 2.他病得厉害, 不大可能恢复健康了. He is very ill and unlikely to recover. 3.他几乎跌倒, 但还是站稳了. He almost fell, but managed to recover himself.,Recognize: 1). v. to know again ( someone or something one has seen, heard, or experienced before). 2). V. to accept as being legal or real, or as having value. 3).V. To see clearly though perhaps unwilling; be prepared to admit 1. 这
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