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WOODWORKING GUIDE: BASIC JOINERY木工指南:基本连接方式2010-10-26 21:03 上传下载附件 (16.32 KB) Close isnt really good enough. A perfect fit is what counts.“差不多”还不够好,我们要的是精准的结合。When building furniture, there are many ways to construct joints. The simplest are those that use mechanical fasteners, like nails and screws. While these are sometimes appropriate, theyre not often used in first-class work, especially in visible areas. Whats preferred is a direct joint between parts, bonded with glue.做家具的时候,有很多连接构件的方法。最简单的就是使用机械连接件,比如顶子、螺丝。虽然这办法有时候适用,但在高级木作尤其是看面上却很少使用。人们更喜欢构件之间直接通过胶水来连接。Of course, the type of joint you need depends on a variety of factors, like the nature of the materials being joined, the function of the joint, strength and appearance requirements, what machinery and equipment are available, and your own level of skill. Whole books are devoted to this disciplineand most are far from comprehensive because the possibilities are almost endless. In light of this, joinery can certainly seem intimidating to the beginner. But it doesnt have to be. By mastering two primary joints, the edge joint and the mortise and tenon, you can build an astounding array of furniture.当然,选用哪种连接方式取决于多种因素,包括所要连接材料的性质、连接点的功能、强度和外观的要求、可用的工具装备以及你的技术水平。有很多书整本都在讲这些内容,但大多都讲得不全面,因为有几乎无数种可能的情况。鉴于此,连接方法的内容对于新手来说往往很吓人。但实际上大可不必,只要掌握两种主要的连接方法边的连接和方榫连接你就能做出很多种家具了。Edge Joints边的连接The first requirement of a good edge joint is that the two mating surfaces must fit together perfectly. This means there are no discernible gaps. Second, the mating surfaces must be either on the edge or the surface of a board. End grain is not a candidate for edge joining because of its open cellular structure. When glue is applied to these cells, they act like straws, pulling the glue deep into the wood instead of leaving it near the surface where the bond takes place. When end grain must be joined to edge or face grain, the joint of choice is the mortise and tenon. More on this later.做好边的连接的第一个要求就是对接的两条边必须能完美地拼合。这意味着拼合处不能有可见的缝隙。第二,拼合的部位必须要么是板子的侧边,要么在板子的大面上。板子的端头(木纹截断面)不能用这种方法连接,因为这个面上的孔状结构太多了。当胶水涂到这些小孔上时,它们就像吸管一样把胶水吸到木材的深处而不是让胶水留在胶结面附近。当一块板子的端面必须和另一块板子的侧边或板面连接时,就要选用方榫连接,这会在后面讲到。For edge joining, the mating surfaces must be flat and square to both faces of the board. To achieve this, first scribe a straight reference line on one surface, using a long straightedge. Then clamp this board to the side of your worktable and use a bench plane to flatten the edge. Check your progress relative to your reference line frequently. And check for square frequently with a combination square.对于边的连接,对接面必须平整、方正(和相邻两面垂直)。为了达到这个要求,先在板子的一侧用长靠山画一条参考线,然后把板子加在工作台的侧面,用台刨(手动的)刨平这条边。刨的过程中要经常根据刚才画的参考线检查刨削的进度,并用组合直角尺检查是否方正。Once youre satisfied with the edge on the first board, repeat the same process on the mating board. When youve flattened this edge, lay the two boards together on a flat surface and check for fit. Usually some additional work will be required to get a perfect joint. When youve achieved it, just spread glue on both mating edges (Photo 1) and clamp the boards together until the glue sets (Photo 2).刨好第一块板子的结合边后再用同样的方法去刨另一块板子。两块都刨好后将他们放在一个平面上试拼一下,通常你还需要修整几次才能达到完美的拼接效果。修整好之后,只需在对接的两边涂上胶水(如图1),并用夹钳固定好这两块板子知道胶水固化(如图2)。1-A simple edge joint requires only the proper fit of the parts and a thin coat of glue. Be sure to spread the glue evenly.图1.简单的边连接只需两条边能紧密拼合并在上面涂薄薄一层胶即可,胶水一定要涂匀。2010-10-26 21:03 上传下载附件 (19.78 KB) 2-Pull the edge joint tight with clamps. Make sure that both boards are aligned correctly, so that the surface is flat.图2.用夹钳加紧对接的木板,确保两块木板对齐,这样才能保证拼出来的是一个平面。2010-10-26 21:03 上传下载附件 (17.93 KB) Doweling圆木榫连接One common problem with edge joining is that the glue often acts as a lubricant between the boards. This can cause the boards to slip when clamped, which makes it difficult to achieve a flat joint. There are three common solutions to this problem: dowels, joining plates and splines. Because the last two require some fairly specialized equipment, dowels are the best choice for the beginner. All you need for the job is a drill and a doweling jig.边连接的一个常见问题是胶水常常在两板之间起到润滑剂的作用,使得用夹钳固定的时候板子容易相对滑动,导致很难保证连接处的两边在一个平面上。一般有三种方法来解决这个问题,圆木榫、饼干榫和木楔。因为后两种都需要一些特殊装备才能搞定,所以圆木榫就成了新手的首选。使用圆木榫只需准备电钻和圆榫打孔模具即可。For standard 13/16-in.-thick stock, 1/4-in.-dia. x 1-in.-long dowels are a good choice. Start by laying out the dowel locations every 6 in. to 8 in. along the joint. Next, install the 1/4-in.-dia. bushing in your doweling jig and center the hole in the jig bushing over your first mark. Tighten the jig in place and bore a hole in the edge (Photo 3). Make sure that the hole is deep enough to allow a 1/16-in. space at each end of the dowel for excess glue. Repeat the same procedure for all the holes along the joint.对于标准的13/16英寸厚的木料,应该选用直径1/4英寸、长1英寸的圆木榫。先在要对接的边上每隔68英寸画一个圆榫定位标记。然后在圆榫开孔模具上装上1/4英寸直径的轴套,将模具上的孔对准你画的标记。固定好打孔模具,并在要对接的边上钻孔(如图3)。在两块板上都要保证孔的深度超过圆榫的长度1/16英寸,以便给多余的胶水留有空间。重复上述操作,打完所有的孔。3-Using s
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