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Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents 目录目录 目录目录 Lesson 1 Main Idea and Details识别主旨大意与细节识别主旨大意与细节 Lesson 2 Drawing Conclusions推断结论推断结论 Lesson 3 Sequence: Order of Events 理解事件发生的顺理解事件发生的顺 序 序 Lesson 4 Sequence: Steps in a Process 理解做事的步骤理解做事的步骤 Lesson 5 Predicting Outcomes 预测结果预测结果 Lesson 6 Recognizing Cause and Effect理解因果关系理解因果关系 Lesson 7 Using Context Clues运用上下文线索推断生词词运用上下文线索推断生词词 义义 Lesson 8 Comparing and Contrasting 比较与对比 比较与对比 Lesson 9 Summarizing概述概述 Lesson 10 Paraphrasing复述复述 Lesson 11 Authors Purpose 理解作者的写作意图 理解作者的写作意图 Lesson 12 Statements of Fact and Opinion识别事实和观识别事实和观 点点 Lesson 13 Making Judgments做出判断做出判断 Lesson 14 Point of View理解作者的写作角度理解作者的写作角度 Lesson 15 Text Structure 理解篇章结构理解篇章结构 Lesson 16 Authors Viewpoint理解作者的观点理解作者的观点 Lesson 17 Making Generalizations 归纳归纳 Lesson 18 Outlining 列提纲列提纲 Lesson 1 Main Idea and Details识别主旨大意与细节识别主旨大意与细节 Strategy 策略聚焦策略聚焦 英语课程标准所制定的三级阅读目标之一是“能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意”;四级阅读目标之一 是“能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意”;七级阅读目标之一是“能理解文章主旨和作者意图。” 我们阅读的每个段落、每则故事或每篇文章都有主题。,即这段文字的主要内容是什么。主旨大意是作者想 要我们记住的有关主题的最重要的思想。识别主旨大意有助于我们理解并记住读物内容。作者有时运用主题句 陈述主旨大意。主题句常常出现在一段文字的开头、中间或结尾处。 细节是进一步阐述主旨大意的具体信息。阅读时,我们可运用细节帮助自己识别主旨大意。 Analysis 案例解析案例解析 请阅读下面这段文字,并找出主旨大意与细节。 Today, corn is found all over the world It is a very useful plant that can be prepared in many different ways People in the West often boil it and eat it with salt and butter Sometimes they cook it whole over an open fire In many parts of the world corn is made into powder The powder is then mixed with water and other things ,and made into different kinds of food ( 选自 SEFC StudentsBook 1 A , Lesson 30) 请阅读下面这段文字,找出主旨大意与细节。 English is a language spoken all around the world. There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English Most native speakers of English are found in the United Kingdom, the United States of America Canada , Australia , South Africa , Ireland and New ZealandIn total, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongueAn equal number of people learn English as a second language These people will perhaps speak the language of their own country at home“tI their family ,but the language of the government , schools , newspapers and TV is English This situation is found in countries such as India , Pakistan , Nigeria and the Philippines ( 选自SEFC StudentsBook 1A,Unit 2) 请阅读下面这段文字,找出主旨大意与细节。 Just as I settle down to read or watch television, he demands that I play with him If I get a telephone call, he screams in the background or knocks something overI always have to hang up to find out whats wrong with him Babysitting with my little brother is no fun-He refuses to let me eat a snack in peace. Usually he wants half of whatever I have to eat Then ,when he finally grows tired , it takes about an hour for him to fall asleep 请阅读下面这段文字,找出主旨大意与细节。 Cell-phones, or mobile phones ,make it possible for US to talk to anyone from anywhere Words and images are being sent throughout the world Modern cell-phones are more than just phones-they are being used as cameras and radios , and to send e-mail or surf the Internet New functions are being added to the phones The latest cell-phones have features such as games , music and an electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates. ( 选自SEFC StudentsBook IA,Unit 9) On Your Own 自主阅读自主阅读 As you read the following article about sharks , think about the topic Then look for the main idea and supporting details in each paragraph The Great White Shark: The Hungry Hunter While ocean divers work to film a school of fish One diver feels a tug on her safety lineAnother diver is pointing at a great white shark moving toward them The shark moves in circles But the experienced divers stay calm They know that sharks rarely attack humans The divers move closer together , though , since a shark is more likely to attack a lone swimmer The shark slowly circles again, and then swims away Great white sharks are misunderstood creatures. Many people think that they are cruel 、bloodthirsty killers out to harm them Experts,however,believe that these sharks kill because they are always hungry Humans are not sharks usual food In fact, once they bite into humans , great white sharks usually spit them out A closer inspection of a great white shark will explain why it is so greatly feared The shark has a mouthful of razorsharp teeth, sometimes five rows of them An adult shark often stretches 18 feet long and weighs close to 3,500 pounds The largest recorded great white shark was 2l feet long and weighed 7,000 pounds! The great white shark can smell a tiny amount of blood in the water and trace it to a wounded animal It can see its prey from as far away as 30 to 40 feet Small holes on the sharks snout also sense signals from other creatures These signals lead the shark straight to its next meal The gray-and-white color of its skin helps the shark to blend into the background and allows it to snea
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