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战略管理城市经营的 理念与某市经营城市的 战略选择史云亘 MG0027029 战略管理城市经营的 理念与某市经营城市的 战略选择史云亘 MG0027029 毕业论文题目:毕业论文题目: 城市经营的理念与南京经营城市的战略选择城市经营的理念与南京经营城市的战略选择 人文地理学专业人文地理学专业 2000 级硕士生姓名:级硕士生姓名: 史云亘史云亘 指导教师(姓名、职称):指导教师(姓名、职称): 庄仁兴庄仁兴 教授教授 摘 要摘 要 随着知识经济时代的来临以及我国城市化、工业化的快速发展,人们对城市 关注越来越多。近年来,随着计划经济向市场经济改革的深入推进,我国的城市 建设和发展突飞猛进。但城市建设、改造资金短缺也成为全国城市普遍面临的问 题,如何拓宽城市建设资金来源的渠道、增强城市建设资金投入成为目前城市政 府最为关注的焦点之一。因此, “城市经营”的理念应运而生。在市场经济条件 下,城市经营激活了城市建设机制,政府作为经营城市的主体,通过多种形式的 经营城市,优化了城市空间资源配置和城市布局,盘活了城市土地存量、增量, 从而使整个城市增值。 本文探讨了城市经营的内涵和理念,构建了城市经营的系统体系框架。对我 国城市经营取得成功经验的几个典型城市的不同城市经营战略进行了分析, 同时 结合南京经营城市的实践研究,提出未来城市经营的发展趋势和发展战略。论文 共分七章。 第一章介绍了城市经营产生的背景、萌芽和意义,对城市经营及易混淆的相 关概念如经营城市、企业经营和城市管理等进行了辨析,并提出了本文的研究重 点和研究框架。 第二章对城市经营的理论基础进行了系统地阐述。从营销学、经济学、生态 学、地理学和规划学等多学科的角度逐一介绍了城市经营所依据的相关理论。 第三章深入探讨了城市经营的内涵及理念,介绍了城市经营的对象、主体、 方式及特点,提出城市经营的理念为城市资源资本化、规划设计市场化以及城市 建设产业化。同时还分析了城市经营与城市规划内在的关系,构建了城市经营的 系统体系框架。 第四章指出了我国城市经营现状在城市经营的主体、城市经营的资源、政府 在城市经营中的地位和作用以及城市经营中的土地经营等四个方面存在的误区 并对其进行了相应的分析。 第五章分析了我国城市经营实践的几个典型实例大连、青岛、上海和杭州, 对这四种不同的城市经营战略作了比较分析, 总结了当前我国城市经营的成功经 验和启示,并提出城市经营的发展趋势。 第六章重点分析了南京城市经营的现状和前景,通过南京经营城市的可行性 分析以及南京经营城市实践成功的范例分析,提出南京经营城市的战略选择。 第七章为结论和讨论。总结了城市经营的重要的特点和趋势,提出了城市经 营需要进一步讨论的几个问题,为未来城市经营的深入研究指出了方向。 关键词关键词: 城市经营,理念,市场,政府,南京,战略 THESIS:The Concept of Urban Management and Strategic Choice of Urban Management of Nanjing SPECIALIZATION: Human Geography POSTGRADUATE: Shi Yungen, master 2000 MENTOR: Zhuang Renxing, Professor Abstract Since the coming age of knowledge economy and rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, people keep their minds more and more on the city. In recent years, the construction and development of cities of China has advanced rapidly in the situation that planned economy is changing to market economy gradually. But cities of whole country have to face the same problem: short of capital which used to build and rebuild the city. And the municipal governments become to pay attention to how to broaden the way of sources of city construction capital and how to enhance city construction capital input. Therefore, urban management is recognized as a brand new conceptUnder the condition of the market economy, urban management inspirits the mechanism of the city construction As the main body of the urban management, through all kinds of form of urban management, the government has got an excellent distribution in space source and arrangement of the city and it revolves the earth deposit and increment of the city and so it makes the whole city rise in value This Paper has a exploration on the basic concept and idea of urban management, and an introduction of the primary practice of Chinas city management,and suggests some problems shou1d be cared in urban managementAnd this paper takes Nanjing as a case of study, puts forward the trends and stratagems of development of urban management The Chapter 1 introduces the background, the germination and the signification of urban management, and differentiates and analyses the notion of urban management and some other correlational notions The Chapter 2 systematically sets forth the theoretical basis of urban management The Chapter 3 deeply discusses the connotation and the conception of urban management, analyses internal relations of urban management and urban planning The Chapter 4 analyses and points out some problems shou1d be cared in city management The Chapter 5 introduces several citied which take the primary practice of Chinas city management, summarizes the successful experience and revelation, and brings forward the trend of development of Chinas city management The Chapter 6 emphasizes on Nanjings condition and practice of city management, puts forward the stratagemical choices At last, the Chapter 7 sums up the conclusion and discussion Key words: urban management;concept;market;government;Nanjing; stratagem 前 言.5前 言.5 第一章城市经营综述 .6第一章城市经营综述 .6 1.1城市经营产生的背景.6 1.1.1.科技革命浪潮的冲击.6 1.1.2.市场经济的发展与完善.6 1.1.3.经济全球化.7 1.1.4.城市化进程进入新的发展阶段.7 1.2城市经营实践的萌芽.8 1.2.1.国外.8 1.2.2.国内.8 1.3城市经营(Urban Management)的概念.9 1.3.1.经营.
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